Snjalltækjaútgáfa Apex Legends er væntanleg

Apex Legends býr yfir fjölda goðsagnakenndra persóna og stendur öðrum leikjum framar innan battle royale-flokksins vegna ótrúlegs hraða, lipurra hreyfinga og snjallrar herkænsku. Með snjalltækjaútgáfunni er baráttan í þínum höndum og hér finnurðu allt sem þú þarft að vita.
  • Smart synergies and tactical lineups are key to victory. In your squad of three, strike a delicate balance between Legends who identify threats and Legends that vanquish them
  • There's a Legend for everyone with frontline sluggers like Wraith, to distance demons like Bloodhound. Combined with a variety of exotic weapons, it's up to you how to win
  • Enjoy first and third-person modes, highly customisable controls and an optional auto-aim to keep you moving and shooting with ease
  • Expect new characters, modes and cosmetics exclusive to mobile as Apex Legends expands every season
  • Enter the fray with Fade, a new Legend unique to mobile. A vengeful super soldier, Fade slides at super speed and phases foes out of reality