30 Minutes Read Audiobooks

Latest release: October 1, 2023

About this audiobook series

30 Minutes Read Audiobooks series is a collection of high consciousness books that can guide anyone to unlock his powerful insight to feel lost into high creativity and in depth imagination. In this collection, you will learn about intense absolute truth to wake up your lost potential that will make you feel alive, hyper motivated and disciplined. These books depict the absolute truth that will heal you for a lifetime and also, you will learn the exceptional business ideas & skills that can't be forgotten. The entire guidance will assist you in the emergence of your life satisfaction along with generating the immense power of being alone to transform your life as you want.
Alone Than Lonely: How to Live Life without Attachment & Enjoy your Company
Book 1 · Oct 2023 ·

People meet and get attached in a minute, why?

No one wants to offer a hand to people who always feel alone, is a big myth. It's the big myth I came to know with time. We encounter many people every day and get stuck in dilemmas to recognize how people are delighted all the time. Happiness all the time is also a big myth.

'Alone than lonely' book is written primarily to describe life and appreciate what aids us to live independently even with people than to live lonely.

Happiness Without Cause: Why Happiness was easy in the 19th Century but not in the 21st Century
Book 2 · Oct 2023 ·

If you feel unhappiness all the time, then this book is for you.

Happiness is the inner feeling which should be independent of any person. It's the plant that grows with others, but its roots can only nourish within us. The roots of happiness are the most significant place in the 21st century.

When we are not delighted, we may be neutral, but agony is something the real unhappiness. We are downhearted because we don't get the desired results in life. Some are unhappy because they don't have enough money. Some are unhappy about not having babies. We all have our causes for unhappiness.

Happiness Without Cause is the book which will open your eyes to the modern world of enlightenment.

How To Deal With Haters: Understand the Thin Line of Thinking Process with 99% Theory
Book 3 · Oct 2023 ·

Haters, who hate people without any reason, fail as haters, too.

We all have our chances to feel contentment and positive vibes at times when we feel trauma inside our soul. Indeed, everyone has chances, but we still choose to suffer ourselves more in the endless worthless agony. Hundreds of good appreciations boost us, but a single hate can also affect us as the good ones do.

★ Do you find difficult to sleep when someone trolls you over the internet?

★ Do you want reasons to hate someone because they hate you every day?

★ Do you want to find your haters?

★ Can you deal with the haters? Can you worship them?

'How To Deal With Haters' is the 5th Book in a 30 Minutes Read Series that can answer your questions and can make you feel good as you will be capable to smell hate from the miles away.

One Second Rule: How to take Right Decisions Quickly without Thinking too Much
Book 4 · Sep 2023 ·

◆ One second rule is not the click bait but an absolute applied principle of our lives. We all apply it, but we never identify it as a systematic rule of our lives. We unconsciously apply it every second but don't understand it consciously.

Once someone told me if we already know the truth, then why don't we accept it well. If someone leaves us in the middle of our life, then why don't we accept it and move on in our life. We know the difference between truth and lie, then why we don't accept and implement it in our real life.

One Second Rule is the mind boggling book which can support you to take life-saving decisions effectively. Moreover, it can help to identify the truth and lies of our lives. All I can mention; you are one step away from taking the life-changing decisions.

★ 'Opportunity never knocks on the open door because maybe it's already there.'

Hard Decisions Easy Life: Bandersnatch & The World of Possibilities
Book 5 · Sep 2023 ·

When you get bored with everyday food, you don't stop eating the food but replace it with good delicious food. Just like it, when you take wrong decisions, you shouldn't stop taking the decisions but start to think about new improvements in it.

Hard Decisions Easy Life is the ebook that can aid you to understand the long chain of your Decisions in the form of Bandersnatch and how it opens the World of Possibilities to learn the depth of right and wrong in any decision.

This ebook has an FAQ on Decision Making that makes it unique in every sense.

