Brethren Writers Library

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Latest release: June 12, 2015
Outlines of Truth
Book 1·Dec 2014
“ OUTLINES OF TRUTH’ (Being Bible Talks on Important Subjects Connected with the Foundations of Christianity) explains many foundational scriptural truths in an easy to understand way, and includes subjects such as : Faith & Works, Peace & Deliverance, Safety & Sanctification, Law & Grace, ‘Sin’ & ‘Sins’, The New Nature & the Old, ‘Blood’& ‘Water’, Grace & Discipleship, Election & Free Grace, Israel & the Church, Worship & Service, The Rapture & the Appearing.This valuable book supplies sound Biblical teaching for today’s Church among whom is much misunderstanding and lack of scriptural knowledge. A word about the Author: Frank Binford Hole (1874-1964) was a man of God. The conspicuous feature of his life was that he lived and laboured in the Christian Faith, and was constrained to do so by personal experience of the love of Christ. At an early age he became a full-time worker in the service of Christ in UK Assemblies. His gifts from God manifested themselves in three different ways: firstly as evangelist; secondly as teacher; and lastly as publisher. He wrote several valuable books, “Outlines of Truth”, "The Great Salvation" and another one equally valuable "Foundations of the Faith". He also edited and contributed many articles to a small periodical called "Edification" and for many years "Scripture Truth".  This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at Stem Reproduced in this format  with the kind permission of copyright holders Scripture Truth Publications,31-33 Glover Street, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 3LD and is available in printed form entitled ‘Salvation’ ISBN 0-901860-17-4 from by the Wayside, 2014.
Preaching Christ - What is it?
Book 2·Dec 2014
Preaching Christ – What is it?
Christianity is not a set of abstractions — a number of dogmas — a system of doctrines. It is pre-eminently a religion of living facts, of divine realities — a religion which finds its centre in a divine Person, the Man Christ Jesus. He is the foundation of all Christian doctrine. From His divine and glorious Person all truth radiates. He is the living fountain from which all the streams issue forth in fullness, power and blessing. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
In this paper CHM explores Christ as a Test, as a Victim and as a Model, and asks the solemn question which still remains to be answered — answered by the world — answered by the individual sinner — “What have you done with the Son of God? 
A word about the author: C. H. Mackintosh, (1820 -1896) was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, and is generally known as C.H.M., which is all that appeared on the title pages of his major writings. He was one of the major evangelists and Brethren authors of the 19th century. CHM was converted when he was 18, he briefly farmed and then ran a school before fully committing himself in 1854 to serving the Lord whom he so fervently loved. The rest of his life he spent very actively preaching the gospel to the unsaved and presenting sound ministry both in writing and preaching, travelling widely in the British Isles and living in a number of towns in Ireland and England. He was very active in the Ulster Revival of 1859.
His writings are easily understood and they were particularly influential among North American evangelicals. He also edited for a number of years a magazine called Things New & Old, which had a worldwide distribution and reputation.
This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at  Stem
Words by the Wayside, 2014.
Book 3·Dec 2014
Mephibosheth, or, The Kindness of God.
In this beautiful exposition of the unmerited kindness of King David toward the poor lame orphan Mephibosheth, we see a picture of the kindness of God, through Jesus Christ.
The condition of fallen man, the wondrous grace of God in His kindness to poor lost sinners and the privileges of conferred sonship - “and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually” - are clearly brought out by this gifted expositor.
A word about the author: Charles Stanley (1821-1890), of Rotherham, England, was left an orphan at the age of four. Converted when fourteen, that year he preached his first message.
At age twenty-three, with meager capital, he had begun his own hardware business in Sheffield. Then the businessman met Captain Wellesly, (the nephew of ""the Iron Duke"" of Wellington). Under his gracious teaching, the Bible became a new book to him. It was his daily study, and ""he grew in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.""
