e-Prep simply aims to support the e-preparation of the whole e-learners for the new era, which was thought to all of us with this unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic experience, which is still going on and probably will keep shaping our lives in the near future too. e-Prep also recognizes the fact that, all Europeans are lifelong learners, and teachers keep learning while they also teach.
In a more specific sense, e-Prep further aims to clarify terminologies that we all have been using before/during COVID-19 restructuring our learning/teaching ways, and give their proper definitions, including but not limited to Online Learning or e-Learning, Distance, Remote, Blended, Flipped and Hybrid Learning; and address the Hybrid e-Training by also including "parents" within the picture, beyond the teaching and learning individuals. Thus, e-Prep puts also special attention on the need for the proper e-Preparation of parents for their e-Readiness to this new "learning/training style"; especially mothers, who are usually in charge of close coordination of pupils' e-Training phases.
The "preparation" of all three audiences; teachers, students, and parents, aiming their "readiness" is rather a very big issue and a big challenge, and e-Prep has been designed according to the philosophy "Never bite off more than you can chew"; consequently, therefore, the project will concentrate on real life cases and give practical knowledge and information to the audience by using mobile technology, FAQ - questions and answers by friendly avatars speaking in different partner country languages, which will consider their
instant situation and availabilities as well as restrictions/constraints. For example, a student and/or a parent must be aware of the optimum utilization of their Internet access package (resolution versus speed versus cost) while teacher must be aware of producing e-learning material that will be compatible with the maximum number of different devices; mobiles including tablets, number of different OS versions, so on.
Moreover, e-Prep will present "mentoring type" knowledge transfer among three different target groups; also "guiding" type experience transfer between people belonging to the same target group. That is, a teacher will mentor a parent; at the same time the teacher will guide another teacher; also parents and students will be encouraged to be involved in such knowledge/experience transfer for supporting their preparation phase for the new learning/teaching lives.