Springer Series in Information Sciences

Latest release: November 11, 2013
Content-Addressable Memories: Edition 2
Book 1·Dec 2012
Due to continual progress in the large-scale integration of semiconductor circuits, parallel computing principles can already be met in low-cost sys tems: numerous examples exist in image processing, for which special hard ware is implementable with quite modest resources even by nonprofessional designers. Principles of content addressing, if thoroughly understood, can thereby be applied effectively using standard components. On the other hand, mass storage based on associative principles still exists only in the long term plans of computer technologists. This situation is somewhat confused by the fact that certain expectations are held for the development of new storage media such as optical memories and "spin glasses" (metal alloys with low-density magnetic impurities). Their technologies, however, may not ripen until after "fifth generation" computers have been built. It seems that software methods for content addressing, especially those based on hash coding principles, are still holding their position firmly, and a few innovations have been developed recently. As they need no special hardware, one might expect that they will spread to a wide circle of users. This monograph is based on an extensive literature survey, most of which was published in the First Edition. I have added Chap. ?, which contains a review of more recent work. This updated book now has references to over 1200 original publications. In the editing of the new material, I received valuable help from Anneli HeimbUrger, M. Sc. , and Mrs. Leila Koivisto.
Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms: Edition 2
Book 2·Dec 2012
In the first edition of this book, we covered in Chapter 6 and 7 the applications to multidimensional convolutions and DFT's of the transforms which we have introduced, back in 1977, and called polynomial transforms. Since the publication of the first edition of this book, several important new developments concerning the polynomial transforms have taken place, and we have included, in this edition, a discussion of the relationship between DFT and convolution polynomial transform algorithms. This material is covered in Appendix A, along with a presentation of new convolution polynomial transform algorithms and with the application of polynomial transforms to the computation of multidimensional cosine transforms. We have found that the short convolution and polynomial product algorithms of Chap. 3 have been used extensively. This prompted us to include, in this edition, several new one-dimensional and two-dimensional polynomial product algorithms which are listed in Appendix B. Since our book is being used as part of several graduate-level courses taught at various universities, we have added, to this edition, a set of problems which cover Chaps. 2 to 8. Some of these problems serve also to illustrate some research work on DFT and convolution algorithms. I am indebted to Mrs A. Schlageter who prepared the manuscript of this second edition. Lausanne HENRI J. NUSSBAUMER April 1982 Preface to the First Edition This book presents in a unified way the various fast algorithms that are used for the implementation of digital filters and the evaluation of discrete Fourier transforms.
Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms
Book 2·Mar 2013
This book presents in a unified way the various fast algorithms that are used for the implementation of digital filters and the evaluation of discrete Fourier transforms. The book consists of eight chapters. The first two chapters are devoted to background information and to introductory material on number theory and polynomial algebra. This section is limited to the basic concepts as they apply to other parts of the book. Thus, we have restricted our discussion of number theory to congruences, primitive roots, quadratic residues, and to the properties of Mersenne and Fermat numbers. The section on polynomial algebra deals primarily with the divisibility and congruence properties of polynomials and with algebraic computational complexity. The rest of the book is focused directly on fast digital filtering and discrete Fourier transform algorithms. We have attempted to present these techniques in a unified way by using polynomial algebra as extensively as possible. This objective has led us to reformulate many of the algorithms which are discussed in the book. It has been our experience that such a presentation serves to clarify the relationship between the algorithms and often provides clues to improved computation techniques. Chapter 3 reviews the fast digital filtering algorithms, with emphasis on algebraic methods and on the evaluation of one-dimensional circular convolutions. Chapters 4 and 5 present the fast Fourier transform and the Winograd Fourier transform algorithm.
Pitch Determination of Speech Signals: Algorithms and Devices
Book 3·Dec 2012
Pitch (i.e., fundamental frequency FO and fundamental period TO) occupies a key position in the acoustic speech signal. The prosodic information of an utterance is predominantly determined by this parameter. The ear is more sensitive to changes of fundamental frequency than to changes of other speech signal parameters by an order of magnitude. The quality of vocoded speech is essentially influenced by the quality and faultlessness of the pitch measure ment. Hence the importance of this parameter necessitates using good and reliable measurement methods. At first glance the task looks simple: one just has to detect the funda mental frequency or period of a quasi-periodic signal. For a number of reasons, however, the task of pitch determination has to be counted among the most difficult problems in speech analysis. 1) In principle, speech is a nonstationary process; the momentary position of the vocal tract may change abruptly at any time. This leads to drastic variations in the temporal structure of the signal, even between subsequent pitch periods, and assuming a quasi-periodic signal is often far from realistic. 2) Due to the flexibility of the human vocal tract and the wide variety of voices, there exist a multitude of possible temporal structures. Narrow-band formants at low harmonics (especially at the second or third harmonic) are an additional source of difficulty. 3) For an arbitrary speech signal uttered by an unknown speaker, the fundamental frequency can vary over a range of almost four octaves (50 to 800 Hz).
