A beam of length L is loaded with a uniformly distributed load q, which must be specified.
Due to the fact that all the geometric dimensions of the section you can set yourself, then you will be provided with a huge selection of various beam beams: pipe, channel, profile pipe, I-beam, angle, plate, etc.
The calculation takes place at normal and tangential stresses, which arise due to shear force.
The tangential stresses are obtained using the Zhuravsky formula and are tested using the principal stresses according to the 3rd theory of strength.
The online calculation includes materials such as steel of several classes (C235, C245, C255, C285, C345, C345K, C375, C390, C440 and C590) and wood of three grades.
It is also possible to choose the design scheme: hinge-hinge, embedment-hinge, embedment-embedment, free end of the beam.
The calculation already takes into account the weight of the structure.
The correction coefficients for the calculated bending resistance of the tree are as follows:
Mdl = 0.66 - combined action of constant and short-term snow loads
Mв = 0.9 - normal operating conditions of a tree (humidity less than 12%)
Mt = 0.8 - operation of a tree at a temperature of 50 degrees
Mss = 0.9 - construction life 75 years