Purchas His Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the Vvorld and the Religions Obserued in All Ages and Places Discouered, from the Creation Vnto this Present: Contayning a Theologicall and Geographicall Historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Ilands Adiacent. Declaring the Ancient Religions Before the Floud, the Heathenish, Iewish, and Saracenicall in All Ages Since, in Those Parts Professed, with Their Seuerall Opinions, Idols, Oracles, Temples, Priests, Fasts, Feasts, Sacrifices, and Rites Religious: Their Beginnings, Proceedings, Alterations, Sects, Orders and Svccessions. VVith Briefe Descriptions of the Countries, Nations, States, Disoueries; Priuate and Publike Cutomes, and the Most Remarkable Rarities of Natvre, Or Humane Insdustrie, in the Same. The Fourth Edition, Much Enlarged with Additions, and Illustrated with Mappes Through the Whole Worke; and Three Whole Treatises Annexed, One of Russia and Other Northeasterne Regions by Sr. Ierome Horsey; the Second of the Gulfe of Bengala by Master William Methold; the Third of the Saracenicall Empire, Translated Out of Arabike by T. Erpenius