
3 books

Beekeeping, also apiculture, management of colonies of bees for the production of honey and other hive products and for the pollination of crops. Beekeeping usually refers to the husbandry of the European honey bee, but it may also refer to management of other species of social bees, such as the Indian honey bee, the dwarf honey bee, or stingless bees. Groups of hives are called apiaries, and a beekeeper may also be called an apiarist or apiculturist.

Honey bees are an incredibly beneficial resource to have. In addition to being fantastic pollinators, they provide us with a number of useful products such as honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, bees wax, and propolis, which can be traded, sold, or used personally. Many of these products are great for personal health and are just plain delicious! Beekeeping is also a highly rewarding hobby to take up and provides a sense of gratification looking after your own hive and receiving valuable products in return!

In this amazing guide you’ll discover:

The best training to become an exceptional beekeeper

The essential tools you need to avoid hurting yourself or your bees

The shape, size, kinds of wood and everything else you need to know to build your own hive

The 5 awesome new technologies that can take a big load off your shoulders

The 4 seasons and why they are crucial to all beekeepers

The most important diseases to watch out for to keep your hive healthy and alive

The hidden secrets to making your honey taste exactly how you want it to

The #1 thing only advanced beekeepers know and how this insider knowledge can make your life easier when dealing with your bees

How your amateur beekeeping hobby can turn into a sweet and profitable career

And so much more…

Bees are a wonder of nature and vital for global agriculture and human existence. In the recent years, the number of amateur beekeepers has increased exponentially. This practical guide introduces beginner beekeepers to beekeeping and offers a clear and concise introduction into the fascinating world of honeybee and beekeeping.