Sell Your Talent: How to Convert Talent into Money along with the Personality Development
Book 6 · Sep 2023 ·

Have you ever got the idea to convert your art into money? I think yes, because we all have the urge to earn money with less effort. It's possible when we can learn to earn money with the work we love in our everyday lives, but humans have their fear points too. It's straightforward to say but difficult to follow.

You are reading the book description because you want to earn money and there's no shame in converting a hobby or passion into monetary terms in a world where people value the money in our hands. Selling talent looks easy, but it's not as easy as it looks.

Everyone has a brain, but not everyone has the same mind. Indeed, you read it right. In this book, we will learn about how we can convert our talent into money along with the personality development.

Ideas & Origami
Book 7 · Sep 2023 ·

Different people have different ideas because the world is infinite, and we all perceive it according to the information present in our minds. The world's first greatest invention was the wheel, and still the most valuable invention of all time, because when it was invented, people needed it the most. An idea can be implemented in diverse ways to obtain different results depending on what makes it.

In this book, we will learn how we can bring genius non-existent ideas from our mind and how can we implement it according to our requirements. Different ideas serve different purposes, but if any idea is not good currently then it's possible it will be good for the future.

Ideas in the mind only, are like the worthless place that can only be enjoyed by an individual as good fantasy.

The Therapy of Peace: Illustrated Edition
Book 8 · Oct 2023 ·

Peace can't be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding - Albert Einstein.

You know, our next hour depends on how we live our present hour. Our next day depends on how we lived our last day. It happens because our mind feeds is the result of our daily thoughts, ideas, and information. In the 21st century, peace is unadorned & nothing until we lose it. In this generation, getting cheerful and not pitiful, both are different. The challenge is not to feel awful, and we will experience peace. When we talk about peace in our lives, we should also think about happiness, but both are different for humans. Peace is the primary state of mind before happiness.

The Therapy of Peace is the illustrated edition to understand & feel the depth of peace as an art. Peace is like the origin of the human graph, & to attain happiness, first, we need to accept peace. Deepak Gupta believes Calmness is the disciplined efforts of sensible people and can be achieved with practice.

The Rules of Being Highly Productive
Book 9 · Sep 2023 ·

The most loss happens to those who never think about loss. The most remarkable success comes to those who accept every result of their work. We don't have time, or we don't schedule our time. There’s a noteworthy difference.

Do you ever feel astonished at how most popular celebrities including Jeff Bezos, J.K. Rowling, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and many in addition, accomplish the highly rugged work efficiently and in a very peaceful manner? When we were arranging the mini blocks, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook and became a billionaire in no time. You know, being extraordinarily productive is like utilizing our genuine potential. Most people don't recognize their actual potential because they never utilized it like hell in their work. Humans can work round the clock until they are exhausted. If we waste four hours a day, it means we are losing double the hours of productivity.

If pain is passing in your life, don't stick to it. Let it go as rapidly as it can. If pleasure is passing in your life, grab the moment and hold it.

The Rules of Being Highly Productive book will impart you the most wholesome lessons of your life, including:

★ Four Dots of being Highly Productive

★ How to Fool your Mind with 125% Rule

★ The Ordinary Rules of Extraordinary People

★ How to enjoy Money & Life consistently

★ How to Setup Coordination between Conscious & Subconscious Mind

★ The Art of Work

★ How to Protect Time in Unique Ways

★ The Habits of Strict People

★ How to Waste your Time!

★ The Methods of Night Owls

It's not about waking up at 5am, but critical is, what you undertake at 5am. It's not about how early you go to bed, but how peacefully you sleep with your time.

How To Think Everyday
Book 10 · Sep 2023 ·

A great thinker knows when to stop thinking. A fool doesn't think, and an insane person doesn't stop thinking.

Many philosophers have accurately said rightful thinking is the capability of an enlightened and generous mind. We shouldn’t think according to the environment we perceive, but by the mind practice. Most people avoid thinking much, assuming it as a sickness of their minds, but actually it’s not.

