Discipleship: For Individuals Home Groups Churches

2 books

This booklet of study lessons is not a complete study in any of the fields of study, but nevertheless we believe that this set of study notes cover most topics that are required for a new Christians. This booklet is only an introductory to more develop studies and it is hoped that from these lessons that the new Christian will develop a hunger to study the Word of God more deeply.

Once we are saved, we all need Bible studies that are in reach of our understanding. This set of notes dovetails into a course conducted by Tony Smits of the CRC Australia in addition to lead into Vision Christian College, Sydney Australia. We conduct this through Traillblazer Ministries in different locations. There is no limit to any person who wishes to study the Word of God. You can study all your life and you will find more as you delve deeper into His Word.

The young Christian may have many questions over a wide range of subjects. The purpose of this booklet is to secure the young Christian into the body of Christ with a basic understanding of how the Word of God is relevant to his or her life.

A Christian who doesn’t study the Word of God will not be able to live to the fullness of what God has promised to him or her. The enemy is trying to steal away our peace, and finally destroy us, hoping we will turn away from God.  

2Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as an approved worker who has nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of truth with precision. (ISV) 

Here we see we are to study His Word, to be approved workers, which is right, but let us look at the second part of this statement.

               handling the word of truth with precision.

The word precision has an implication of importance and we need to know how to handle it in our defence against the enemy.  We need to understand the Word of God clearly, so that we can extinguish the fiery arrows of the enemy.

Now if you agree with me, you see the importance of studying the Word of God. Let me make some suggestions on how to use this book. Each study has a set of questions and you should write them in your study book. The individual and the group leader may use this booklet for studying His word.

For the individual

a)     The individual should take some time in prayer, before asking the Holy Spirit to open to you revelations about His Word.

b)    You will need your Bible when studying these studies. Why? Because you will need to check up on me to see what is written is in accordance with the Word of God. You are responsible for your walk with God.

c)     You will need to make some notes as you are studying; therefore you will need a pencil and a notebook. I would also recommend that you write your revelations in your Bible.

For group leaders

1)    For group leaders open with a time of pray and or worship.

2)    You could do these lessons over a period of one year taking two weeks or more for each study as you see fit.

3)    It is beneficial to have group discussion about the topic, but leaders must take a few hours to study the notes to gain personal revelation before the meeting.

4)    A leader is to lead, but if you are only reading the notes at the same time as everyone else, you have not studied and found yourself approved.

5)    Again everyone should have his or her own Bible, Pencil and notebook.

Finally this booklet is only a suggestion on studying. If you have nothing of your own to share, this material can be a resource for you to use. But please consider the topics of the booklet, because these topics are essential for a young Christian in regards to a healthy development in the Word of God.

May our Lord Jesus put a fire in your bones and that one day through you many will come into His Kingdom.

Yours in this corner of the Vineyard in Jesus name Ps Ian Traill