• Video course and analysis of traffic rules 2025 tickets (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan)
• Prepare for the exam 1 month in advance. online (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, State Traffic Inspectorate, Gostekhnadzor).
• Tests in the application are accepted at partner driving schools.
• See the map of partners (570 driving schools, 202 cities).
The best educational project in Russia according to the GUILD of driving schools.
Every month 10k+ future drivers come to us for training.
Traffic rules teachers and industrial driving training masters can undergo professional retraining and advanced training at Ruli Online.
Download our mobile application. In the Ruli Online application you will exclusively find:
- 8-hour video course on traffic rules 2025 for cat. AVMCD traffic police
- video analysis of traffic rules tickets 2025
- author's comments on each ticket question from leading teachers of the Russian Federation.
- free and without advertising traffic rules tickets 2025 as in the traffic police exam
- video course and training methodology for category A1 of Gostekhnadzor (snowmobile and ATV)
The Ruli Online method was tested and received a positive review from 19 teachers from various regions of the Russian Federation.
-In the video lessons section you will watch videos (from one to four video lectures) on each of the topics of the training course for drivers of vehicles of categories A, B, M, C and D of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. After watching the video lesson, starting with the first topic “General Provisions”, you go to the Tickets section by topic. There you will do homework - solve exam questions on the topic of the lesson. So you will go through the entire course: 28 lessons on traffic rules, theoretical foundations of first aid, driver responsibility. Bonus lessons are also waiting for you, including: Psychophysiological foundations of drivers' activities, car structure, basics of driving vehicles, analysis of traffic rules exam tickets.
You also receive:⠀⠀⠀⠀
- All traffic tickets online 2025 (categories A, A1, B, M, C and D). Tickets with all changes and as for the traffic police exam. We have provided author's comments for each traffic ticket question.
- A traffic police exam simulator according to the new rules. The exam mode in the traffic police is as close as possible to real conditions. You first choose an answer and then confirm it;
- Internal exam simulator at a driving school (60 random questions, you can make 2 mistakes, 5 additional questions per mistake);
- 800 official exam questions of traffic rules with comments and links to current traffic rules;
- Convenient statistics and error correction mode.
- Current traffic rules 2025 with illustrations.
- Protocol for mastering the material for sending to your driving school
- Driving school selection tool
- Opportunity to sign up for training with a live teacher Ruli Online
- Gostekhnadzor tickets for snowmobiles and ATVs. (category AI)
Text of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 (as amended on April 19, 2024) “On the Rules of the Road” (together with the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety "): https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_2709
Traffic tickets in accordance with the official tickets listed on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation:
AVM tickets: https://xn--80aebkobnwfcnsfk1e0h.xn--p1ai/mens/avtovladeltsam/abm
CD tickets: https://xn--80aebkobnwfcnsfk1e0h.xn--p1ai/mens/avtovladeltsam/cd
Disclaimer: Ruli Online is not a government organization and is not associated with the government of the Russian Federation or regional governments. The Application does not represent, endorse or be associated with, authorized or sponsored by any government agency of the Russian Federation or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates in any way. The application provides information collected from various reliable sources, which is also available in the public domain. All content provided in the application is for informational purposes for users only.