His favorite Old Testament story was of Mephibosheth, the orphan who was tragically crippled. Speaking of his message on Mephibosheth, he remarked: ""I believe the Lord rarely ever led me to preach from Mephibosheth without souls being converted”.
This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at  Stem
Words by the Wayside, 2014.
The Christian Life
Book 4·Dec 2014
The Christian Life is a life commenced in faith, continued in patience, and consummated by perseverance. It is a Divine life into which only those born again through the word of truth enter. It is an eternal life, for "I give unto My sheep eternal life and they shall never perish," says the Good Shepherd. It is possessed by every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ simply because he or she is a believer in Him. It is not at all an attainment, but the gift of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is not a renovation of human nature but a new life; not a mere reformation but a regeneration by God the Holy Spirit. Strictly stated the real Christian life is the life of Christ lived in the Christian. Here then, briefly, we review the open secret of the devotional Christian lifeHave I been forgiven much? Do I love much? Do I practically own Him as Lord of my life? Do I do the things which He says?These are the questions which those who wish to know the joy of the Christian life must face for themselves. But Praise the Lord, we need not be alarmed, for we can count on Him to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. A word about the author: William George Turner was born in 1875 and called home aged 80 on 31st August 1955. He is buried at St. Nicholas at Wade, Thanet, Kent.As well as ‘The Christian Life’ he also wrote many other articles and is most well known for his book  ‘Unknown and Well Known: A Biography of John Nelson Darby’.This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at  Stem Words by the Wayside, 2014.
You Can Have a Happy Life
Book 5·Dec 2014
You can have a happy life."These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11 Why are so many Christians restless, worried and unhappy, even though the verse above tells us clearly that this is not what God intends for His children? In this booklet, we hope to address this question to discover God's remedy so that we might be able to say with Paul, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content" (Phil. 4:11).Included are chapters on : Dealing with Guilt, Seeking Peace, God Working, Peace of Mind, Confessing Our Sins, Joy of Forgiveness, Path of Peace, Following the Shepherd, Peace Assured, Trusting God, Value of Thanksgiving, Learning from Him, His Purpose, Power over Sin and Happy Living. A word about the author: EC Hadley and his wife Lydia began ‘Grace and Truth’ in 1931 when the first gospel tracts started rolling off the press in Danville, Illinois. The first press room was the kitchen, and some of the printing equipment occupied the table between meals. Later the need for a monthly magazine was made evident from the feedback of many recipients of gospel tracts who asked for a steady diet of encouragement and instruction. The first issue of Grace & Truth Magazine  rolled off the presses in 1933 as much needed “food for the family of God.” It has continued uninterrupted to the present time. This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’.Many of their writings are freely available online at  Stem Reproduced in this format  with the kind permission of copyright holders ‘Grace and Truth’ and available in printed form from Words by the Wayside, 2014.
A Night in the Sea
Book 6·Feb 2015
In ‘A Night in the Sea’ (which is part of his excellent book ‘ Night scenes of Scripture’) , beginning with the night-time crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus 14, WTP Wolston discusses ‘The Salvation of the Lord’. In his own very clear and down-to earth way he brings out the beauty of Salvation; "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord”. As he says “Salvation is a very large word. It comprehends forgiveness, and deliverance, and peace, and the knowledge that I am justified…Every believer in Christ is entitled to know what is presented here in type, and figure, and he can then sing sweetly, simply, and happily, "He is become my salvation." This is the first time Salvation is mentioned in Scripture, and the author explains how wonderfully it is all coupled with a person, the person of the Saviour. ‘He who possesses Christ has God's salvation.’ The song of the redeemed, the protection of the Lord (“ If you are under the shelter of the blood, you belong to God, He is your Saviour, and He Himself stands between His people, and the pursuing enemy.”) and many other wonderful Gospel truths are illustrated clearly by this gifted expositor. A word about the author: WALTER THOMAS PRIDEAUX WOLSTON (1840-1917) was born in, Devon, England. He says himself that before he was converted he was a most thorough going young worldling, deeply immersed in its pleasures and its sin, but in London in 1860, the Lord met and saved him. He began as a lawyer and later he established himself as a physician in Edinburgh .He dearly loved the Gospel, and it mattered not what subject he discoursed upon to Christians, he never finished without preaching God's salvation. He had a wonderful influence over young men, and frequently lectured to students in Edinburgh on spiritual subjects. He was the Editor of the magazine entitled ´God´s Glad Tidings´,afterwards altered to ´The Gospel Messenger´,for forty-five years, and many clearly written Gospel booklets have come from his pen. He also wrote books on spiritual subjects, which have been helpful to many, including:  "Young Men of Scripture", "Night Scenes of Scripture", "Behold the Bridegroom", ""Seekers for Light" and "The Church". So that by means of the printed page Dr. Wolston has been, through the grace of God, a means of blessing to thousands of both saints and sinners.
