With the help of the Telinet app, you as a Telinet customer can easily access your electricity contracts,
invoices, your solar cell production and much more relating to your electricity contract with us. You can
also follow the electricity price per hour, get a cost forecast for your electricity, get smart tips, see your
climate impact and compare your electricity consumption with that of your neighbours.
With the help of the app, it will be easier for you with an hourly rate agreement to follow the electricity price
changes so that you can optimize your consumption for when the price is at its lowest. Turn on
notifications so you don't miss any updates either.
You can control the home directly from your mobile via the Telinet app. Take control of your home
and controls the household's connected electrical products, including electric car charging, heating
and solar cell production.
There is also the possibility for you to follow your climate footprint and see how much carbon dioxide
your household emits.
The app makes it easy for you to make the right choices about your energy use, it's complete
free of charge and it is available to everyone who is or wants to become a customer of Telinet Energi.
100% renewable energy
At Telinet, you never have to worry about where the electricity comes from. All our energy
comes only from the sun, wind and water. Unlike many others
electricity company, so green electricity costs nothing extra with us. On the contrary. We work every day to
be able to offer the market's best prices for renewable electricity - with cheap electricity contracts, simple
services and a customer service that gives you more to do things you like. Telenet provides
better energy, simply.
Always cheap. Always green. Always simple.