Time of Boleros was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1993 before an absence of this magical melody in the radio media. Susana Saibene, producer of Tiempo de Boleros, decided to start this production, genuine boleros and thus bring, through radio, to the most romantic listeners of the world an exciting melody for love. The community work of Radio Tiempo de Boleros is "Amateurs, enthusiasts and Bolero lovers" that offer a musical cultural offer to listeners during 24 hs Online of romantic boleros. Today we also transmit to the world, through the Internet, especially for the Ibero-American community. For this we also have our website "www.tiempodeboleros.com" where we are followed by more than 3,000,000 Internet users, over more than 25 years.
Twitter: @TiempodeBoleros
Contact: (+34) 630332686
Website: http://www.tiempodeboleros.eu/
Email: info@tiempodeboleros.com