Pattern Analysis and Understanding: Edition 2
Book 4·Apr 2013
In this second edition every chapter of the first edition of Pattern Analysis has been updated and expanded. The general view of a system for pattern analysis and understanding has remained unchanged, but many details have been revised. A short account of light and sound has been added to the introduction, some normalization techniques and a basic introduction to morphological operations have been added to the second chapter. Chapter 3 has been expanded significantly by topics like motion, depth, and shape from shading; additional material has also been added to the already existing sections of this chapter. The old sections of Chap. 4 have been reorganized, a general view of the classification problem has been added and material provided to incorporate techniques of word and object recognition and to give a short account of some types of neural nets. Almost no changes have been made in Chap. 5. The part on representation of control structures in Chap. 6 has been shortened, a section on the judgement of results has been added. Chapter 7 has been rewritten almost completely; the section on formal grammars has been reduced, the sections on production systems, semantic networks, and knowledge acquisition have been expanded, and sections on logic and explanation added. The old Chaps. 8 and 9 have been omitted. In summary, the new edition is a thorough revision and extensive update of the first one taking into account the progress in the field during recent years.
Image Sequence Analysis
Book 5·Nov 2013
The processing of image sequences has a broad spectrum of important applica tions including target tracking, robot navigation, bandwidth compression of TV conferencing video signals, studying the motion of biological cells using microcinematography, cloud tracking, and highway traffic monitoring. Image sequence processing involves a large amount of data. However, because of the progress in computer, LSI, and VLSI technologies, we have now reached a stage when many useful processing tasks can be done in a reasonable amount of time. As a result, research and development activities in image sequence analysis have recently been growing at a rapid pace. An IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery was held in Philadelphia, April 5-6, 1979. A related special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Anal ysis and Machine Intelligence was published in November 1980. The IEEE Com puter magazine has also published a special issue on the subject in 1981. The purpose of this book is to survey the field of image sequence analysis and to discuss in depth a number of important selected topics. The seven chap ters fall into two categories. Chapters 2, 3, and 7 are comprehensive surveys on, respectively, the whole field of image sequence analysis, efficient coding of image sequences, and the processing of medical image sequences. In Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6 the authors present mainly results of their own research on, respectively, motion estimation, noise reduction in image sequences, moving object extraction, and occlusion.
Number Theory in Science and Communication: With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Biology, Digital Information, and Computing
Book 7·Mar 2013
"Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics. " - G. H. Hardy N umber theory has been considered since time immemorial to be the very paradigm of pure (some would say useless) mathematics. In fact, the Chinese characters for mathematics are Number Science. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences - and number theory is the queen of mathematics," according to Carl Friedrich Gauss, the lifelong Wunderkind, who hirnself enjoyed the epithet "Princeps Mathematicorum. " What could be more beautiful than a deep, satisfying relation between whole numbers. {One is almost tempted to call them wholesome numbersJ In fact, it is hard to come up with a more appropriate designation than their learned name: the integers - meaning the "untouched ones". How high they rank, in the realms of pure thought and aesthetics, above their lesser brethren: the real and complex number- whose first names virtually exude unsavory involvement with the complex realities of everyday life! Yet, as we shall see in this book, the theory of integers can provide totally unexpected answers to real-world problems. In fact, discrete mathematics is ta king on an ever more important role. If nothing else, the advent of the digital computer and digital communication has seen to that. But even earlier, in physics the emergence of quantum mechanics and discrete elementary particles put a premium on the methods and, indeed, the spirit of discrete mathematics.
Number Theory in Science and Communication: With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Digital Information, Computing, and Self-Similarity, Edition 2
Book 7·Nov 2013
"Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics. " - G. H. Hardy Number theory has been considered since time immemorial to be the very paradigm of pure (some would say useless) mathematics. In fact, the Chinese characters for mathematics are Number Science. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences - and number theory is the queen of mathematics," according to Carl Friedrich Gauss, the lifelong Wunderkind, who himself enjoyed the epithet "Princeps Mathematicorum. " What could be more beautiful than a deep, satisfying relation between whole numbers. (One is almost tempted to call them wholesome numbers') In fact, it is hard to come up with a more appropriate designation than their learned name: the integers - meaning the "untouched ones". How high they rank, in the realms of pure thought and aesthetics, above their lesser brethren: the real and complex number- whose first names virtually exude unsavory involvement with the complex realities of everyday life! Yet, as we shall see in this book, the theory of integers can provide totally unexpected answers to real-world problems. In fact, discrete mathematics is taking on an ever more important role. If nothing else, the advent of the digital computer and digital communication has seen to that. But even earlier, in physics the emergence of quantum mechanics and discrete elementary particles put a premium on the methods and, indeed, the spirit of discrete mathematics.
