Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science

Latest release: May 23, 2023
Evolutionary Foundations of Economic Science: How Can Scientists Study Evolving Economic Doctrines from the Last Centuries?
Book 1·Oct 2014
This book aims to discern and distinguish the essential features of basic economic theories and compare them with new theories that have arisen in recent years. The book focuses on seminal economic ideas and theories developed mainly in the 1930s to 1950s because their emergence eventually led to new branches of economics. The book describes an alternative analytical framework spreading through the interdisciplinary fields of socioeconophysics and sociodynamics. The focus is on a set of branching or critical points that separate what has gone before from what has followed. W. Brian Arthur used the term “redomaining” when he referred to technological innovation. In the present volume the author aims to re domain economic theories suited for a new social order. Major technological innovations accompany not only changes in the economy and the market but changes in their meaning as well. In particular, the evolution of trading technology has changed the meaning of the “invisible hand.” At the end of the last century, the advent of socioeconophysics became a decisive factor in the emergence of a new economic science. This emergence has coincided with changes in the implications of the economy and the market, which consequently require a redomaining of economic science. In this new enterprise, the joint efforts of many scientists outside traditional economics have brought brilliant achievements such as power law distribution and network analysis, among others. However, the more diverse the backgrounds of economic scientists, the less integrated the common views among them may be, resulting in a sometimes perplexing potpourri of economic terminology. This book helps to mitigate those differences, shedding light on current alternative economic theories and how they have evolved.
Modern Classical Economics and Reality: A Spectral Analysis of the Theory of Value and Distribution
Book 2·Jan 2016
This book presents an in-depth, novel, and mathematically rigorous treatment of the modern classical theory of value based on the spectral analysis of the price–profit–wage rate system. The classical theory is also subjected to empirical testing to show its logical consistency and explanatory content with respect to observed phenomena and key economic policy issues related to various multiplier processes. In this context, there is an examination of the trajectories of relative prices when the distributive variables change, both theoretically and empirically, using actual input–output data from a number of quite diverse economies. It is suggested that the actual economies do not behave like the parable of a one-commodity world of the traditional neoclassical theory, which theorizes the relative scarcities of “goods and production factors” as the fundamental determinants of relative prices and their movement. By contrast, the results of the empirical analysis are fully consistent with the modern classical theory, which makes the intersectoral structure of production and the way in which net output is distributed amongst its claimants the fundamental determinants of price magnitudes. At the same time, however, these results indicate that only a few vertically integrated industries (“industry core” or “hyper-basic industries”) are enough to shape the behaviour of the entire economy in the case of a disturbance. This fact is reduced to the skew distribution of the eigenvalues of the matrices of vertically integrated technical coefficients and reveals that, across countries and over time, the effective dimensions of actual economies are surprisingly low.

