Soul Match

Latest release: July 29, 2022
Slave for Two: M/M/M Sci-fi Alien Romance
Book 1·Jun 2021
Aliens have conquered Earth and Chris will do whatever it takes to survive—even if that means becoming a sex slave…

Right at the dawn of Chris’ adulthood, his world is torn apart. After an aggressive band of aliens invade Earth, he flees to the mountains with what’s left of his family where they fight for survival. But how long can they remain hidden before they’re caught?


Lasar and Nary are a soul matched pair of warriors from Alashar. Lasar is Nary’s Ahna, the one who dominates him and Nary is the Nasha, or submissive to Lasar. Every Alasharian needs the balance of the power exchange to exist peacefully within their lifelong, soul match bond.


Chris and his cousin Morgan are captured and sent to the slave cages where they discover from the other imprisoned men that they are destined to be sex toys for alien pairs. Now their terror changes from the fear of losing their lives to losing their virginity to these alien monsters.


But nothing is as it appears anymore. When Chris is awarded to Lasar and Nary as a war prize, a shocking event occurs. As Lasar searches for answers, he begins to question the reasons behind the Earth invasion and where his loyalties should lie. As their Ahna, he must be the one who decides whether they will all be safer together, or apart.

Can destiny be changed? Or is it their only hope for salvation?

Author’s Note: Please use the Look Inside feature for possible triggers in the exciting, action-packed beginning of this dystopian series. The Soul Match series needs to be read in order. You can expect political intrigue and mystical prophecies that drive the fate of the universe, along with twinky subs who form a forever bond with their hunky alien partners. Grab your copy now!

Cherished by Two: M/M/M Sci-fi Romance
Book 2·Jun 2021
Destiny rewards those who embrace it...


Chris and his alien soul matches, Lasar and Nary, are ready to deepen their new bond as mates. It’s also time for Chris to begin his training as a Nasha, or sub, and for Nary to embrace his new role as Ahna, or Dom, to Chris. As three in the soul match they are unique. Not only have Alasharians never matched with a human, they’ve never matched as three.


What makes them special also puts them in danger. The Supreme Soul Healer warned Chris that many changes were ahead, ones even more startling than the original invasion. They must keep their bond a secret until they know who they can trust.


Lasar and Nary are invited to a pleasure party by the Alasharian’s leader, the Nall, and are forced to bring Chris and his cousin, Morgan. But a terrifying turn of events sets in motion what might be the beginning of the end for them all—unless they can resist the void.


Author’s Note: Please check the front matter for triggers that includes graphic violence in this exciting, action-packed continuation of this sci-fi dystopian series. Also note that Cherished by Two was previously released through another publisher under the same title. This edition has been re-edited with a new cover. There is no additional content. The Soul Match series needs to be read in order. You can expect political intrigue and mystical prophecies that drive the fate of the universe, along with twinky subs who form a forever bond with their hunky alien partners. Grab your copy now!

Hiding From Two: M/M/M Sci-fi Alien Romance
Book 3·Aug 2021
Embracing destiny was never meant to be easy…

Morgan can’t figure out where he belongs anymore now that a new world has emerged in the aftermath of the Alasharian invasion of Earth. Everything is too strange and frightening and all he wants to do is hide from it all. It doesn’t help to ease his confusion when he finds himself being drawn to not one, but two hunky aliens.

Chris experiences a terrifying vision from the Soul Healer and it becomes clear that both Alasharian and humans are running out of time to save the Earth from the insidious spread of the Void. A battle is imminent and it becomes imperative to protect those who are allied against the evil that has corrupted the Nall.

Everything on Earth is about to change once again and Morgan finds himself at the brink of discovering his own destiny—and how the two aliens he can’t get out of his heart are part of his fate. Then, a disturbing event triggers the beginning of the fight against the Void. Chris and Morgan must separate for the first time since the invasion, with each of them going with their soul matches. For Morgan, he hopes the goodbye he says to Chris isn’t forever.

Author’s Note: Please check the preview for possible triggers in the exciting, action-packed continuation of this MMM, Total Power Exchange, sci-fi/post-apocalyptic series. The Soul Match series is a continuing saga and does need to be read in order. You can expect political intrigue and mystical prophecies that drive the fate of the universe, twinky subs who form a forever bond with their hunky alien partners, and plenty of k*nk to keep everyone happy. Grab your copy now!

Soul Match reading order:

Slave for Two

Cherished by Two

Hiding from Two

Surrendering for Two

Fighting for All

Surrendering for Two: M/M/M Sci-fi Alien Romance
Book 4·Nov 2021
Strength is found when surrendering to destiny...

Graham has suffered way too much at the hands of the Nall. Ever since he was enslaved after the invasion, he’s been raped and tortured by the Alasharian Supreme Commander and his cohorts. Condemned to die by hanging for his part in the human rebellion, Graham gives in to the inevitable, no longer caring if he survives. But an unexpected event occurs, and Graham is saved.

Balor is a guard to the Nall, but he’s also a part of the growing rebellion among the Alasharians. When Advisor Oman arrives on the scene to rescue Balor as he helps Graham to escape, it becomes clear that yet another alien/human triad is forming—even if Graham may never accept being bonded to two aliens after the trauma he’s endured at the hands of Alasharians.

The time has come to depart to the secret military complex where the human and Alasharian allies will stage their final assault against the Nall and the Void. Families are reunited and others torn apart as they prepare for battle. The allies fear what will become of them all if Chris, the special human Sha Sha Ar has chosen as their spiritual leader, is no longer there to guide them.

Is there any hope for the rebellion? Or has all their suffering been for nothing?

Author’s Note: Please use the preview feature for possible triggers in the exciting, action-packed continuation of this dystopian series. The Soul Match series is a continuing saga and needs to be read in order. You can expect political intrigue and mystical prophecies that drive the fate of the universe, along with twinky subs who form a forever bond with their hunky alien partners. Grab your copy now!

Soul Match reading order:

Slave for Two

Cherished by Two

Hiding from Two

Surrendering for Two

Fighting for All

Fighting for All: M/M/M Sci-fi Alien Romance
Book 5·Jul 2022
The exciting conclusion to the Soul Match saga!

Bravery will lead you to your destiny...

The human and alien rebellion is at hand, but those who have already arrived at the secret military facility are without the one who has inspired them to stand against the Nall. Chris, the human chosen by the Alasharian spiritual leader, Sha Sha Ar, has been missing since the escape to the hideout. Those who have never seen Chris before, have only heard tales of his visions, begin to doubt his existence. Fear spreads through the group as humans and Alasharians alike wonder if they’re all doomed, that maybe Chris is a fantasy or has already fallen at the hands of the Nall.

Graham, Morgan and their Alasharian matches stand before the terrified group to reassure them that Chris is real. They’ve barely begun to speak when they are forced to fight an unexpected foe. But before the final battle against the Nall and the Void begins, all must search within themselves to discover what part they will play to achieve their destiny—and to summon the bravery they’ll need to see it through.

Author’s Note: Please use the preview feature for possible triggers in the suspenseful and exciting, action-packed conclusion of this dystopian series.  The Soul Match series does need to be read in order. You can expect political intrigue and mystical prophecies that drive the fate of the universe, along with twinky subs who form a forever bond with their hunky alien partners. Grab your copy now!

Soul Match Reading Order:

Slave for Two

Cherished by Two

Hiding From Two

Surrendering for Two

Fighting for All