Christian Devotedness
Book 7·Feb 2015
In Christian Devotedness, A.N. Groves expounds the Lord Jesus' teaching concerning stewardship of material possessions, exhorting all Christians to trust God to supply their needs. From the Preface: “The purpose of this little book is to show that the dedication demonstrated by the early disciples, is without exception, enforced by the commands of our Saviour. And not only that, but it is illustrated by the conduct of the apostles and early Christians. The author therefore asks that all sincere disciples of Christ carefully weigh what is written here in the balance of the Sanctuary, not the balance of the world.”  “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6. A.N. Groves put into personal practice the principles of Christian devotedness which he advocates in this booklet, and proved the possibility and blessing of accepting the teaching of the Lord literally. This booklet had a major impact upon George Müller (who married Groves’ sister Mary), and through him on James Hudson Taylor and many other significant Christian figures. A word about the author: Anthony Norris Groves ( 1795 – 1853) was born in  Hampshire, England and was the only son in a family of six. Having trained as a dentist in London, he set up practice in Plymouth. He had a zeal for missionary work and although he felt led to go to India, in 1829 Groves and his wife Mary set out for a mission to Arabic-speaking Muslims in Baghdad, Iraq together with their two young sons, Henry and Frank, and accompanied by several Christian friends. There in March 1831 Groves suffered the death of his wife and a recently born baby daughter. He returned home to England and in 1833 he visited India and returned there again in 1836 with his second wife Harriet Baynes. He continued preaching and teaching in India until ill health forced him back to England in 1852. He died the next year.  He considered his life a failure, and did not live long enough to see the worldwide impact of his ideas and example on a new generation of "faith missions" springing from the 1859-60 Revivals. He has gone down in history as the "father of faith missions". The significance of Groves lies in his desire to simplify the task of churches and missions by returning to the methods of Christ and his apostles described in the New Testament. As a missionary, his goal was to help indigenous converts form their own churches without dependence on foreign training, authorisation or finance. His ideas eventually found wide acceptance in evangelical circles. This edition has been produced with the kind permission of Gospel folio press and is available in printed form from Gospel
Christ as seen in the Offerings
Book 8·Feb 2015
Christ as seen in the Offerings is a classic work by RF Kingcote which takes up in a simple way some of the offerings mentioned in Leviticus – a book which is commonly passed over as if it were not relevant to us today, but which is full of rich typical teaching. The author expounds very clearly the meaning of the offerings which are brought before us, which are types or pictures given by the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ's Person and work and of what results to us through that work which has much relevance to us today. As the author explains; “The burnt offering, the meat offering, the peace offering and the sin offering are brought before us by the Holy Spirit in order to make clear to our minds four different aspects of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, just as in the New Testament the Holy Spirit has given us, in the four Gospels, four different views of the Lord's Person, and also the blessings which have become ours through what He has done.” Illustrating various truths of the gospel, the author helps us to understand the sweet savor offerings and the sin offerings and encourages us to appreciate more deeply the magnitude, the meaning & the gloriousness of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sinless life and finished work. A word about the author: Capt. Robert F. Kingscote  (1811 – 1893)  was of the old family of Kingscote of Kingscote, Gloucestershire,  Capt. Kingscote was in the Royal Lancers, but on his conversion he left the Army. He was a great friend of the late Duke of Cambridge, the cousin of Queen Victoria. He was the writer of several tracts and pamphlets, “Christ as Seen in the Offerings,” is based on a series of addresses given by him at Park Street, London, which was printed and published in one volume, and has helped many over the years.