How to Think Everyday book can advise and assist anyone to approach the following problems:

1. Why and How Overthinking isn’t Sickness

2. The Concept of Concentration

3. How to Make Your Mind Energetic

4. Making Day Alive

5. Worrying About a Problem

6. The Training of Mind

We want to give orders to our mind, but commanding it is a tough situation because it's the mind that commands our body. So, in real meaning, we have to restrain the boss who commands it. That's the ironic and laughable situation of controlling the controller.

Bedtime Thinker
Book 11 · Oct 2023 ·

Your strength is your weakness when you think of it as your only strength.

Bedtime Thinker book is peculiar; in fact, it's extremely odd that maybe you would tell me how I could write a book on such a topic. It's fascinating to know, people think what they want to think and that would become everyday thoughts and ultimately their thinking skills. Our minds are born to think divergently and straightforward but are not good enough to give space to rugged and confusing situations. Giving mental turmoil to our minds can make us sick in the long run and maybe for the whole life.

Common sense is the invisible intelligence which is exercised mostly but ignored too in Human's life, and that's the reason we need to remember it first, to understand our life clearly and make it conscious to use it regularly. This book depicts the common sense of our lives that gives us direction to keep life uncomplicated, straight and to know, what we should think before sleeping and how to see the next radiant morning.

People think and it's not new, but how they think has become a new concept in the 21st century.

Common Sense in the 21st Century
Book 12 · Sep 2023 ·

Do humans feel guilty for what they don't do? Yes; each and every force in this world affects humans silently and forms them as they choose in conscious and unconscious ways. When intelligence and education weren't introduced at a prehistoric age, people were evolving with finding the most common ways, and most people's common sense became the education of other people.

Humans are not uneducated but they ignore their common sense with more educational beliefs and confidence.

Common Sense, a slim book, is focused on how humans are missing the opportunity of common sense in their life and how they can implement it as a conscious part to make and remember it for life forever.

Blockchain Technology: The Future of Cryptocurrency, Metaverse, NFT, Defi & Web 3.0
Book 13 · Sep 2023 ·

Getting rich overnight was a dream till the concept of blockchain introduced in our cultured world, but it's sheer injustice to Blockchain Technology if we only appreciate the concept of Cryptocurrency only. When bitcoin commenced its journey in 2009, Some people bought Bitcoins and became millionaires in a few years. Now, the bubble of crypto has been rising like fire in the woods, but is it really legitimate according to every country's Government, where only a few will get money and more will lose. The question of legalization and accepting Blockchain is churning the minds of everyone where there's a lot of hustle and bustle in the market. The possibility of impossibility is attracting many investors all over the world where the bubble is getting huge every day. 

Blockchain Technology has also given birth to Metaverse, NFTs, Decentralized Finance and web 3.0, and people are noting them as a future technology but how much we can rely on them, that's a brilliant question!

The first implementation of Blockchain Technology was done in Jan 2009 when Bitcoin launched as a first real-world implementation. And someone mentioned it right, there's always a first mover advantage on the internet. No one had ever thought that a few bitcoins for just a few bucks could make anyone a millionaire in very little time.

Suppose, if we eliminate money from blockchain technology, most people will run away with their money. We aren't thinking negatively, but practically. Blockchain Technology book is totally based on a practical and feasible approach to understanding whether it's undoubtedly water or a mirage in the desert. Clearly, you will learn and penetrate the following concepts in this book:

1. The Blockchain Technology: Understanding the Futuristic Opportunity

2. Cryptocurrency: The Present and Future!

3. Stocks or Cryptocurrency: Which One is Most Reliable!

4. Blind Follow Sheep Walk in Crypto!

5. Money Generation: Who will Claim the Returns First!

6. Will Cryptocurrency Ever Reach the Future! Or Does it Really Deserve a Future?

7. NFTs: Non-Fungible Tokens

8. Can You Really Sell NFTs? How Feasible is the Idea! Why Should Someone Buy a Digital File?

9. Metaverse

10. Is Metaverse Really Possible in the 21st Century?

11. Decentralised Finance: Defi

12. Can You Keep Your Money as Defi!

13. Web 3.0: The Third Generation of the Internet

The Rules of Being Highly Skillful
Book 14 · Sep 2023 ·

Good among goods is ordinary and best among the best is extraordinary. Everyone wants to make money while sleeping, but there's no good sleep without working.

