"Democracy 2.0"
Start deciding.
There are currently only 736 members of the Bundestag making politics for millions of citizens in Germany.
This means, among other things, choosing who should get money from “stock exchange companies”.
That needs to change!
Participate in decisions and suggest topics for voting.
It shouldn't be the case that a banker becomes health minister,
a politician says she doesn't care what her voters want and that policies are generally being made that most people don't agree with.
Or why do THOUSANDS of people who react to these 736 politicians (How many more are really dissatisfied?) take to the streets?
Because they have different ideas about arms deliveries, energy, finance, economics and health policy.
And that because they sometimes bring experience and knowledge from their job in relevant topics.
Anyone who becomes transport minister must have previously worked in a corresponding profession. Or not?
Start deciding.
By voting, you are contributing to better overall politics.