Selected Short Writings
Book 9·Feb 2015
JND was a prodigious writer who had a major influence on evangelical thinking in the 19th Century.
Here are just a few of his articles. Man Fallen and The Seed of the Woman, Genesis Chapter 3:“Satan is active, and his power consists in producing distrust, and this where there is happiness and intimate relation with God - to darken, and, if possible, destroy all in the heart.Eve listened to and believed Satan, in place of listening to God and believing Him; and this is just what man is ever doing, but God pronounces judgment on the enemy, and in the midst of it the revelation is made of the Saviour, for the suffering second Man, the woman's Seed, is Son of God, the true God, and eternal life, who became man, to die for sinners and destroy the works of the devil.” God's House and The Way, Psalm 84:“Would not such a thought as being in God's court, as men dwelling in God's own house, greatly delight and surprise us, if heard for the first time and its meaning understood?It is this new thing - that men should dwell in God's own house; not be there merely as a visitor, but a dweller. Is the hope of the Lord's coming your daily delight? Does it influence you in the ten thousand details of your every-day life? Or are you so walking hand in hand with The World that the very thought of His Coming fills you with shame?” Death with Christ , Romans Chapter 6:“The application of ‘Christ dead and risen’ to the believer's walk,The motive to, yea ground of, a Christian life is that we died with Christ; and we have life through a dead Christ, with whom we died."Walk in newness of life." "Have your fruit unto holiness." But the great doctrine of grace is - saved by a mediator.” A word about the author: John Nelson DARBY (1800 -1882) came from an Anglo-Irish landowning family seated at Leap Castle, King's County, Ireland. His middle name was given in recognition of his godfather and family friend, Lord Nelson.Born at Westminster, he was educated at Westminster School, then at Trinity College, Dublin. He was studying for Law when he was gloriously saved and felt that being a lawyer was inconsistent with his religious belief, so he studied divinity instead. Around 1830 he joined an interdenominational meeting of believers (including Anthony Norris Groves, Edward Cronin, J. G. Bellett) who met to "break bread" together in Dublin as a symbol of their unity in Christ. By 1832, this group had grown and began to identify themselves as a distinct Christian assembly. As they travelled and began new assemblies in Ireland and England, they formed the movement now commonly called ‘Brethren’. He used his classical skills to translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek texts into several languages. In English he wrote a Synopsis of the Bible and many other scholarly religious articles. He wrote hymns and poems, the most famous being, "Man of Sorrows”.
Out of Death into Life
Book 10·Feb 2015
As JB Stoney explores the experiences of Jonah and others in ‘Out of Death into Life’, he shows us that “WILL is the real cause of the restlessness, and of the absence of full joy in souls. …. the only true place of happiness for a believer is to be without a will of his own….” and how the enjoyment of our salvation depends on us appropriating the death of Christ. 
What did Eve, Jonah, the Rich Young Ruler and many, many others in scripture have in common? They had a will of their own that was against God; God wanted them to go to the left and they wanted to go to the right. 
Even the Apostle Paul, who had thought himself so incomparably good, had found that he had a will that was against God, (so that he calls himself afterwards the chief of sinners). But after he appropriated the death of Christ “He has been turned round, as it were; he has learned that the old Saul has gone in the cross…. It is not only that his sins are gone, but he himself is a gone man, gone in the death of Christ. He has gone to his own funeral in that sense, and is glad to be free of himself.”  