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Social Preference, Institution, and Distribution: An Experimental and Philosophical Approach
Book 3·Feb 2016
This is the first book to examine behavioral theories on social preference from institutional and philosophical perspectives using economic experiments. The experimental method in economics has challenged central behavioral assumptions based on rationality and selfishness, proposing empirical evidence that not only profit seeking but also social preferences matter in individuals’ decision making. By performing distribution experiments in institutional contexts, the author extends assumptions about human behavior to understand actual social economy. The book also aims to enrich behavioral theories of economics directed toward institutional evolution.The author scrutinizes how specific institutional conditions enhance or mute individuals’ selfish incentives or their fairness ideals such as egalitarian, performance-based, labor-value radicalism or libertarianism. From experimental results and their analysis, implications for actual problems in social economy and institutional change are derived: why performance-based pay often fails to promote workers’ productivity; why labor wages decline whereas shareholder’s values increase after financialization; and whether socially responsible investment can be a social institution for corporate governance.The book is also addressed to philosophers of social sciences interested in how experimental methods can contribute to developing cognition of human behaviors and be extended to social theories. Referring to behavioral theorists in the history of economic thought, the author discusses the meanings of experiments in the methodology of social sciences. She also proposes new ways of interpreting experimental results by reviving historic social theories and applying them to actual social problems.
Realistic Simulation of Financial Markets: Analyzing Market Behaviors by the Third Mode of Science
Book 4·Jul 2016
This book takes up unique agent-based approaches to solving problems related to stock and their derivative markets. Toward this end, the authors have worked for more than 15 years on the development of an artificial market simulator called U-Mart for use as a research and educational tool. A noteworthy feature of the U-Mart simulator compared to other artificial market simulators is that U-Mart is an ultra-realistic artificial stock and their derivative market simulator. For example, it can simulate “arrowhead,” a next-generation trading system used in the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other major markets, as it takes into consideration the institutional design of the entire market. Another interesting feature of the U-Mart simulator is that it permits both human and computer programs to participate simultaneously as traders in the artificial market. In this book, first the details of U-Mart are explained, enabling readers to install and run the simulator on their computers for research and educational purposes. The simulator thus can be used for gaming simulation of the artificial market and even for users as agents to implement their own trading strategies for agent-based simulation (ABS).The book also presents selected research cases using the U-Mart simulator. Here, topics include automated acquisition of trading strategy using artificial intelligence techniques, evaluation of a market maker system to treat thin markets such as those for small and regional businesses, systemic risk analysis of the financial market considering institutional design of the market, and analysis of how humans behave and learn in gaming simulation. New perspectives on artificial market research are provided, and the power, potential, and challenge of ABS are discussed. As explained in this important work, ABS is considered to be an effective tool as the third approach of social science, an alternative to traditional literary and mathematical approaches.
Contemporary Meanings of John R. Commons’s Institutional Economics: An Analysis Using a Newly Discovered Manuscript
Book 5·Feb 2017
This book is the first to reinterpret John R. Commons's Institutional Economics with a newly discovered manuscript written in 1927 in order to find its contemporary meanings in economic theories. Commons aimed to establish institutional economics to understand capitalism in the USA of that time, when people’s collective actions were gaining importance with the emergence of powerful labor unions, oligopolistic corporations, and national judicial systems. Setting three types of transactions as his central concepts for analysis, Commons described dynamics of capitalism as multiple and cumulative causal processes of transactions, through which the final goal should be achievements of a "reasonable value". He also believed that the reasonable value could be achieved by the evolution of institutions.

There is no doubt that Commons's ideas proposed in Institutional Economics such as transactions and collective actions greatly inspired later economists; however, few studies have contributed to comprehensive understanding of the origin of his masterpiece. To what extent and in what sense had Commons rejected or accepted previous classical economics or marginalism for constituting his original institutional economics? What are the meanings and limitations that reasonable value may have for contemporary political economy?

Institutional Economics as attempts to resolve deep economic problems at that time. Commons's efforts create important implications for us, those who are living in an era after the global financial crisis and confronting various challenges to political economy.

Fundamentals of Evolutionary Game Theory and its Applications
Book 6·Oct 2015
​This book both summarizes the basic theory of evolutionary games and explains their developing applications, giving special attention to the 2-player, 2-strategy game. This game, usually termed a "2×2 game” in the jargon, has been deemed most important because it makes it possible to posit an archetype framework that can be extended to various applications for engineering, the social sciences, and even pure science fields spanning theoretical biology, physics, economics, politics, and information science. The 2×2 game is in fact one of the hottest issues in the field of statistical physics. The book first shows how the fundamental theory of the 2×2 game, based on so-called replicator dynamics, highlights its potential relation with nonlinear dynamical systems. This analytical approach implies that there is a gap between theoretical and reality-based prognoses observed in social systems of humans as well as in those of animal species. The book explains that this perceived gap is the result of an underlying reciprocity mechanism called social viscosity. As a second major point, the book puts a sharp focus on network reciprocity, one of the five fundamental mechanisms for adding social viscosity to a system and one that has been a great concern for study by statistical physicists in the past decade. The book explains how network reciprocity works for emerging cooperation, and readers can clearly understand the existence of substantial mechanics when the term "network reciprocity" is used. In the latter part of the book, readers will find several interesting examples in which evolutionary game theory is applied. One such example is traffic flow analysis. Traffic flow is one of the subjects that fluid dynamics can deal with, although flowing objects do not comprise a pure fluid but, rather, are a set of many particles. Applying the framework of evolutionary games to realistic traffic flows, the book reveals that social dilemma structures lie behind traffic flow.
A New Construction of Ricardian Theory of International Values: Analytical and Historical Approach
Book 7·Mar 2017
This is the first book published in English on the new international value theory, presented by Yoshinori Shiozawa in 2007. Shiozawa submitted a solution to the question on international values since Ricardo by constructing a Ricardo–Sraffa model on trading economies with M countries and N commodities including intermediate inputs (normally M N). The new theory is based on the assumption that prices are determined by production costs, which is the property derived from the classical value theory. The papers collected here deal with the following: introducing readers to the new theory; presenting diagrammatic illustrations of the new theory; analysing efficient patterns of specialization allowing intermediate inputs; examining how the new theory gives a new horizon to the Neo-Ricardian trade theory; investigating competitiveness, the long-period method, and potentiality from the perspectives of the new theory; discussing Mill's conversion toward neoclassical revolution; scrutinizing how the concept of comparative advantage has developed and diverged from Ricardo’s trade theory; discussing the purification of Marshall's value theory through Mill’s influence; reviewing the controversies on international values among Japanese economists; considering the value-added trade based on the Ricardian value theory; and lastly giving a mathematical explanation of the definitions and theorems of the new theory./pp
The Evolving Relationship between Economy and Environment: Theory and the Japanese Experience
Book 8·Mar 2017
This book sheds new light on the relationship between economy and the environment by approaching the issue from evolutionary and institutional economics. Building a framework of theory and empirical analysis, it provides an in-depth perspective on how economic growth and environmental policy interact and historically evolve.

