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How Novels Work
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What Matters in Jane Austen?: Twenty Crucial Puzzles Solved
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The Artful Dickens: The Tricks and Ploys of the Great Novelist
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Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part I, Volume 3: Shelley, Byron and Wordsworth by Their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part I, Volume 1: Shelley, Byron and Wordsworth by Their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part I, Volume 2: Shelley, Byron and Wordsworth by Their Contemporaries
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Land and Family: Trends and Local Variations in the Peasant Land Market on the Winchester Bishopric Estates, 1263-1415
Sách 8
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The Pamela Controversy Vol 3: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750
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The Pamela Controversy Vol 2: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750
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The Pamela Controversy Vol 4: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750
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The Pamela Controversy Vol 6: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750
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The Pamela Controversy Vol 5: Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, 1740-1750
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part II, Volume 2: Keats, Coleridge and Scott by their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part II, Volume 1: Keats, Coleridge and Scott by their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part II, Volume 3: Keats, Coleridge and Scott by their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part III, Volume 3: Godwin, Wollstonecraft & Mary Shelley by their Contemporaries
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Lives of the Great Romantics, Part III, Volume 1: Godwin, Wollstonecraft & Mary Shelley by their Contemporaries
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53,59 US$
Lives of the Great Romantics, Part III, Volume 2: Godwin, Wollstonecraft & Mary Shelley by their Contemporaries
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Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part III, Volume 3: Elizabeth Gaskell, the Carlyles and John Ruskin
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