“Tamyr”/“Tamyrlar” is an innovative project for teaching the grammar of the Tatar language and Tatar literature, being implemented with the aim of popularizing the rich intellectual and cultural heritage of the Tatar people. The materials were prepared by the Tatar Children's Publishing House according to the original methods of Professor F.A. Ganiev and professor of the Department of Tatar Literature of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University N.M. Yusupova.
Tatar telen grammatikasyn һәm tatar әdәbiyat belemen kolachlagan "Tamyr"/"Tamyrlar" projects halkybyznyn bai intellectual һәm madәni mirasyn popularlashtyru maksata belen tormyshka ashyrila. Materiallar professor F.Ә. Ganievnѣ һәm Kazan (Idel bue) federal universities of Tatars adabiyaty departments professors N.M. Yosypovanyk authorlyk methodology nigezenda “Tatar balalar nashriyati” tarafynnan azerlande.