Orthodox environmental economics usually understands environmental issues under the rules of market economy, while environmental sciences subordinate economy to physical constraints of the environment. Instead of these hierarchical visions, this book recognizes economy and the environment as co-evolving systems.

The theoretical framework is elaborated based on the régulation and post-Keynesian theories combined. An idea of three-dimensional factors—capital, labor, and the environment—leads to conceptual and mathematical models, which will be applicable to wider analyses.

Using this framework, Japanese history is analyzed as a typical example of environmental policy development. Historical transformations of environmental policies and growth regimes are explained using indices and econometric analysis. Experiences of strict regulations with positive economic impacts are also identified.

These works lead to some interesting implications, which include mechanisms, the possibility, and conditions of "green growth''. This book proposes a new approach by bridging the gap between evolutionary–institutional economics and environmental economics, which should be stimulating to them both and possibly open the door for a new research avenue.

Emerging Risks in a World of Heterogeneity: Interactions Among Countries with Different Sizes, Polities and Societies
Book 10·Feb 2018
This uniquely interdisciplinary volume analyzes the challenges posed by the heterogeneity of the world where radically different players are crammed into increasingly limited political, commercial, social, and ecological space. The rapid rise of Communist Party-ruled China is posing serious challenges to the postwar politico-economic architecture dominated by the United States. Russia, once expected to become a partner of the liberal Western international order, has started behaving in an increasingly unilateral fashion. The developing world is more characterized by failed governance rather than convergence to liberal democracies as was hoped by many Western authors. Given links provided by low-cost carriers, the Internet, and trade and investment, we simply cannot shield ourselves from influences, whether benign or malign, from neighbors on this planet.The authors, including political scientists, economists, social physicists, and experts on complexity theory and informatics, examine how interactions among actors with different properties can cause problems, and they analyze risks resulting from the interactions. While employing a variety of approaches to address topics such as economic interdependence among democracies and authoritarian states, the development assistance regimes, internal conflicts in developing countries, and cyber security, the whole volume presents a clear overview of challenges and risks the world is facing. This work makes a valuable contribution to students of social sciences as well as to practitioners interested in the emerging global order.