A word about the author: James Butler Stoney (1814 – 1897) was born in Co. Tipperary, Ireland and entered Trinity College, Dublin, at the young age of fifteen. In 1831 men were dying of cholera all around him in Dublin. He was suddenly taken ill and, sure he was going to die and realizing he was a sinner on the very brink of a lost eternity, he called upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone for Salvation and was gloriously saved.  
He left off studying for law and joined the Divinity Class at Trinity College, Dublin, hoping to study for four years and then be ordained. His family were very angry, as they thought his fine talents and opportunities were being thrown away. But during those four years he was studying the Scrip¬tures with all the earnestness of a soul that had learned that unseen things are for eternity, and the seen things of this life are passing away. He never was ordained, and became part of an early ‘Brethren’ Assembly, ‘gathered to the Lord’s Name’. He has written a book called "Discipline in the School of God," dealing with the Old Testament characters, and contributed to several periodicals including ‘A voice to the Faithful’. A fervent, impressive speaker, he spoke somewhere every day and travelled much around Great Britain and Ireland, teaching and preaching. 
Book 11·Feb 2015
In ‘Elijah’, Hamilton Smith traces the major events of the life of Elijah, the Prophet of God, with all the highs and lows in his work as a prophet. Elijah knew only too well the inadequacies of his own humanity - he was a man who was “subject to like passions as we are”. But Elijah knew the living God, was conscious of His presence, and was aware that prayer brought him into contact with the greatest power in the universe. By experience, he comes to understand that the God of creation, power and judgment, is supremely the God of grace.  At each step, the author presents clear, practical lessons for Christians today as they too seek to present God's word with authority to an indifferent or antgonistic world.    “-may we too catch the spirit of Elijah and learn to walk in separation from evil, in dependence on God, and devotedness to God; while waiting to be rapt to glory at the coming of the Lord.” H.S. A word about the author: Hamilton Smith 1862 -1943 was born in Barnes, Surrey, England. By 1901, living in Sutton, Surrey, with his wife Rachel and young family, he had entered full-time upon the task of building up the church of God. He and his cousin F.B. Hole were linked in business before their full-time ministry for the Lord.  Later in life, he moved to Weston-super-Mare in Somerset, His personal ministry was delivered in the United Kingdom, but his written ministry continues to be read worldwide. Hamilton Smith is a much loved expositor of the Scriptures. He wrote on many different portions of the Bible but is probably best known for his character studies of Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, Joseph, and Ruth which have been published in several languages. Hamilton Smith's written expositions of the Scriptures are brief, clear and to the point. This volume is one of a series of Old Testament character studies for which he is probably best known.  He was on the editorial committee of Scripture Truth magazine at its founding in 1909, and contributed many articles to this magazine.  This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’.We pray that the rich mine of spiritual truths in their writings may be opened up to you that you may be built up in your most holy faith.
Woollen and Linen
Book 12·Mar 2015
In Woollen and Linen, J. G. Bellett exhorts us to live our lives wholly for God. We are not to be found wearing garments of ‘woollen and linen’ or ‘divers sorts’ ie we are not to live with a mixture of Godly and wordly principles.
In this challenging book we are exhorted to purity of heart and spirit. For our encouragement, JG Bellett draws examples from the lives of David and Abraham, who, despite failures, followed God according to His mind.  Then by showing us the error of men such as Lot, Jonathan, Obadiah and Jehoshaphat he also warns us to beware of living lives inconsistent with the call of God.  A word about the author: John Gifford Bellett (1795 –1864) was born in Dublin, Ireland. He was educated first at the Grammar School in Exeter, England, then at Trinity College Dublin, where he excelled in classics. Here he met and became a lifelong friend of John Nelson Darby. He was saved when he was a student and spent his life in the service of his Lord.
Bellett wrote many articles and books on scriptural subjects, his most famous works being The Patriarchs, The Evangelists, The Minor Prophets and The Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus.
