Soul Dance

Latest release: July 18, 2017
Tarnished Beginnings: Historical Shifter Fantasy
Book 1·Jun 2017
Historical Shifter Fantasy

1700s Egypt is a melding pot for magic-wielders of all kinds. Vampires hold court, staying one step ahead of the priests and priestesses who want them dead. Shifters keep to themselves while gypsy caravans roam the Nile from north to south and back again telling fortunes, casting Tarot cards, and stealing from the gadjos.

Tairin Jabari was born in a caravan and has always believed she’s Romani. Why wouldn’t she? Her mother and father never suggested otherwise. The Rom have harsh rules. When Tairin’s first shift catches her unaware at thirteen, her father disappears, and the elders move with deadly speed to punish her mother for mating outside the blood.

Hurt, lost, confused, and fearing for her life, Tairin runs away, leaving her mother’s smoking funeral pyre behind.  Desperately unprepared for life outside her protected caravan, she and her wolf face hard choices.


“I already adore this author’s work and the more I read her books the more I

totally fall in love with the worlds that she creates. She is such a talented

author and her work is outstanding!!!” Goodreads review

“I love the characters and this story pulled me in. It's so well written and

fantastic new series. Don't miss it.” Goodreads review

“Another amazing book by this author. We have gypsies, wolf shifters, vampires

and Nazis, yep that's what I said.” Goodreads review

“This book captures you 100% with the action, suspense, and mystery about

being a shifter during the war in Nazi Germany.” Goodreads review


Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this historical paranormal romance & fantasy series:

a kingdom of exiles

a shade of vampire

academy of magic dragon's gift

accidentally in love

attack by magic dragon's gift

awakening dragon

born in fire

burning tower

call of the dragon

choose love

covert fae

crime of magic dragon's gift

crimes against magic

dark stranger the dream

darkness bound

dragons of the darkblood secret society

druid enforcer


goddesss choice

golden age

greyriver shifters


hour of darkness

house of darken

iron and magic

jinn's dominion

junkyard druid

master of magic dragon's gift

natural mage

natural witch

obsidian son

raised in fire

rogues of magic

shadow keeper

shadow kissed

space knight 4

twisted fate


undercover magic dragon's gift

war god's mantle

wild hunger


Keywords related to this historical paranormal romance series:

Fantasy Books, Epic Sagas, Werewolves and Shifters, Animals & Nature, Popular Series, Paranormal Fantasy Books, Top Rated Books, Tricks, Fantasy Omnibus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Spells & Charms, Romance Books, Romani Books, Wizards, Fantasy Romance Books, Essential Reads, Epic Fantasy, Vampires, Omnibus Bundle, Paranormal Romance Series, Adventure Books, Mythology and Folklore, Top Rated Fantasy Collection With Romani And Shapeshifters, Fantasy Bundle, Heroine, Dryads, Supernatural and Occult, Sword And Sorcery, Shifter Romance, Historical Paranormal Romance Series, Fantasy Stories, Shifter Series, Fantasy, Shifter Omnibus, Best Rated Omnibus, Omnibus Collection, Paranormal Romance Books, Magical Adventures.

Tarnished Legacy: Shifter Paranormal Romance
Book 2·May 2017
Germany, 1940

Half Romani, Tairin’s no stranger to hiding her mixed blood from gypsy caravans. What she can’t hide is her perpetual youth, courtesy of her shifter heritage. Every few years, she drops out of sight, resurfacing in a new country to join a caravan where no one knows her. She’s overstayed her welcome where she is, but Germany is at war, and travel has become all but impossible for everyone targeted by the Reich.

Elliott’s clairvoyance is strong, even for a Romani. Seer for all the caravans in Germany, he catches Tairin eavesdropping outside their leader’s wagon one night. He should turn her in, but it would mean her execution, and he can’t bring himself to do that. Instead, he interrogates her. Her magic is different, but he can’t figure out quite what she is.

Any association between Romani and shifters is forbidden, and Tairin shields herself from Elliott’s probing. She should leave right now, tonight. It would be easy enough. Shift to her wolf form and run, keeping out of hunters’ gunsights. She’s on the edge of flight when Elliott suggests a covert task to prove her loyalty. Tairin agrees immediately, kicking herself for being weak where he’s concerned. Shifters and Romani have no future together. Zero. Zilch.

She should be smart about this and vanish into the night—before he discovers what she is and destroys her. 