The emptiness in today's generation represents the expectations of something best out of every ordinary. Choosing wrong work can disturb anyone, even if someone earns a lot of money with it. Our minds need something innovative and creative to refresh us with enthusiasm & joy. Skills in anyone's work retain some power to make people feel great and produce a sense of satisfaction after every petty accomplishment. If someone doesn't admire his work, then he will not like its accomplishment. The skills can encourage you to find a life purpose, a passive source of income, to acquire freedom of time; let you enjoy life while approaching new people and experiences, create a great & fast rollercoaster to enjoy sight and develop enthusiasm every moment to refill the juice of life.

Our generation is highly inspired with more execution on tough, but in reality, we need great execution on essentials. We don't lose more by decisions, but by our no decisions.

Skills exert a compounding effect. The start is extremely slow, and that's where you have to survive. They are details, and if you don't pay attention to details, opportunities pass to the next person and whoever grabs its potential, may win. Money is the best and worst motivation and it will work until you earn it. So, for growing skills and motivation, we need something greater than that. Money works exponentially for those who don't run behind money.

You are learning even when you don't pay attention, but when you understand and make it conscious in life, skills start to be born within us. 

The Rules of Being Highly Skillful isn't the book but the rollercoaster where you will learn the following skills what I have been learning since childhood:

1. The Mind Emptiness: Why Skills are Significant!

2. Understanding, You Don't Want What You Want!

3. The Game of Memories: Mind Attention and Consciousness!

4. The Compounding Effects of Mistakes

5. The Slow Progress of Skills

6. Recognizing What everyone else is missing!

7. The Disturbing Elements in your Work!

8. The Significance of Wandering and Wondering!

9. 3 E's Rule: Eliminate, Essential, Execute

10. Strategy to Reduce Competition

11. Make Money While Sleeping but?

12. The Loop of Solving Problems

13. How to Build Skills on Internet

14. What Hinders Our Skills Development

15. The Significance of Dissatisfaction

16. The Impossibility of Skills

17. Enhancing Everyday Routine

18. The Stages in Skill Development

19. Avoid Multitasking! Why!

20. Brainstorming Skills

21. The Core of Discipline

22. Making Subconscious Skills Conscious

23. Exercising & Implementation of Rules!

Practice doesn't make perfect if you're not interested in that. No one remembers how afraid you are; they remember how much courage you have. Falling from the cliff and jumping from the cliff, both have the difference of fear and courage, respectively.

Unlimited Human Potential
Book 15 · Sep 2023 ·

Without goals, humans are just unbalanced emotions.

It's factual, humans keep most of their valuable thoughts to their own mind only, thinking of them as useless, even without knowing their feasibility in a real world. It's extremely effortless to win inside mind when you are motivated but life is itself a grid & series of unplanned events that we can't even plan in real life. Everything exists in the profound details of life. Also, Money doesn't provide satisfaction. It ensures the fulfilment of emotions as a whole. Consequently, in total, human potential is the will of endless power that can be achieved by anyone and even after, they would remain unaware of something new at every step. Human potential is infinite yet somewhere achievable and unachievable at the same time; very strange. You can't go forward if you get defeated at the same thing again and again. If running becomes an ordinary task for you, then run fast and so on. The potential isn't hidden. It is waiting for you until you learn what is really required to get there. Make yourself so good that even you want to copy yourself as inspiration. Human potential is unlimited but mostly, it's limited to what you really desire.

We aren't afraid of others but of ourselves with the thought of accepting our own truth. When humans fear, they instantly bring everyone's judgment into their minds. As our mind understands these judgments and thoughts, it starts to mold our original thoughts and we don't want to get our illusions destroyed.

In this book, Unlimited Human Potential, you will learn, Humans don't love everything. They are extremely selective when it comes to deciding what they absolutely desire. If humans are emotional creatures then they need their fulfilment of emotions, no matter how intelligent they are; they need the satisfaction of their emotions. Remember, an average artwork with a personal touch is a marvellous unique artwork.

