The Barrington Family Series

Latest release: January 26, 2023
Book 1·Oct 2021
The path to redemption is never easy…

Good-looking, charismatic and heir to a billion-dollar mining fortune, Christopher Barrington has a lot going for him. Unfortunately, he’s allowed a bitter feud with his biological father to cloud his judgement. For years he’s lived his life filled with anger and bitterness and has been determined to hurt those around him, including those closest to him.

But a brush with death has motivated him into leaving his wicked ways behind him. He wants to turn his life around, but after wallowing in self-pity for so long he’s not sure how to go about it. A chance encounter with the beautiful Lexi Greenaway might be just what he needs to set him on the right path to becoming a better person.

Lexi is a foster mother and has cared for twenty-seven foster kids and still counting. Her bottomless well of compassion and kindness demonstrates to Christopher how far he’s allowed himself to fall. For so long he’s been the epitome of selfishness, taking pleasure from other people’s pain. Now he wants to put all that behind him. More than that, he wants to prove he’s worthy of Lexi’s attentions.

He’s falling for the beautiful widow. All he can hope is that he’s done enough to convince her he’s now worthy of her love…

Will Christopher set aside his past hurt and bitterness and find redemption? Most of all, will he and Lexi find love?

If you love Sandra Brown, Liliana Hart and Bella Andre, you’ll love USA Today bestselling author Chris Taylor’s Barrington Family series. Start reading today!

Broken Spirits - Book Four of the Barrington Family Series
Book 4·Feb 2022
A man on the run from his past…

After serving three tours in Afghanistan, ex-army captain Lincoln Barrington is a broken man.

After witnessing too many times the atrocities of war, the needless death of innocent people and the fact two decades of fighting has amounted to nothing with the enemy now back in charge, Lincoln is battle worn, bitter and angry at the world. Plagued by soul-destroying nightmares and painful flashbacks, every day is a struggle. He can’t see his way out of the blackness that is slowly consuming him…

Escaping to a remote farmhouse in the country is his only hope. There he yearns to give his mind and body the chance to rest, rejuvenate and heal from the wounds inflicted by Afghanistan.

Doctor Zoe Parker is a child psychologist. Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of needy children finding their way to her door, she takes a break from her private practice in Sydney in search of the peace and tranquillity offered by a stay in the country. When her car breaks down a mile from where Lincoln is holed up, he grudgingly offers her a bed for the night.

Zoe is immediately attracted to the mesmerizing stranger, but she’s also concerned for Lincoln’s mental well-being. It is obvious the man is suffering, but every attempt she makes to reach out and connect with him is rudely rebuffed. Determined not to give up, Zoe uses all the tools at her disposal to help him through the darkest time of his life.

What follows is a remarkable love story of two people. One battered and bruised by war and the other from the challenges of modern society.

Can love and patience and understanding make two broken people become whole…?

Start reading USA Today bestselling author Chris Taylor’s latest Barrington Family story today!

Broken Minds - Book Five of the Barrington Family Series
Book 5·Apr 2022
It was never meant to be this way…

New South Wales National Parks ranger, Wade Barrington likes the simple things in life. A career he loves, a comfortable home, an afternoon spent fishing. He’s happy with what he’s achieved in life so far. The only thing missing is someone to share it with. His brothers and sisters are finding love with their soul mates. He yearns for the same.

Alice Coleman is running for her life. Fleeing in the dead of night from her abusive husband, she and her two young children are on the road heading for her parents’ place in Queensland. Unaware her husband has followed them, Alice’s worst nightmare is realized when he snatches her kids right from under her nose. Thank God for the handsome stranger who has come to her aid.

Wade is shocked when Alice tells him her children have been kidnapped. He’d seen the trio come into the service station for breakfast and can’t believe the boys are gone. CCTV footage shows them being dragged into a truck. Wade immediately calls his cousin, Chase Barrington, who is a local cop.

As the search begins for Alice’s sons, neither Wade nor the police are aware the kidnapper is the children’s father. A search party is formed, sniffer dogs brought in, aerial surveillance… Wade does everything he can to find the boys. Along the way, he begins to fall for the beautiful mother who is haunted by the loss of her sons.

How will Wade react when he discovers Alice’s deceit?

Come on an adrenaline-fueled journey with USA Today bestselling author Chris Taylor. With many twists and turns along the way, you won’t be disappointed.

Broken Vows - Book Six of the Barrington Family Series
Book 6·Jun 2022
When Detective Zac Barrington’s high school sweetheart broke up with him right after graduation, he was devastated, but he loved her enough to let her go and never gave up hope she’d return to their small hometown of Broken.

Emily Wilson wanted to spread her wings and make her mark on the world. Though she loved Zac Barrington with all her heart, she wanted to branch out on her own, establish a career, enjoy life in the big smoke a world away from Broken. Though she’s thought about Zac every now and then, she’s never been tempted to return to Broken. Until now.

Emily’s mother has gone missing, disappeared into thin air. No one’s seen her. No one knows where she is. Emily’s father is beyond himself with anxiety. Where is she? And why did she leave?

When Emily and her father file a missing person’s report, the first officer they run into is Detective Zac Barrington. It’s been six years since Emily has seen him and she isn’t prepared for the tumult of emotions that overwhelm her at the sight of him. But no matter how much he still makes her heart beat faster, what they once had is over. Worse, she holds Zac’s family responsible for the death of her brother.

A year earlier, Evan Wilson was killed in a mining accident at a mine owned by the Barrington family. The case has been aggressively defended by the Barringtons in the courts. The stress has taken its toll on Emily’s family. Her mother has taken the death of her son hardest of all.

How can Emily feel so strongly toward Zac when he could very well be the reason her mother has disappeared? Is their love destined to come to an end again?

Come on a journey of adventure, intrigue and romance with USA Today bestselling author Chris Taylor. You’ll be glad you did.

Start reading today!

Broken Homes - Book Nine of the Barrington Family Series
Book 9·Jan 2023
A man running away from his past…

All his life, Vaughan Barrington believed his biological mother had died giving birth to him. Adopted into a loving family, he’s gotten over his trust issues and become an integral part of the Barrington dynasty. Until now.

The recent discovery that his biological mother is not only very much alive but is none other than Elizabeth Craigdon, the matriarch of the venerable Craigdon family, has rocked Vaughan to the core. In shock, he hops a plane to Bali in an effort to distance himself from Elizabeth and to give himself time alone to process the staggering news.

Ruby Ashworth is in Bali on a mission of her own. She’s been ordered by her father to get close to Vaughan Barrington in an effort to access company secrets that might sabotage the Barrington Mining operations. Ruby’s father has an ax to grind against Frank Barrington and he can think of no better way to get revenge than through the man’s adopted son.

Oblivious to Ruby’s true identity, Vaughan finds himself falling for the gorgeous and sexy blond. She’s everything he could dream of and is a nice distraction from his problems back home. As Ruby’s feelings deepen for Vaughan, she’s overcome with guilt. She owes it to her father to seek revenge, but how can she go through with it when her heart’s no longer in it?

Still, it’s too late to back out now. Her father is pressuring her to come through for him. All she can hope is that Vaughan doesn’t find out about her deception, and if he does, that he finds it in his heart to forgive her.

USA Today bestselling author, Chris Taylor doesn’t disappoint. Come on a journey with the Barrington family. The highs and lows, the love and laughter, tears and heartbreak. The Barrington family series has it all.

Start reading today!