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Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi

Bu uygulama hakkında

The Edu Hub app is a free educational resource with a compilation of explanation videos from various tutors around South Africa, study guides with 100s of worksheets and lessons available in it and past question papers with memorandums for Math and Science Grades 10,11 and 12..The content is aligned to National Senior Certificate and Curriculum as taught in South Africa.

Get access to 100's of worksheets, lessons, old question papers with memorandums,and short snippet video explanations on subjects Math and Science in accordance with the South African CAPS.

Our Mission:

Our primary mission is to make free,accessible and easy lessons/content for kids in South Africa and within countries in Africa.
Schools within Quintile 1,2 and 3 are our target markets as they have been hit the hardest during the global pandemic and lockdown levels.The objective of the Edu Hub app is to provide students from Grades 10,11 and 12 with a plethora of educational resources in the form of explanation videos from various tutors around South Africa,study guides with 100s of examples,lessons and worksheets and the best part is old question papers with memorandums from 2002 till year 2020.

We thought of solely combining a joint force of the very best educational resources packed into 1 free mobile application for students in South Africa and will regularly be updating and uploading content as the year progresses with new videos, new worksheets, new study material and so forth.
Güncellenme tarihi
24 Oca 2024

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