We can't be peaceful and delighted for the kindness we do but for the intentions we carry along with it.

Life is perfect when you are in love.

Kindness in Imperfect Life
Book 16 · Oct 2023 ·

We can learn kindness by doing, not by saying because when we do, we would perceive why everybody can't do it.

Are you undoubtedly kind & hopeful to yourself? Do you really think about yourself? Because rare people think about you like the way you do. You should think for yourself, too, without any judgement to know what you really are.

I always think, what's the purpose of my life? Am I doing good? Am I good for at least more people? Am I being kind? Did I hurt some? Can I put a couple of water pots on my terrace for birds? Thank God, we have emotional imbalance and somehow, we get to know the truth & learn lessons; otherwise, we would get stuck in the puzzle of mind only, complaining that the world isn't actually fair.

In this book, Kindness in Imperfect World, the depiction & clarification is extremely diverse but somewhere true. It believes, humans need to be kind, not when they are in deep hope but most of the time, because at every moment, someone is inevitably in hope, and that would have to come to us in a diverse form in a different time dimension. We, humans possess world-class minds, but we mostly fail in serving kindness to people, or if we perceive differently, we experience less kindness in this world. Why do we always have the challenge of maintaining a balance of thoughts in our minds? Humans are living evidence of the fact that too much light can make us blind. Every element in this universe has a sole purpose, and that's why they are eternal. We have a lot in common for which we should dig our intentions and basic instincts. The noble intentions, trust and instinct can make anything alive, including the man with hope and kindness. You know, this book is entirely an emotional read. This book is almost my soul.

You can be crushed when you are planted, but can't when you are deep rooted, spread & grown. When good people serve us, they still need love and kindness, to nurture their hope and keep love intact in this world. A good person's hope dies fast when they aren't loved properly.

Today is the best day of our lives. What exactly are we doing it? Live the moments because one day we will realise we have everything except time. Lack of time kills every desire in a moment. Remember that. Until we have time, we have God within us. Time is the real God.

Alas! The Boring Day
Book 17 · Oct 2023 ·

Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored. - Wayne Dyer.

Discipline doesn't come with the absence of anything but with the presence of everything.

Do you really feel bored sometimes? Needless to say, the answer is yes. We, humans are the most intelligent but dissatisfied species of this universe. Predominantly we are exhausted with little things and urging for big things in our lives. Even after accomplishing everything, most people get dissatisfied and feel exhausted at a certain point in time. Humans feel sad, stressed, or even depressed because at some time, they feel the urge to upgrade to something; something they don't even know. They just want to shift their mindset, desires and emotions to something else because mostly they try absorbing energy from tasks, events, people and things than creating energy for them.

Do you ever feel bored with everything you love? When was the last time you talked to yourself? Did you ever try knowing what you exactly are? What's your true character? Do we really need people to make us not feel bored? Instead of taking interest in new things, understand, do you really love what you already have? Have you ever observed people who are genuinely happy in what they are doing and even when they are alone? How do you actually accomplish your work? Do you feel anxious while doing it? Or do you do it with a tired mind or body? Always try running away with it? Do you feel like you are doing everything you love but still don't feel satisfied and after a strange feeling haunts you for days? Do you know what really excites us for the whole day? Do you believe, selfish people are irritated and bored at the same time? Do you believe only the takers need help? Are you doing a job where everything is predictable? Are all your days monotonous and almost predictable, and you always have to make other plans to make yourself energetic? Above everything, can you live alone if everyone would abandon you at some point in your life?

You don't know your character. Your character knows you.

Affirmative, our generation is suffering from these silent ailments where we constantly need someone to satisfy our emotions & not feeling bored. The problem isn't when you need someone, but the problem is when you always need someone to become happy, creative and energetic.

We are nothing but trying to fulfil our boredom with something interesting, but in that fulfilment, we forget, what will we do if we eliminate it someday when we really want it?

