Raven Immortals

2 books

In the time of the Fur Trade, human beings have killed so many animals that Humans will soon be alone on the Earth, with no animals for companionship.

The Raven Immortals have selflessly served the many species of animals on the Earth for four centuries. Now they embark on the most difficult mission of their existence: to stop the Human species from killing and destroying the animals, and one another….

Owen Dunn, second son of a Scottish Laird, leaves Scotland and joins his father to work as a fur trader in the wild forests of the New World. Owen faces immediate dangers from the harsh conditions, a hostile father, and his father's greedy men who cheat Indians and trappers at every opportunity.

Beautiful Mary Thunder Horse and her multiracial children were cast aside by a man who desired to marry a white woman so he could gain more money and power. Mary, desperate to keep her young family sheltered, fed, and safe must navigate the merciless world of fur traders, trappers, and slavers, or she—and her children—will die.

Three times a handsome stranger saves Mary from certain death. Who is he, and what drives him to help her? And dare she risk her heart, her life, and her children by ever trusting a man again?