Quests are routes unmarked in the field, followed by reading verse clues and solving puzzles to finally find a treasure - a special seal confirming the completion of the expedition. There are several hundred quests in Poland. Their largest base is the portal "Questy - Wyprawy Odkrywców" at
The application currently includes nearly 700 expeditions from all over Poland, and the number of routes is constantly growing. The application is a joint initiative of the Mapa Pasji Foundation and the CALAMITA Foundation.
The current version is the second installment of the Questy - Discovery Expeditions application, which has many new features, e.g.
- all available quests (about 700 routes) from in mobile and paper versions (pdf),
- extensive ranking with the ability to see the achievements of other quest members,
- adding completed quests with a flyer to your results,
- managing My Account,
- foreign language versions of the application: English, German, Ukrainian and others,
- quest filtering improved,
- the ability to hide completed quests,
- reporting problems on quests,
- push-up notifications about new quests and events,
- and many others.
The rules for navigating and using the application in the field are described in detail in the MANUAL tab in the downloaded application.
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