It's excellent to live alone without ever feeling lonely in this world.

Hyperfocus Creativity
Book 18 · Sep 2023 ·

A true creation may or may not succeed this time but can be anytime. Most true creations are eternally ahead of their time.


Do you feel, having a great focus is an easy task?


Our world is delightful & queer, but the truth also comes along with it is also absurd and bizarre too. It's indeed essential to know we give appreciation and reward to those creators who tell us the weirdest truth of our lives, the truth we don't even accept until someone highlights it as good attributes but until then we all hide, thinking of those attributes as sickness. Affirmative, we are art creators and we believe purely in absolute harsh truth than in beautiful fancy lies.


Every human on this earth is focused somewhere, and it can be in the positive or negative direction and, on that focus, we all build what we really imagine and desire. Definitely, we all are creating what we want. We love positivity and negativity both and it depends on where we undoubtedly want to focus our life.


Do you know, self-employed people need more discipline than people who have employers in their jobs?


If you are a creative person or have the potential to create work inspired by imaginations, then you may encounter the following questions!


Do you feel hard to concentrate while undertaking creative work?

Do you feel you lack discipline to follow your passion?

Do you feel hard to get great ideas for your creations?

Do you have a short concentration span for your work?

Do you feel your environment affects your work?


Hyperfocus Creativity is another book in the 30 Minutes Read series that aims on guiding our readers on how to build a great hyperfocused creativity state in less time and revive their fortune swiftly by creating the world class artistic creations.


Only the rare people choose the work they passionately love.

Marketing Mess: Discover the Secrets of Promotion to Outsmart your Customers
Book 19 · Oct 2023 ·

Steve Jobs once said, people don't merely buy products. They buy compelling stories and are fascinated with the art of storytelling.

Can you outsmart your potential customers when they look for your products and services? Is it indeed possible to make customers a precious part of your close family? It's significant, without knowing your customers well, you may create a superior product and still bring wrong customers to your shop; but remember, it's the most prime opportunity to create loyal customers. There's no necessity to have the demand of your product when you are launching it but if you really go deep into the most leading brands of the world like Apple, Rado, Nike, and Decathlon, you will know how you can also build a great customer base with focusing on necessary detailing of the products.

You merely have to know yourself, your potential in the product and your product can itself do the most innovative marketing in the world. Most customers won't tell you the exact product they want, but they will definitely give you some hints along with problems.

We believe, without developing a superior product, marketing is the most rapid way to kill your product and ultimately the brand itself.


Customers have limited time and if you can think for them, they may not think frequently before buying your product.

A superior product can be rejected, but a valued product can't be. Be more valued than looking good.

Without a great product, no great marketing can sell it. With a good product, sometimes you don't even need great marketing.

The Marketing Mess book will instruct you about how you can learn about promoting your brand and products and know the character of your customers. It depicts strategies that may force you to think again and again and these strategies are absolutely free to implement that will shift your thinking to a very next level.

Slow to Fall in Love
Book 20 · Sep 2023 ·

Do you know how people fall in love? If someone is ever giving you the feeling of love, can you still distinguish between true love and infatuation? We often try to find true love, like it exists somewhere in the magical dark woods. Can you really find ready-made true love?

While building relationships, most people rush and try loving someone hard because they really need the feeling of love from someone. Of course, we need someone, but the need can't build true love. In need, we become selfish subconsciously and ignore the vital factors of true love. It's definitely true, when you are in need of love, you can probably choose the wrong love. People are falling in love very quickly because the idea of love is absolutely great to make us feel special and who doesn't want to feel special in his life.

Slow to Fall in Love is another classic and crystal-clear book in the 30 Minutes Read series which is focused on learning about loyal relationships and to guide on how you can fall in love with anyone slowly by your choice and build true love with consciousness and lifelike character. This book will surely transform your life forever when you will learn, love doesn't seek anything even the person you love. True Love can give you freedom that will look like manipulation.

What the ears neglect, the heart listens. What the lips overlook, the eyes speak.

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything. - Katharine Hepburn.