There are many municipalities in Slovenia, and each municipality has its own way of displaying schedules and informing about removals, which may not always be the best. Smetar is an application that would like to solve this problem and combines the schedules of Slovenian utilities into a simple, user-friendly mobile application.
- Display of waste collection dates
- Notices about waste removal (up to 7 days ago)
- Display of the type of waste removal (mixed municipal, mixed packaging (plastic and metal), biological waste, paper, glass,...)
- Gadgets (widgets) on the home screen (desktop)
- Notification of various news in your area from the utility (such as interrupted water supply) (only some companies are supported)
- Options for setting the notification hour, colors of waste types, hiding a certain type of waste
- Disabling notifications
- Automatic updating of waste collection schedules (when utilities change/update the schedule)
- Shows which waste falls under which type of waste (e.g. what falls under mixed packaging/paper/glass and what does not).
If you discover an error in the program or have problems using the application, contact me at