Monografie Matematyczne

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Latest release: August 23, 2022
Shift-invariant Uniform Algebras on Groups
Book 68·Aug 2006
Shift-invariant algebras are uniform algebras of continuous functions de?ned on compactconnectedgroups,thatareinvariantundershiftsbygroupelements. They areoutgrowths of generalized analytic functions, introduced almost ?fty yearsago by Arens and Singer, and are the central object of this book. Associated algebras of almost periodic functions of real variables and of bounded analytic functions on the unit disc are also considered and carried along within the shift-invariant framework. The adopted general approach leads to non-standard perspectives, never-asked-before questions, and unexpected properties. Thebookisbasedmainlyonourquiterecent,someevenunpublished,results. Most of its basic notions and ideas originate in [T2]. Their further development, however, can be found in journal or preprint form only. Basic terminologyand standard properties of uniform algebrasarepresented in Chapter 1. Associated algebras, such as Bourgain algebras, polynomial ext- sions, and inductive limit algebras are introduced and discussed. At the end of the chapter we present recently found conditions for a mapping between uniform algebras to be an algebraic isomorphism. In Chapter 2 we give fundamentals, v- ious descriptions and standard properties of three classical families of functions – p almost periodic functions of real variables, harmonic functions, andH -functions on the unit circle. Later on, in Chapter 7, we return to some of these families and extend them to arbitrary compact groups. Chapter 3 is a survey of basic prop- ties of topological groups, their characters, dual groups, functions and measures on them. We introduce also the instrumental for the sequel notion of weak and strong hull of a semigroup.
Sharp Martingale and Semimartingale Inequalities
Book 72·Aug 2012
This monograph is a presentation of a unified approach to a certain class of semimartingale inequalities, which can be regarded as probabilistic extensions of classical estimates for conjugate harmonic functions on the unit disc. The approach, which has its roots in the seminal works of Burkholder in the 80s, enables to deduce a given inequality for semimartingales from the existence of a certain special function with some convex-type properties. Remarkably, an appropriate application of the method leads to the sharp version of the estimate under investigation, which is particularly important for applications. These include the theory of quasiregular mappings (with deep implications to the geometric function theory); the boundedness of two-dimensional Hilbert transform and a more general class of Fourier multipliers; the theory of rank-one convex and quasiconvex functions; and more. The book is divided into a few separate parts. In the introductory chapter we present motivation for the results and relate them to some classical problems in harmonic analysis. The next part contains a general description of the method, which is applied in subsequent chapters to the study of sharp estimates for discrete-time martingales; discrete-time sub- and supermartingales; continuous time processes; the square and maximal functions. Each chapter contains additional bibliographical notes included for reference.​
Renormings in Banach Spaces: A Toolbox
Book 75·Aug 2022
This monograph presents an up-to-date panorama of the different techniques and results in the large field of renorming in Banach spaces and its applications. The reader will find a self-contained exposition of the basics on convexity and differentiability, the classical results in building equivalent norms with useful properties, and the evolution of the subject from its origin to the present days. Emphasis is done on the main ideas and their connections.

The book covers several goals. First, a substantial part of it can be used as a text for graduate and other advanced courses in the geometry of Banach spaces, presenting results together with proofs, remarks and developments in a structured form. Second, a large collection of recent contributions shows the actual landscape of the field, helping the reader to access the vast existing literature, with hints of proofs and relationships among the different subtopics. Third, it can be used as a reference thanks to comprehensive lists and detailed indices that may lead to expected or unexpected information.

Both specialists and newcomers to the field will find this book appealing, since its content is presented in such a way that ready-to-use results may be accessed without going into the details. This flexible approach, from the in-depth reading of a proof to the search for a useful result, together with the fact that recent results are collected here for the first time in book form, extends throughout the book. Open problems and discussions are included, encouraging the advancement of this active area of research.