Canadian Werewolf

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Being a werewolf isn't all about howling at the moon.

Or running carelessly through boundless fields feeling the wind in your fur.

Not when you live in the most populous city in the US.


For Michael Andrews, a Canadian living in Manhattan and afflicted with lycanthropy, there are odd side effects to being a werewolf in the middle of a bustling metropolis.

Such as waking up naked in Battery Park with absolutely no memory of the night before as a wolf and trying to figure out why there is a bullet hole in his leg.

Andrews not only continues to find himself in odd, compromising positions due to the curse of his monthly moon-based morphing into a wolf, but as a human his extra sensory and physical abilities keep landing him in the middle of trouble.

Michael Andrews is not only doing his best to live with the odd side effect of his werewolf affliction, but beta human tries desperately to reconcile himself with the alpha wolf that beats within his very blood.


Keywords: wolf, werewolf, superhero, Spider-Man, urban fantasy, action and adventure, humor, reluctant hero