NHChina application - Import China goods is an application for Importing and Managing Chinese goods. Discover millions of ready-to-ship products in every category. Let NHChina know what you need to get a quick quote with professional service.
NHCN provides the following services:
- Searching for Chinese goods for wholesale and retail customers:
- Request to import goods and manage import goods directly on the APP
- Service of packing, reinforcing and transporting goods from China to Vietnam
- Order management, delivery, order tracking.
- Support working with domestic shipping units with on-time delivery service, end-to-end tracking and competitive fees.
- Complaints to suppliers, support to return goods
With a team of professional consultants, long experience, fluent in Chinese, knowledgeable about the market. We always aim to be the most reputable shipping company, with the best service quality, bringing the highest practical value to customers.
Contact us:
URL: https://nhaphangchina.vn/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ordertaobaonhaphangchina/
Email: ordernhaphangchina@gmail.com