A Kate Saxee Mystery

Latest release: August 4, 2021
The Devil Drinks Coffee
Book 1·Jul 2021

A USA Today Bestseller!

"A fantastic contemporary mystery romance! The Devil Drinks Coffee is superbly written with a great cast of characters, comedy, a mystery with a twist, and a budding love triangle to round it out!" –InD’tale Magazine

A cow suicide, a revolving door rescue, and the birth of a bright purple pig are starting to make Kate Saxee wonder if taking a job in her small hometown of Branson Falls, Utah, was such a great idea. As The Branson Tribune editor, Kate covers local news, which, more often than not, involves her accident-prone mom. Nothing truly newsworthy has ever happened in the quiet town until local teen Chelsea Bradford turns up dead in a Branson Falls lake.

The police rule Chelsea’s death an accident, but Kate suspects there’s more to the story—and she’s not the only one. Two of Branson’s most eligible bachelors are determined to help her solve the crime—among other things. But the small town social network is faster than Twitter, and gossip about Kate’s love-life is quickly branding her the Branson Falls hussy.

As Kate learns more about Chelsea, she discovers that plenty of people are trying to cover up the real story behind the girl’s death—including Chelsea’s parents. Now Kate has to juggle work, men, her mom’s most recent disaster involving a low-speed John Deere Combine chase on the freeway, and fend off the Mormons heaven-bent on saving her soul—all while solving Chelsea’s murder. Dealing with this is going to require a lot of coffee, chocolate frosted donuts, Neil Diamond's greatest hits, and a slew of words not on the town approved imitation swear list.

The Devil Wears Tank Tops
Book 2·Aug 2021

A USA Today Bestselling Series!

It’s the most exciting time of the year in Branson Falls, Utah—the annual county fair and parade. Branson Tribune editor, Kate Saxee, is busy covering stories involving animal auctions, the popular “poop drop” lottery, and a clown crash. Oh, and the Branson sugar factory just exploded.

The sugar factory explosion seems strange, and when an unidentified body is found inside, Kate is even more suspicious. In the middle of that investigation, Kate starts noticing other odd things going on around town, like a hot air balloon robbery, and a man’s attempt to wrestle a deer. After Kate has an eventful night that she can’t remember—she realizes something fishy is happening in Branson, and there’s more to it than a little memory loss.

Her investigation leads her down a rabbit hole of mysteries—secrets the mysterious P.I., Hawke, and politician, Drake, are more than willing to help her uncover. Along the way, a poorly negotiated wager forces Kate to spend time with Drake, and suddenly, her feelings about the men in her life are starting to conflict.

As if those things aren’t enough, the Ladies have started a Hate Kate Facebook Group, and Kate’s mom is on a baking vendetta that’s bound to cause an epic Catasophie. Kate’s not sure what waits for her at the end of the rabbit hole, but chances are good it’s more bodies, and if Kate’s not careful, her body might be one of them.