Worried before an exam in the 4th grade? you will be confident in their knowledge with application MyGIA! MyGIA 4 - Preparing for the CDF Grade 4.
MyGIA help detect and eliminate gaps in knowledge in the basic subjects: mathematics, Russian language and the world.
Tasks are automatically generated, that is, they are different all the time, and thanks to this grade 4 student crams are not material, and every time think about the answer.
✔️MyGIA - Excellent preparatory program!
✔️Podnimi your IQ with MyGIA
✔️MyGIA - it's fun!
☼Ogromnoe number of questions of the CDF 2018. mathematics!
☼Nazhatie on drawing in the job will allow to consider it in more detail!
☼Statistika contains pie charts that show your progress!
The All-Russian competition of projects "IT SCHOOL selects the strongest!" MyGIA took second place in the category of "social applications"!
To use the application MyGIA need to enter personal data (name and surname): after a course on the subject you will receive a certificate for it
MyGIA application created during training in Samsung IT School.