Crocodile Spirit Dreaming

Latest release: December 1, 2015

About this ebook series

Her hands and feet are tied and her mouth is gagged.She is a captive. She is being taken to a river full of crocodiles and she is terrified. How could it have come to this.

Susan goes on an idyllic holiday in Australia, The Barrier Reef is beautiful, Sydney and Melbourne wonderful. She wants to see the Outback. An Australian man offers to take her. She likes him and goes with him.When a fresh faced young English girl visits Australia she goes first to the Barrier Reef. He she meets a charming man from the outback of Australia.

Almost before she can think they are engaged in a passionate affair. She finds him and his life fascinating. She agrees to meet him in Alice Springs and travel with him through some of the remotest parts of the Northern Territory.

But a series of chance events leads her to believe that he is not who he says he is.

Yet she is incredibly drawn to him. Their relationship deepens and becomes ever more intense.
She must choose, whether to leave or stay. Can she take a chance and risk being drawn into his murky world.

Finally it is just her and him at a remote river, infested by crocodiles. With the crocodiles lie both their destinies.

Just Visiting
Book 1 · Jan 2014 ·
Her hands and feet are tied and her mouth is gagged.She is a captive. She is being taken to a river full of crocodiles and she is terrified. How could it have come to this.

Susan goes on an idyllic holiday in Australia, The Barrier Reef is beautiful, Sydney and Melbourne wonderful. She wants to see the Outback. An Australian man offers to take her. She likes him and goes with him.When a fresh faced young English girl visits Australia she goes first to the Barrier Reef. He she meets a charming man from the outback of Australia.

Almost before she can think they are engaged in a passionate affair. She finds him and his life fascinating. She agrees to meet him in Alice Springs and travel with him through some of the remotest parts of the Northern Territory.

But a series of chance events leads her to believe that he is not who he says he is.

Yet she is incredibly drawn to him. Their relationship deepens and becomes ever more intense.
She must choose, whether to leave or stay. Can she take a chance and risk being drawn into his murky world.

Finally it is just her and him at a remote river, infested by crocodiles. With the crocodiles lie both their destinies.
The Diary
Book 2 ·
A fisherman finds a unidentified head in a waterhole in Northern Australia. What first appeared to be a crocodile attack turns into murder. Who is this man who no one seems to know.

Susan returns to England, pregnant.after her escape, now engaged to another man . Her past returns to haunt memories and dreams. She must read the diary of her former lover, she must decide the child's fate.

This book follows the consequences of the actions which conclude the first book, Just Visiting, where Susan an English backpacker comes to Australia, gets caught in a terrifying relationship and barely escapes.

She carries this man's child but another glittering relationship beckons. Her future seems bright.But slowly and inexorably the truth of what really happened in Australia emerges. The police have her photo. They are closing in on her identity.

It seems to Susan that the malevolent spirit of the crocodile which pursued her in the first book is slowly taking her over. She must make yet more terrible choices in order to save herself and her sanity and avoid another betrayal. She has this mans diary, she hopes it holds the key.

Creature of an Ancient Dreaming
Book 2 · Dec 2015 ·
A fisherman finds a unidentified head in a waterhole in Northern Australia. I seems to be the possession of a huge and ancient crocodile which lives there and does not want to let it go.  

The police are called to investigate and they too are awed by the crocodile which lives there. At the same time what first appeared to be a crocodile attack turns into murder. Who is this man who no one seems to know.  

Susan, the English backpacker of Just Visiting, returns to England, pregnant after her escape. She becomes engaged to another man but her past returns to haunt her. She must read the diary of her former lover, she must decide her unborn child's fate  

This book follows the consequences of the actions which conclude the first book, In this series, Just Visiting, where Susan, an English backpacker, comes to Australia, gets caught in a terrifying relationship and barely escapes with her life.  She carries this man's child but another glittering relationship beckons. Her future seems bright.  

But slowly and inexorably the truth of what really happened in Australia emerges. The police have her photo. They are closing in on her identity.  It seems to Susan that the malevolent spirit of the crocodile which pursued her in the first book is slowly taking her over and consuming her mind. 

She must make yet more terrible choices in order to save herself and her sanity and to avoid another betrayal. She has her former lover's diary, she hopes it holds the key. 

The Empty Place
Book 3 · Aug 2014 ·
An English backpacker is on trial for murder in Australia . The tabloids say she killed her lover and fed his body to crocodiles.She refuses to say what happened. She is trapped inside her mind in a place of horror and emptiness.

Only one person knows and can help her. But he and his helicopter have vanished in the place that the locals call The Empty Place. Her only escape is to end her life.

Is there any way out for Susan - charged with murder, alone and pregnant in a jail cell?

She is determined to plead guilty to protect her child from the deeds of the father. She will kill herself before she reveals what occurred. She awaits conviction and sentencing, expecting to spend her life in jail.

One person has the knowledge that may help her - it is the contents of Mark's diary. But he and his helicopter vanish. Everyone thinks he is dead. They were last seen heading into "The Empty Place" - a remote part of Australia's Northern Territory, a place where no one lives and very few have reason to go to.

But the detective who discovered Susan's identity continues to seek the truth. He knows there must be another story to explain why. He must discover this man's past to unlock the secret. The rest of officialdom just wants to lock this girl up and throw away the key.

As time ticks away towards the trial, Susan's sanity is falling apart - guilt for what she has done, lonely depression at the prospect of years in prison without her child. She loses hope when the helicopter vanishes and lives inside herself in her own empty place. Yet she must still keep alive the fathers good legacy for the sake of the child.

