The Robespierre Trilogy

3 books

They are coming for you…

…they got me yesterday.


You don’t just wake up one morning in a dystopia.


Remember the retweet you made last week? The Facebook like yesterday? They were government messages intended to get you to self-identify.


The wall isn't to keep them out. It's to keep us in. 

Anderson came home from the wars to hard times. Broke, divorced, and working a low paying job, the only place he sees the American dream is on television.


Then a mysterious man offers him $5 million dollars to kill five people.


Can he complete his mission and escape alive?


He is the fuse.

In a trade war the winning country is the one whose people lose the most. But nobody expected the American response, especially Americans. 

Bobby Calhoun is a TV reporter in Houston. When a new terrorist organization starts sending him messages, he becomes the target of the FBI. Will he assist or resist? 

Will he stop a massacre or cause it?


He is the patsy. 


The largest change to America in over 150 years is coming.

A decade ago Carl Milibank told reporters that he would be the world's first trillionaire. He hasn’t been seen in public now in over three years. He is in charge of the American response in the trade war with China.


Can he deliver the dystopian plan?

He is the manager.


And it all starts with the murder of a cop in Houston two days from now. 

Get the Robespierre Conspiracy now while it’s still legal.