Video into Live Wallpaper Set

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Set your video as live wallpaper using video to live wallpaper maker. Video wallpaper helps you set your memorial video as android live wallpaper.

🔸Turn video into live wallpapers
🔸Create video to wallpaper
🔸Enable/Disable video wallpaper sound
🔸Double tap to start/stop video live wallpaper
🔸Set live video wallpaper fit to screen

Turn any video into live Wallpaper! Video wallpaper makes it to set and create video live wallpaper to completely personalize your phone. Customize your phone and bring your phone life with moving background video wallpapers from your gallery or camera. Using video wallpaper set your video as live wallpaper with sound. Video live wallpaper maker turns your favorite videos in to wallpapers. Capture what you see or choose the videos simply from gallery to convert in to video live wallpapers.

Key Features
🔸Set video as live wallpaper
🔸Choose video from gallery or camera
🔸On/Off video live wallpaper sound
🔸Fit to screen Enable/Disable
🔸Double tap to pause or resume video wallpaper
🔸Trim video length and set the desired part as live wallpaper

Video to wallpaper allows to create the best live wallpapers from your own videos. Its simple and easy! Make video wallpaper with sound and enable the ultimate personalization for your phone. Make your phone unique by displaying your amazing videos as live wallpaper. Let’s make your memories even more amazing and stunning with live wallpaper my video app. convert video to live wallpaper and animate your screen with your own memories.

Get the video wallpaper and set the desired video in to live on phone screens. The amazing way to bring your memories on phone screens. Video to live wallpaper helps you set any video as live wallpaper with multiples features. Easy, smooth way to apply as video as live wallpapers and complete personalize your phone.
Have a Good Day 😊
Thankyou 😊
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-fev, 2024

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