"Sushi Kim" is a young and developing chain of stores with a variety of cuisine from Pan-Asian to European.
Quality is important to us!
That's why:
Our mission: to make our cuisine accessible to everyone, while preserving its best traditions, subtlety and variety of tastes and surprising people with novelties and delicacies.
For this we:
We try to be closer to the Guests.
Always glad and polite, ready to help and meet you!
We choose the best products because we always prepare our dishes fresh and of high quality.
Every month we try to please our guests with new tastes and pleasant gifts.
We offer delivery and ordering services by phone for even more convenience and comfort.
We offer a policy of independent reviews. The opinion of our guests immediately reaches the management.
We are ready to meet guests at the very last minute before closing and we will work until we place the last order.
We provide all conditions for the development and professional development of our personnel.
TASTY AND CHEAP-Great combination.
It is this combination that the Sushi Kim chain of stores suggests to you.
We are waiting for your visit!!