This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at Stem
Words by the Wayside, 2015.
Egypt to Canaan
Book 15·Apr 2015
In From Egypt to Canaan John Ritchie traces the epic journey of the Israelites from their redemption by blood all the way to the promised land. These incidents in Israel's history are illustrative pictures or ‘types’ (in the book of Hebrews they are called patterns, figures, and shadows) from which God will teach us important spiritual lessons if we are willing to learn them. It is profitable to hear about these things to learn again of the power and grace of God, the love and sacrifice of our Saviour, and the never-failing resources available for us as we travel through the wilderness of this world. Christ is the key to all these parts of Holy Scripture for everything was pointing forward to Him. This was an unholy and often stiffnecked people (like ourselves) amenable to the wrath of a holy God, yet how wonderful it is to see how God would find a way by which He might dwell among them and fulfil His purposes about them. “Egypt is a figure of this world where Satan rules, where the flesh is ministered to, and where it has plenty to feed upon, and where as sinners we are found to be the servants of Satan.”“Canaan is not really a type of what a believer enters after death when he departs to be with Christ, for there we shall be at rest. In Canaan we must handle the sword and shield, as in Ephesians 6, in conflict with wicked spirits who would dispute our right and hinder our enjoyment of what grace has given to us…”  The short chapters of this book are self-contained studies of topics of spiritual value. In the belief that such teaching is timeless in its relevance and applicability, this is a new edition in a style, format and language suited to the present day.
Jehoshaphat: Worldliness
Book 17·May 2015
 ‘Jehoshaphat – Worldliness’  looks at the life of this Old Testament King of  Judah and encourages us to examine ourselves in the light of his mistakes. When a Christian enters into connection with the world, he lays himself open to be "persuaded" by the world, to enter upon an unchristian course of action.  "Keep thyself pure" is a valuable admonition for us all."Come out from among them, and be ye separate" Let us ask ourselves, Can our association with the world go hand in hand with our fellowship with God? This is really the question.The man who conforms to the world will be the enemy of Christ, and the enemy of Christ's people. It cannot be otherwise. "The friendship of the world is enmity with God; whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."How fully was this proved in the case of king Jehoshaphat! He became the friend and companion of Ahab, one of the most evil kings in history. The beginning of evil is like the letting out of water. Small beginnings lead to fearful results.Dear Christian reader, let us, with the Lord's help, endeavour to shake off the world's influence, and purge ourselves from its ways. We have no idea how insidiously it creeps in upon us., "Take heed what ye do." "Come out, and be separate." We cannot, by any possibility, mix ourselves up with the world, and allow ourselves to be governed and led by its maxims and principles, without suffering in our own souls, and marring our testimony. Publisher’s note. This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at Stem  Words by the Wayside, 2015.  
Simon Peter - Sifted as Wheat
Book 18·May 2015
‘Simon Peter – Sifted as Wheat’ examines the sad episode of Peter’s denial of the Lord. “ Simon, Simon,” the Lord says, “behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art converted (restored), strengthen thy brethren”. Simon got his warning here; if he had only taken heed to it, what a different sequel would have been recorded! If he had only been chaff, and not really “wheat,” Satan would not have wanted to sift him: it was because he was the real wheat that Satan desired to get him in his power. Satan does not tempt an unconverted person, he tempts a child of God, but he governs and controls entirely the unconverted — drives them before him at his will.When Jesus was arrested “they all forsook Him and fled.” Afterward we see Peter following “afar off,” and then again we see him in the high priest’s hall, where there was a fire, and he warms himself by it.What steps we see in Peter’s downward course, leading to his denial of the Lord he loved! First, declaring he was ready to die for Him, although the Lord had just told him that Satan was desiring to have him, and that He was praying for him; next, sleeping when he should have been watching; then fighting when he should have been quiet; then following afar off when he should have been near; and now sitting down, side by aide, with the enemies of Christ, and warming himself. With such a prelude one can only expect what followed - Peter denied with oaths and cursings that he had ever known the Lord.The only path of safety therefore is found in keeping as near to the Lord as we can, and as far away as possible from all that savours of the world. The moral lessons for each of us from this sad episode in Peter’s history are many and plain. It should teach us to walk softly, prayerfully, and ever keep near to the Lord. ‘Simon Peter – sifted as Wheat’ is part of the author’s excellent book ‘Simon Peter – his life and letters’.
