Legend Tripping

Latest release: October 8, 2016
Stumptown Spirits
Book 1·May 2016
A life in hock.

Seven years ago, Logan Conner and his legend tripper college roommate stumbled into the middle of a ghost war. Logan escaped. Trent did not. Guilt has driven Logan to hunt for answers ever since—not only for why Trent was trapped, but how to return and save him.

On the verge of abandoning the search as hopeless, Logan discovers the solution at last thanks to folklorist Riley Morrel, the man he never expected to fall in love with, and the man he’d do anything to keep safe, including leaving him behind.

A life on hold.

When Logan disappeared in a puff of motorcycle exhaust, Riley’s life took a nosedive. After dropping out of school, he’s not entirely sure it’s not still diving. Sure, he has a job—one that’d send his thesis advisor screaming. Still, there are perks to his gig as the researcher for paranormal investigation show Haunted to the Max: He’s in the ideal position to propose projects for the team to tackle.

Like their latest episode in Portland, for instance, where Logan just happens to be bartending. If nothing else, confronting the big jerk will give Riley some closure.

A life’s last hour.

But as the two men take tentative steps toward each other again, they begin to realize that their relationship, the shoot, and Logan’s quest to free Trent are hopelessly entangled with one tragic day at the riverside, over a century and a half in the past.

And when the smoke finally clears? Not everyone will walk away.

Stumptown Spirits is a second-chance, opposites-attract, supernatural suspense romance featuring a TV show one step past jumping the shark, a narcissistic TV personality, a craven ex-ghost, annoying bosses, interfering (but well-meaning) friends, personal redemption, and, of course, an HEA.

Note: This book was previously published. It has been lightly revised and re-edited, but the story remains the same.

Wolf's Clothing
Book 2·Oct 2016
Winner of the 2017 Rainbow Award for Best Bisexual Paranormal Romance

Running from the past.

Trent Pielmeyer is so done with legend tripping. Hauntings? Nope. Cryptid sightings? Hard pass. Dimensional portals? Not just no but oh, hell no. Because after seven years’ captivity in a whacked-out alternate reality, he’s been there and done that and done that and done that. No more supernatural shenanigans for him. Ever. Full stop.

Wrestling with the past.

When Christophe Clavret spots Trent in a Portland bar, he detects a kindred spirit—another man attempting to outrun the darkness of his own soul. But despite their sizzling chemistry, Trent’s hatred of the uncanny makes Christophe hesitant to confide the truth: he’s a werewolf, one of a dwindling line, the victim of a genetic curse extending back to feudal Europe.

Overtaken by the past.

But sinister forces are at work, threatening more than their inescapable attraction. If Christophe can’t win Trent’s trust, and if Trent can’t overcome his fear of the paranormal, the price might be not only Trent’s freedom but Christophe’s very humanity.

Or it could cost both their lives.

Wolf’s Clothing is an age gap, hurt/comfort, opposites attract supernatural suspense romance featuring old rivalries, disapproving families, awkward reunions, disbelieving investigators, and, of course, an HEA.

Note: This book was previously published. It has been lightly revised and re-edited, but the story remains the same.