Taken: The Ties that Bind

8 books
Appearances can be deceiving and things aren’t at all what they seem to be… What starts off as a brutal kidnapping turns into a supernatural feud centered around outsider, Ryan Hobson. As revenge on his father and crazy stepmother, Ryan hatches a runaway hoax to mess with their minds and show them that he is his own man. Unfortunately for the clueless and cocky baseball jock, his fake plot leads him to an unexpected and fearful destination. When Ryan gets stranded on the side of the California highway, he turns to a friendly trucker, Jeb. Seemingly a southern rube, Jeb is actually a sadistic and cunning dominant as well as a sociopath. With insidious intent, Jeb hijacks Ryan and forever changes the course of the jock’s life. The series is a dark fantasy containing, mature themes, including dominance, submission, bondage with a preternatural twist.