Publisher’s note:This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’.This edition copyright Words by the Wayside, 2015. (  
Short Writings: Volume 1
Book 19·May 2015
Short Writings volume 1By various authors Comprising : The Loveliness of Christ , by Hamilton SmithWe need every Scripture for conviction, correction, and instruction; but the Scriptures that present "the things concerning Himself" must have a special charm for the Christian. It is this that makes Psalm 16 so attractive, for it sets forth the moral perfections of Christ, the perfect Man, as He trod the path of life through this world of sin and death.Here, then, we have portrayed in all its blessedness the inner life of a perfect Man Faithfulness, Fruitfulness and Fragrance, by F S MarshAMIDST the many beauties which shone in our Lord Jesus when here, there were three distinctive features – faithfulness, fruitfulness and fragrance.While these were seen perfectly in Him, it is the desire of the heart of God that the same features should be reproduced in those who love our Lord Jesus Christ, as left here to await His return. Counsels to Young Christians, by Walter ScottThis wise advice will help young believers on their Pilgrim way.First and formost Grip God's Word; get anchored on the rock of imperishable Scripture. These subjects are also examined - Two Natures and the Holy Spirit, Amusements, Prayer, Bible Reading and Study, Choice of Companions, Love and Marriage, Behaviour and Conversation. Publisher’s note: This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’.This edition copyright Words by the Wayside, 2015. (  
Christ the Way, the Truth, the Life
Book 20·May 2015
In ‘Christ the Way, the Truth, the Life’ (John Chapter 14 verse 6) William Kelly clearly brings out the Gospel message and the centrality of Christ in all things.The Lord Jesus Christ said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”  The WAY - Man is lost, and the world is as much of a wilderness as the sands of Arabia to a traveller who has lost his way. The Lord Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost. Jesus says, "I am the Way," and it is sure, unfailing. He is the Way. We have nothing to do but to take the way. The TRUTH -The truth is the revelation of God, the manifestation of everything else, in Christ. In short, He manifests every one and every thing exactly as each is. The LIFE -  How deeply we need the life of Christ, in order that we may live to God, How plain it is that the whole practical walk of believers flows from life in Christ, God declares that He has given me, if a believer, another nature, new life in Christ. Nicodemus had to learn that he not only needed to hear what Jesus had to teach - he needed to be born afresh and have eternal life.
 Publisher’s note: This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’.This edition copyright Words by the Wayside, 2015. (  
The High Priest's Garments
Book 21·May 2015
In ‘The High Priest’s Garments’, W.W. Fereday illuminates the typical character of the ancient ritual. Because Israel's ritual pointed to Christ, the smallest details are given. Nothing is too small for notice that in any way speaks of God's beloved Son. Let us clearly understand where priesthood comes in, in the ways of God. When Israel was in Egypt, groaning under the yoke of Pharaoh, God did not provide a priest but a saviour. But when the people were delivered, having come under the blood of the Lamb, and having passed through the Red Sea, then — and not till then — did God say anything about a priest. In like manner today, the Saviour is God's provision for the burdened sinner, and the Priest is God's provision for the delivered saint. It is the “holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling,” who are exhorted to consider the Apostle and High Priest of their confession (Hebrews 3:1). Priesthood is not designed to bring men into relationship with God, but rather to help those who are already in relationship with God. This book is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’. Many of their writings are freely available online at Stem  Words by the Wayside, 2015.