Self-Organization and Associative Memory: Edition 2
Book 8·Dec 2012
Two significant things have happened since the writing of the first edition in 1983. One of them is recent arousal of strong interest in general aspects of "neural computing", or "neural networks", as the previous neural models are nowadays called. The incentive, of course, has been to develop new com puters. Especially it may have been felt that the so-called fifth-generation computers, based on conventional logic programming, do not yet contain in formation processing principles of the same type as those encountered in the brain. All new ideas for the "neural computers" are, of course, welcome. On the other hand, it is not very easy to see what kind of restrictions there exist to their implementation. In order to approach this problem systematically, cer tain lines of thought, disciplines, and criteria should be followed. It is the pur pose of the added Chapter 9 to reflect upon such problems from a general point of view. Another important thing is a boom of new hardware technologies for dis tributed associative memories, especially high-density semiconductor circuits, and optical materials and components. The era is very close when the parallel processors can be made all-optical. Several working associative memory archi tectures, based solely on optical technologies, have been constructed in recent years. For this reason it was felt necessary to include a separate chapter (Chap. 10) which deals with the optical associative memories. Part of its con tents is taken over from the first edition.
Digital Picture Processing: An Introduction
Book 9·Dec 2012
The text has been prepared for researchers involved in picture processing. It is designed to help them in mastering the methods at the professional level. From the viewpoint of both signal theory and information theory, the treatment covers the basic principles of the digital methods for the processing of continuous signals such as picture signals. In addition, it reviews schemes for correcting signal distortion in imaging systems, for the enhancement of picture contrast, and for the automatic measurement of picture details. The text contains new results on digital filtering and transformation, and a new approach to picture processing. The main applications, as documented by numerous examples, are in space research, remote sensing, medical diag nostics, nondestructive testing. The material has been tested extensively in class-room use with students of both computer science and electrical engineering at the senior undergraduate and the first-year graduate level. The present edition is not a translation of the original Russian book, but it has been extended substantially as well as updated. The author is grate ful to Dr. H. Lotsch of Springer-Verlag for his proposal to prepare this text and for many helpful suggestions. He likes to thank Dr. P. Hawkes for a careful copy-editing of the manuscript, and acknowledges numerous criti cal comments by Professors S.L. Gorelik, T.S. Huang, A.W. Lohmann,and A.M. Trakhtman.
Probability, Statistical Optics, and Data Testing: A Problem Solving Approach
Book 10·Dec 2012
A basic skill in probability is practically demanded nowadays in many bran ches of optics, especially in image science. On the other hand, there is no text presently available that develops probability, and its companion fields stochastic processes and statistics, from the optical perspective. [Short of a book, a chapter was recently written for this purpose; see B. R. Frieden (ed. ): The Computer in Optical Research, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 41 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1980) Chap. 3] Most standard texts either use illustrative examples and problems from electrical engineering or from the life sciences. The present book is meant to remedy this situation, by teaching probability with the specific needs of the optical researcher in mind. Virtually all the illustrative examples and applications of the theory are from image science and other fields of optics. One might say that photons have replaced electrons in nearly all considera tions here. We hope, in this manner, to make the learning of probability a pleasant and absorbing experience for optical workers. Some of the remaining applications are from information theory, a con cept which complements image science in particular. As will be seen, there are numerous tie-ins between the two concepts. Students will be adequately prepared for the material in this book if they have had a course in calculus, and know the basics of matrix manipulation.
Probability, Statistical Optics, and Data Testing: A Problem Solving Approach, Edition 2
Book 10·Dec 2012
This new edition incorporates corrections of all known typographical errors in the first edition, as well as some more substantive changes. Chief among the latter is the addition of Chap. 17, on methods of estimation. As with the rest of the text, most applications and examples cited in the new chapter are from the optical perspective. The intention behind this new chapter is to empower the optical researcher with a yet broader range of research tools. Certainly a basic knowledge of estimation methods should be among these. In particular, the sections on likelihood theory and Fisher information prepare readers for the problems of optical parameter estimation and probability law estimation. Physicists and optical scientists might find this material particularly useful, since the subject of Fisher information is generally not covered in standard physical science curricula. Since the words "statistical optics" are prominent in the title of this book, their meaning needs to be clarified. There is a general tendency to overly emphasize the statistics of photons as the sine qua non of statistical optics. In view is taken, which equally emphasizes the random medium this text a wider that surrounds the photon, be it a photographic emulsion, the turbulent atmo sphere, a vibrating lens holder, etc. Also included are random interpretations of ostensibly deterministic phenomena, such as the Hurter-Driffield (H and D) curve of photography. Such a "random interpretation" sometimes breaks new ground, as in Chap.