SmartAdmin consists of multiple tools to manage business operations in a simple, easy and efficient manner. It is mostly suitable for small and medium business enterprises. One needs to subscribe Smart Admin to get the app in use. The subscriber can configure SMART ADMIN based on their specific needs. The following tools are available in the web app and the mobile app helps to access relevant data.
- Timesheet
- Task Management
- Project Management
- Lead Management
- Daily Schedule
- Invoice
- Payroll
- Leave Management
- Tax Management
The Mobile App needs to be downloaded once the Web app has been subscribed by the business entity. The subscription is opened only for business entities. Till the subscription is active, the mobile app will not have any use.
Once the web app has been configured, the the business entity/subscriber will add employees to help them to access the data through the mobile app. Employees can use the mobile app to record their log in and log out as well to complete timesheet entry. The timesheet entry needs to be done against specifically allocated tasks.
The subscriber / business entity can use the app to notify the progress of the work assigned to their clients once such access has been granted. Such access will not be available by default but needs to be enabled from the webapp.
The project or program needs to be defined with its associated tasks highlighting begin and end data. The staff members working on the project will have the option to use the mobile to report the project progress once such access has been granted explicitly. Else, they need to update progress through the webapp.
Based on such report/data points, the project progress is getting built up. The client can review such progress using the Mobile app. Thus, Smart Admin facilitates execution of projects with agility and accountability. We believe that the appropriate use of the project management tools of SmartAdmin will result in reduced operational risks.