Your rhyme application
An application that helps you find rhymes
Depends on the word you searched for
You can write poetry, rap, or even a poem for your mother or a friend
Your rhyme find rhymes easier than before
When looking for a word, there are several notes to keep in mind
The text must not contain non-Arabic characters - for example English letters -
The text must not contain symbols -example '\ -
Write the word in a simple way and do not write it accurately because that will not help - for example, writing the word stone with stone motions - the result will not differ -
Filtering is one of the most important parts of the program that filters out unwanted words
It is based on several ways to accomplish this
How many rhyme characters do you want to use - for example, one, two or three rhymes?
Same number of letters as the word being searched for - so if you want a dominant example - »sponsor-
A dictionary or dictionary, and it is your source for words. Try changing the dictionary in a world where you did not find words. There are currently four dictionaries
-the rich
The last letter movement allows you to specify the movement of the last letter of a word
The movements include
The enclosure
The breaker
The Dragon
Favorite words
It allows you to save words when viewing the preview and you can view your favorite words through the list in the application
Thank you for caring.