
Latest release: March 29, 2013
Apocalypsis: Book 1 (Kahayatle)
Book 1·Jun 2012
NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ELLE CASEY, brings readers Book 1 of 4 in the YA Dystopian APOCALYPSIS Series, suitable for older teens and adults. With over 900 5-star ratings on Goodreads for Book 1, readers love the Apocalypsis Series!

KAHAYATLE. My name is Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I live in a neighborhood outside of Orlando, Florida. I’m here alone because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. I'm almost out of food, and the gangs of kids that roam around my town are getting more vicious by the day. It's time for me to leave and find another place to live ... a place where I can find food and shelter ... a place where they won't be able to find me. Alone, it might have been possible, but now I've got company. I'm worried that I don't have what it takes to get from here to my final destination, and I have no idea what might be waiting for me when I get there.

Content Warning: Mild violence and some foul language within. Meant for older Young Adult readers (age 15+). This book is in the Dark Science Fiction / Horror / Post-Apocalyptic genres, featuring teen characters only.

Apocalypsis: Book 1 (Kahayatle)
Apocalypsis: Book 2 (Warpaint)
Apocalypsis: Book 3 (Exodus)
Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven)

This series is dedicated to the amazing, wonderful Native Americans who populate our nation, continuing their traditions and reminding the rest of us that sometimes, progress isn’t always the best thing for our people. I invite you to learn more about the Miccosukee tribe, their history, culture, and lifestyle by visiting this website: http://www.miccosukee.com/indian-village/


“The storytelling was absolutely first class.” ~Trevor Morris, reviewer

"Elle Casey has done it again. Created a world that drags you in and won't let you go.  I think I am a little bit in love with her brain ... at least the imagination part of it.  I love books that make me root for the characters, and this one has you rooting from the very first page..." ~ Cynthia Shepp book reviews

"What took me so flipping long to read this book?! Apocalypsis: Kahayatle was so very different than what I expected - but just that much better because of it. Elle Casey creates a world ridden with violence and horror and injects the perfect amount of belly-laughing sarcasm, wit, and romance. Her characterization is phenomenal and honest through a setting that is disturbingly realistic..." BetweentheBind.blogspot.com ~ Jenna, Book Blogger

“I read A TON of dystopians and post-apocalyptic novels. They all run together, but not this one. This is the kind of dystopian that I want to read.  I love the world Elle Casey has created. It’s a tamed-down, less-depressing, good-humoured The Road meets a more-aggressive, less sophisticated The Silence of the Lambs. Read this! It’s bloody brilliant. ~ Lucas Deal, Goodreads Reviewer

“If you don’t enjoy reading books that tend to be addictive and take over your life until you have finished reading it, stay away from Apocalypsis. It was nearly impossible to put down. It is also funny - I spent most of the book chuckling or full out laughing.” ~ Tiffany Loves Books, Blogger and Goodreads reviewer

Apocalypsis: Book 2 (Warpaint)
Book 2·Jul 2012
NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ELLE CASEY, brings readers Book 2 of 4 in the YA Dystopian APOCALYPSIS Series, suitable for older teens and adults.

WARPAINT. My name’s Bryn Mathis. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Kahayatle, otherwise known as The Everglades. I’m here with my three best friends and a tribe of Native American teens, because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. We’re creating a whole new world for ourselves, but this world has problems. The biggest threat to our survival is not starvation anymore … it’s the gang of kids who lives nearby that has become more vicious than anyone could have imagined possible. The soulless demons have gone too far, and it’s time for us to rise up and do what needs to be done to set things right. Alone, it might have been impossible; but now I’ve got friends. I’m worried, though, that I won’t be able to get them ready to fight in time, and that we’re taking on more of a challenge than we can handle right now. And I have no idea what might be waiting for us when we arrive on their front doorstep.

Content Warning: Mild violence and some foul language. Meant for older Young Adult readers (age 15+). This book is in the Dark Science Fiction / Horror / Post-Apocalyptic genres, featuring teen characters only.

Apocalypsis: Book 1 (Kahayatle) **Special introductory ebook price**
Apocalypsis: Book 2 (Warpaint)
Apocalypsis: Book 3 (Exodus)
Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven)

“No surprise there… Elle knocks it out of the park with Warpaint. Can't say enough about the amazing world created in Apocalypsis by Elle Casey. Warpaint is even better than the first in the series! The characters are not only believable, but raw and real. Their struggles make you grab onto them that much tighter, and never want to let go. Apocalypsis is a great read full of suspense and horror, that still manages to leave you grasping at a sense of hope for the future...great job Elle...yet again!” ~ Aria Michaels, Amazon reviewer

“Great series! Couldn't put these books down! Great story line, very suspenseful and emotional. Loved every minute of every book in this series!~ Jen P, Amazon reviewer

“Just go ahead and save yourself the time and get book 3 when you get book 2 because after you finish this you will be dying to get the next book. Book 2 was just as good as the first! This is the kind of series that makes you want to lock yourself up in a room without any interruptions just so you can read this book!” ~ Elizabeth, Goodreads reviewer

“Again another 5 star rating for this series.. I just can't help myself, I'm addicted. I think the main characters are smart, likeable, and the story flows so well that you’re not even aware how much time has passed in the real world. I found myself staying up all night not able to put this down until it was done, and it's been a few months since I've felt that way.” ~ Alisha, Goodreads reviewer

This series is dedicated to the amazing, wonderful Native Americans who populate our nation, continuing their traditions and reminding the rest of us that sometimes, progress isn’t always the best thing for our people. I invite you to learn more about the Miccosukee tribe, their history, culture, and lifestyle by visiting this website: http://www.miccosukee.com/indian-village/

Apocalypsis: Book 3 (Exodus)
Book 3·Aug 2012
NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ELLE CASEY, brings readers Book 3 of 4 in the YA Dystopian APOCALYPSIS Series, suitable for older teens and adults.