“I already adore this author’s work and the more I read her books the more I

totally fall in love with the worlds that she creates. She is such a talented

author and her work is outstanding!!!” Goodreads review

“I love the characters and this story pulled me in. It's so well written and

fantastic new series. Don't miss it.” Goodreads review

“Another amazing book by this author. We have gypsies, wolf shifters, vampires

and Nazis, yep that's what I said.” Goodreads review

“This book captures you 100% with the action, suspense, and mystery about

being a shifter during the war in Nazi Germany.” Goodreads review

Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this historical paranormal romance & fantasy series:

a kingdom of exiles

a shade of vampire

academy of magic dragon's gift

accidentally in love

attack by magic dragon's gift

awakening dragon

born in fire

burning tower

call of the dragon

choose love

covert fae

crime of magic dragon's gift

crimes against magic

dark stranger the dream

darkness bound

dragons of the darkblood secret society

druid enforcer


goddesss choice

golden age

greyriver shifters


hour of darkness

house of darken

iron and magic

jinn's dominion

junkyard druid

master of magic dragon's gift

natural mage

natural witch

obsidian son

raised in fire

rogues of magic

shadow keeper

shadow kissed

space knight 4

twisted fate


undercover magic dragon's gift

war god's mantle

wild hunger


Keywords related to this historical paranormal romance series:

Fantasy Books, Epic Sagas, Werewolves and Shifters, Animals & Nature, Popular Series, Paranormal Fantasy Books, Top Rated Books, Tricks, Fantasy Omnibus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Spells & Charms, Romance Books, Romani Books, Wizards, Fantasy Romance Books, Essential Reads, Epic Fantasy, Vampires, Omnibus Bundle, Paranormal Romance Series, Adventure Books, Mythology and Folklore, Top Rated Fantasy Collection With Romani And Shapeshifters, Fantasy Bundle, Heroine, Dryads, Supernatural and Occult, Sword And Sorcery, Shifter Romance, Historical Paranormal Romance Series, Fantasy Stories, Shifter Series, Fantasy, Shifter Omnibus, Best Rated Omnibus, Omnibus Collection, Paranormal Romance Books, Magical Adventures.

Tarnished Prophecy: Shifter Paranormal Romance
Book 3·Jun 2017
Germany, 1940

Magic runs strong in Ilona, a gypsy seer. Powerful ability isn’t valued in Romani women, so she focuses her fortunetelling on inconsequential details. Nothing that could come back to haunt her caravan if a prediction went bad. Rounded up and dumped in Dachau prison camp, she has plenty of time to rue her decision to downplay her ability. If she’d taken the time to scry her own future, she’d still be free.

A wolf shifter, Jamal made the mistake of wedding a Romani woman centuries ago. His arrogance caused both death and heartache, and he’s been alone ever since. The recent threat of vampires joining the Third Reich has provided ample reason for shifters and Rom to lay their ancient enmity aside and work together, but their détente is fragile.

Jamal and a group of shifters come across Ilona after her escape from Dachau. Vulnerable, terrified, she’s fully prepared to fight. Her courage and mettle touch places in him he’d thought were dead, but she’s Romani. His last relationship ended so badly, the last thing he needs is to fall for another gypsy woman. He wrestles his tumbling emotions into submission, but when she trains her enigmatic, gray gaze on him, his resolve first weakens and then vanishes entirely.


“I already adore this author’s work and the more I read her books the more I

totally fall in love with the worlds that she creates. She is such a talented

author and her work is outstanding!!!” Goodreads review

“I love the characters and this story pulled me in. It's so well written and

fantastic new series. Don't miss it.” Goodreads review

“Another amazing book by this author. We have gypsies, wolf shifters, vampires

and Nazis, yep that's what I said.” Goodreads review

“This book captures you 100% with the action, suspense, and mystery about

being a shifter during the war in Nazi Germany.” Goodreads review


Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this historical paranormal romance & fantasy series:

a kingdom of exiles

a shade of vampire

academy of magic dragon's gift

accidentally in love

attack by magic dragon's gift

awakening dragon

born in fire

burning tower

call of the dragon

choose love

covert fae

crime of magic dragon's gift

crimes against magic

dark stranger the dream

darkness bound

dragons of the darkblood secret society

druid enforcer


goddesss choice

golden age

greyriver shifters


hour of darkness

house of darken

iron and magic

jinn's dominion

junkyard druid

master of magic dragon's gift

natural mage

natural witch

obsidian son

raised in fire

rogues of magic

shadow keeper

shadow kissed

space knight 4

twisted fate


undercover magic dragon's gift

war god's mantle

wild hunger


Keywords related to this historical paranormal romance series:

Fantasy Books, Epic Sagas, Werewolves and Shifters, Animals & Nature, Popular Series, Paranormal Fantasy Books, Top Rated Books, Tricks, Fantasy Omnibus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Spells & Charms, Romance Books, Romani Books, Wizards, Fantasy Romance Books, Essential Reads, Epic Fantasy, Vampires, Omnibus Bundle, Paranormal Romance Series, Adventure Books, Mythology and Folklore, Top Rated Fantasy Collection With Romani And Shapeshifters, Fantasy Bundle, Heroine, Dryads, Supernatural and Occult, Sword And Sorcery, Shifter Romance, Historical Paranormal Romance Series, Fantasy Stories, Shifter Series, Fantasy, Shifter Omnibus, Best Rated Omnibus, Omnibus Collection, Paranormal Romance Books, Magical Adventures.

Tarnished Journey: Historical Shifter Romance
Book 4·Jul 2017
Long before Germany rounded up Romani and sent them to prison camps, the Netherlands declared them undesirables. Yara’s caravan disbanded when she was fifteen to avoid being driven out of the country. Ten years have passed, and she’s been alone for most of that time hiding in caves and abandoned buildings. It’s been a lonely life, but at least she still has one.

Stewart conceals his true identity for the best of reasons. He’s not actually Romani, even though he’s been a caravan leader for many years. In a bold and desperate move, he joins a small band of shifters and Rom to fight the Reich’s chokehold on Europe. When they’re crossing the border into the Netherlands, vampires attack.

Yara senses Romani near her cave. The stench of vampire comes through loud and clear too, along with shifters. While not nearly as bad as vampires, her people have always steered clear of them. Another type of magic plucks at her. She can’t identify it, but it draws her from her hiding place. That decision tilts her world on its axis when she comes face to face with Stewart’s raw masculinity and savage presence. She could still turn tail and run. If she stays, it doesn’t require magical ability to recognize her life will change forever.


“I already adore this author’s work and the more I read her books the more I

totally fall in love with the worlds that she creates. She is such a talented

author and her work is outstanding!!!” Goodreads review

“I love the characters and this story pulled me in. It's so well written and

fantastic new series. Don't miss it.” Goodreads review

“Another amazing book by this author. We have gypsies, wolf shifters, vampires

and Nazis, yep that's what I said.” Goodreads review

“This book captures you 100% with the action, suspense, and mystery about

being a shifter during the war in Nazi Germany.” Goodreads review


Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this historical paranormal romance & fantasy series:

a kingdom of exiles

a shade of vampire

academy of magic dragon's gift

accidentally in love

attack by magic dragon's gift

awakening dragon

born in fire

burning tower

call of the dragon

choose love

covert fae

crime of magic dragon's gift

crimes against magic

dark stranger the dream

darkness bound

dragons of the darkblood secret society

druid enforcer


goddesss choice

golden age

greyriver shifters


hour of darkness

house of darken

iron and magic

jinn's dominion

junkyard druid

master of magic dragon's gift

natural mage

natural witch

obsidian son

raised in fire

rogues of magic

shadow keeper

shadow kissed

space knight 4

twisted fate


undercover magic dragon's gift

war god's mantle

wild hunger

 Keywords related to this historical paranormal romance series:

Fantasy Books, Epic Sagas, Werewolves and Shifters, Animals & Nature, Popular Series, Paranormal Fantasy Books, Top Rated Books, Tricks, Fantasy Omnibus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Spells & Charms, Romance Books, Romani Books, Wizards, Fantasy Romance Books, Essential Reads, Epic Fantasy, Vampires, Omnibus Bundle, Paranormal Romance Series, Adventure Books, Mythology and Folklore, Top Rated Fantasy Collection With Romani And Shapeshifters, Fantasy Bundle, Heroine, Dryads, Supernatural and Occult, Sword And Sorcery, Shifter Romance, Historical Paranormal Romance Series, Fantasy Stories, Shifter Series, Fantasy, Shifter Omnibus, Best Rated Omnibus, Omnibus Collection, Paranormal Romance Books, Magical Adventures.