In her mind she sees an escape, she will return to her lover and his crocodile spirit - end it all and be free of this misery.

Her friends and the detective suspect the intentions. desperate to help her but powerless to protect her from herself. They must keep seeking truth. It is a race against time. Can the truth be uncovered before the trial ends.

Susan is increasingly desperate too. She wants her escape, she must keep the truth hidden, the investigation is closing in. She must divert them. She has a plan, her own death will be the diversion and will bury the secret forever. 

Lost Girls
Book 4 · Apr 2015 ·
Four passports are found of girls who vanished in Australia. The girl who found them has disappeared too. Who are these girls? Where have they gone?

A diary and search in Australia and across the world give tiny glimpses and fragments, but their stories remain elusive. The police search, friends and families search and grieve in alternate measure, but five girls remain gone, their fate unknown.

Anne is wracked by guilt at her failure to save her friend, Susan, who vanished one night soon after her release from jail. The evidence suggests she has returned to the place where she and her lover parted, she chose him and the crocodiles over life. She was in advanced pregnancy with twins and so three people are gone.

Anne has her friend's story, her voice on a tape is the last fragment left to her of a vanished existence. She must tell this story so that the world can know of this lovely brave girl who seems forever lost. And the families of the other four girls want their stories told too. She has the man's diary, which tells parts, but there is much that makes no sense. It reveals another shadowy girl who may have gone too. 

She travels to the places from where they have come and were last seen in search of answers. She faithfully records each story, five or even six lost girls, each girl gone, nobody knows where. As she searches patterns emerge which help to explain the why and some of the how, but not where they are now. Almost certainly some are dead, but could some still survive..

She is determined not to surrender all hope that at least one or two may yet be found alive. After a year nothing has been found. She must put it behind her and try to get on with her own life, but guilt and hope keep driving her on, searching still. 

Sunlit Shadow Dance: Crocodile Spirit Dreaming - Book 5
Book 5 · Sep 2015 ·
The girl you love vanishes - you search and search. No trace of her is found.

You find one who looks just like her - her eyes see you but they do not know you, no recognition flickers - is it a mirage, dream or desperate hope?

She likes you. You ask and she comes with you. Her mind sees sunlight. You see dark shadowed edges.
Can you remake your life with a person who holds no memory of you. An unknown girl appears on an aboriginal community in far north Queensland. She has no memory of any life before, no one knows her.
Who is she? Where has she come from?
 She looks like a missing backpacker, Susan, she sounds like Susan, but her name is Jane. Her past life is an unknown place from where she knows no one. Now she has to try to make a new life without any connections to her past.

This is the final book of the Crocodile Spirit Dreaming Series. It tells the story of an English backpacker who went traveling in Outback Australia with a man who loved crocodiles, and how her life turned into a horror nightmare. Finally she gets her freedom only to disappear.

Susan was on trial for murder when she vanished. She had been just released on bail, despite pleading guilty, when new evidence indicating self-defense was found. She was also pregnant and expecting twins.

Since she has gone only a pair of shoes she was wearing have been found. They were next to a waterhole full of crocodiles. It is feared that she and her unborn children are dead, taken by crocodiles.

More than a year passes without any other trace of her. An inquest has made an open finding on her disappearance.

What is the link between Susan and this girl Jane who turns up out of nowhere, knowing no one, remembering nothing? Can this girl, Jane, build a new and happy life with just her two small children. Can a tragedy of the past ever be overcome?

This is the story of the remaking of a new life from the broken shell of the old - how memories of the old threaten to tear apart the new. And always, at the dark edge, lurks an ancient creature of the deep, a being whose lineage is the long lost Australian dreamtime, before the spirits made this land. Yet from this dark can come a new place, a place where sunlit shadows dance.


Lizzie's Tale
Book 5 · Jan 1901 ·
Raped and reduced to working in a brothel to keep her baby, unwed, teenage mother, Lizzie, forges a new life for herself and her child in the Kimberley region of Australia. But can she evade her persecutors and ultimately bring to them to justice?

This is a story of a girl from inner Sydney. Her family is poor, her father dies when she is nine, life is hard. But her courage rises above adversity. It is story of her struggle to survive and make a life of her own, first as a prostitute, then with her child in a remote outback town.

This is the second book in the series, "Old Balmain House" and begins in the same house as the first book and continues part of the story of Sophie, the girl who vanished half a century ago. Lizzie, aged eight, meets Sophie, the girl who lived in the same bedroom as a child. Sophie becomes her friend.

When Lizzie turns fifteen Sophie tries to warn her not to go in a car with three older boys.
Lizzie ignores her warning and is brutally raped by these three men.

Lizzie becomes pregnant and is determined to keep her child. She leaves Sydney and goes to Melbourne, to have and keep her baby. Here, penniless and desperate, she become a prostitute the only way she can support herself. She is discovered and the authorities try to take her child.

She flees to Broome, a small town in the furthest corner of of Australia. Here she assumes the role of widow with a small child and settles into this friendly town. Her life is good until a man from her former life finds her and threatens to expose her or harm her child.

She runs again. On a remote desert road her car breaks down. Without water, with her six year old daughter beside her, they face death from thirst. Help comes in an unexpected way. She takes refuge in a local aboriginal community.

Her school friend from Balmain, now a journalist, seeks retribution from the the men who raped Lizzie many years ago and have continued their ways with others. Now, as successful business men, they seek to use the law to deny justice.