EXODUS. My name's Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and my world has been turned upside down and inside out. I'm racing toward a future I cannot control. I thought I had everything worked out, but then things changed. I thought we were all cut off from one another, but it turns out, we're not. They say people are talking, and word about me and what I've done is spreading like the virus that wiped out millions of people, leaving us teens alone to fend for ourselves. And depending on who you are, and what you eat for dinner, I'm either your salvation or your target.

Content Warning: Mild violence and some foul language. Meant for older Young Adult readers (age 15+). This book is in the Dark Science Fiction / Horror / Post-Apocalyptic genres, featuring teen characters only.

Apocalypsis: Book 1 (Kahayatle) **Special introductory ebook price**
Apocalypsis: Book 2 (Warpaint)
Apocalypsis: Book 3 (Exodus)
Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven)

“This is my favorite of all the books because I couldn't put it down! I absolutely loved all the action and drama this book had...I found myself many times holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am so addicted to this series!” ~ Carol Allen, StarAngel’s Reviews

“I couldn't finish this series fast enough!! The suspense was so killer. I read the first 3 books in 48 hours...it was that good. This is a must read. ~ Kay Marle, Goodreads reviewer

“I laughed, cried and sat in horror all while reading this...NOW THAT IS A GREAT BOOK! THE SERIES ROCKS! A MUST READ.” ~  Dystopian Doll, Amazon reviewer

“I have no idea how Elle Casey does it. Every book is a masterpiece. There's never a slow or dull moment nor is there ever a dip in the plot. Usually in most books there's at least a boring passage or two but Mrs. Casey's books never have a dull moment. She can make a simple conversation between friends just as exciting and fun as a big fight scene. In fact some of my favorite moments in her books are just when her characters are interacting, making fun of each other or just eating lunch. The characters are so real and vivid that I find myself missing them once I've finished a series…” ~ Jamie,  Blogger and Goodreads reviewer

This series is dedicated to the amazing, wonderful Native Americans who populate our nation, continuing their traditions and reminding the rest of us that sometimes, progress isn’t always the best thing for our people. I invite you to learn more about the Miccosukee tribe, their history, culture, and lifestyle by visiting this website: http://www.miccosukee.com/indian-village/

Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven)
Book 4·Mar 2013
NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ELLE CASEY, brings readers Book 4, the final installment in the YA Dystopian APOCALYPSIS Series, suitable for older teens and adults.

HAVEN. My name’s Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I'm alive at a critical time in our world's history, unlike all the adults and babies who didn't survive the virus that almost wiped out the human race. Alliances are building, enemies are gathering, and everything's about to reach the boiling point. I'm in a race against time to get Haven ready for the final showdown, a confrontation that could very possibly destroy everything my friends and I have worked so hard to create. People I trusted have betrayed me. People who I thought were my enemies are not. Nothing is as it seems, and nothing will ever be the same for me, now that I've embarked on this one last adventure that could be the undoing of everything that is me.

Content Warning: Mild violence and some foul language. Meant for older Young Adult readers (age 15+). This book is in the Dark Science Fiction / Horror / Post-Apocalyptic genres, featuring teen characters only.

Apocalypsis: Book 1 (Kahayatle) **Special introductory ebook price**
Apocalypsis: Book 2 (Warpaint)
Apocalypsis: Book 3 (Exodus)
Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven)

“Best Book Of The Series! I am always sad to see Elle's series come to an end. Her chillaxed writing style brings an amazingly personal depth to her characters. Haven is no exception. This book will have you angry, then laughing, then crying, and when it’s over you’ll leave wanting more! I gave Haven the full 5 stars it deserves! Elle, you never disappoint! Thank You!!” ~ Chris, Goodreads reviewer

“…I’ve already read this series more than once! And with having a ton of TBR books on my kindle (and believe me there are a lot). When I find myself rereading this series more than just one time I think it shows just how GREAT this series is!!”~ Elizabeth, Goodreads reviewer

“The final installment to Apocalypsis took me from one extreme to the next. Elle Casey has done it again. I laughed, I cried, I wanted to scream, I held my breath, and I read non-stop from start to finish!" ~ Mandy Jamerson, Goodreads reviewer

Don’t pass this series by! Elle Casey's books are stellar! This series has elements of fear, humour, survival, and romance. The characters are wonderfully developed and you race through each book needing to know what happens. It also is very thought provoking - this terror could happen now…” ~  Penny Streby, Amazon reviewer

This series is dedicated to the amazing, wonderful Native Americans who populate our nation, continuing their traditions and reminding the rest of us that sometimes, progress isn’t always the best thing for our people. I invite you to learn more about the Miccosukee tribe, their history, culture, and lifestyle by visiting this website: http://www.miccosukee.com/indian-village/