Evolving Diversity and Interdependence of Capitalisms: Transformations of Regional Integration in EU and Asia
Book 11·Oct 2018
This book integrates three levels of political–economic analysis: first a comparative institutional analysis of the varieties of capitalism in both Europe and Asia, second a macroeconomic analysis of industrial structural change and economic dynamics of the national economies in Europe and Asia, and then an encompassing analysis of international production linkages and international financial instability which determine the long-term patterns of regional integration in Europe and Asia. The comparison of the European Union and ASEAN delivers some key conditions for a viable long-term regional economic integration to cope with contrasted capitalisms and growth regimes: either pragmatism in the choice of an exchange rate regime, or a form of fiscal federalism. The reader will also find a genuine analysis of the dynamism of the Chinese economy, a study on institutional changes and de-industrialization in Japan, and the increasing international production linkages among China, Japan, Korea, and ASEAN. It is shown how the enlargement of the European Union and the Euro triggered the diverging competitiveness and macroeconomic performances that led to the crisis of a six decades long economic and political process. This book is the result of long lasting Asian–European collaborative research. It is a milestone in the historical and comparative analysis along the régulation theory that aims at understanding the long-run transformations, renewed diversity and interdependence of capitalisms.
Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution
Book 12·Oct 2018
This book integrates the concept of design into the existing framework of industrial performance, international trade and comparative advantage in trade and industrial phenomena, which increasingly have been affected by design characteristics of tradable goods. Design, capability and their evolution are introduced into current theories of trade to explain the reality of international trade in the early twenty-first century and the possibility of design-based comparative advantage is explored. Toward that end, the concepts of design, architecture, organizational capability and productivity are introduced, as are their interactions and evolution. The author starts from the fact that firms’ selection of design locations precedes that of production locations and that a new product’s initial production location is usually the same as its design location. In other words, design matters in explaining today’s trade phenomena. Thus, this book analyzes product design and its evolution in the context of the comparative advantage theory. The author argues that the concept of Ricardo’s comparative advantage must be reinterpreted in a more dynamic way than in the past, with changing labor input coefficients treated as variables and driven by international capability-building competition between factories. Some of the many topics dealt with in this volume include a capability-architecture view of industrial comparative advantage, a design-based view of manufacturing, the evolution of manufacturing capabilities, Ricardian comparative advantage with changing labor input coefficients, comparative design cost and selection of design locations and a design process model behind comparative design cost. In this way, the behaviors of factories, product development projects, firms, industries and national economies in today’s global competition are described and analyzed in the most realistic way.
Contemporary Capitalism and Civil Society: The Japanese Experience
Book 14·Aug 2018
This book is devoted to analyzing contemporary capitalism both in Japan and in the world economy by using the theoretical framework of the French régulation theory and by revisiting the theory of civil society in postwar Japan. The Japanese theory of civil society proposed unique thinking about “freedom and equality” and “human rights” in the postwar era but could not help to come up with effective concepts for an economic analysis of that capitalism of the period. On the other hand, the régulation theory born in the 1970s is well known by its definition of postwar capitalism as Fordism, based on the elaboration of a new conceptual framework, but it soon proved unable to directly explain Japan’s experience by that central concept of Fordism. Inspired by consideration of Japanese civil society and also by the regulationist framework, the author has forged new analytical concepts such as “companyism” to understand Japanese capitalism including the recent “lost decades”, and he elaborates more carefully the concepts of “growth regime” and “institutional change” to grasp the dynamics of the world economy including today’s neoliberal trend. The original benefits of the book consist in 1) reviving a Japanese theory of civil society in the postwar period, 2) applying the régulation theory to the analysis of contemporary Japan, and 3) offering theoretical reflections on the conception of the world economy. Consequently, the author pays special attention to the relationship between the political and the economic as well as regulationist tools and the theory of civil society’s perspective. The principal message of the book is that capitalism or the market economy must be supported by a sound civil society.
Microfoundations of Evolutionary Economics
Book 15·Jun 2019
This book provides for the first time the microfoundations of evolutionary economics, enabling the reader to grasp a new framework for economic analysis that is compatible with evolutionary processes. Any independent approach to economics must include a value theory (or price theory) and price and quantity adjustment processes. Evolutionary economics has rightly and successfully concentrated its efforts on explaining evolutionary processes in technology and institutions. However, it does not have its own value theory and is not capable of explaining the workings of everyday economics processes, in which any evolutionary process would take place.

Our point of departure is the addition of myopic agents with severely limited rational and forecasting capacities (in stark contrast to mainstream economics). We show how myopic agents, in a complex world, can produce a stable price system and demonstrate how they can adjust their production to changing demand flows. Agents behave without any knowledge of the overall process, and they generate a stable economy as large as the global network of exchanges. This is the true “miracle” of the market mechanism. In contrast to mainstream general equilibrium theory, this miracle can be explained without the need for an auctioneer or infinitely rational agents. Thanks to this book, evolutionary economics can now claim to be an independent approach to economics that can completely replace mainstream neoclassical economics.

The new Japanese Firm as a Hybrid Organization
Book 16·May 2018
This book examines corporate reform in Japan by focusing on corporate governance and the employment system. Contrary to a prevailing assertion of radical change, it is revealed that actual change is gradual, and a new type of Japanese firm is generated by reform with gradual change. Throughout the book, Japanese firms are seen to be evolving through gradual institutional change. Chapter 1 discusses how Japanese corporate governance changed incrementally and cumulatively to rebuild management and restore corporate performance. Chapter 2 focuses on reform in work organization and discusses how performance-related pay was introduced in tandem with corporate governance reform. It is shown that the practice of long-term employment has been maintained despite the prolonged depression and mounting pressure to shift to shareholder-oriented corporate governance. Chapter 3 investigates how Japanese firms are diversified into four types, based on whether performance-related pay is introduced and whether long-term employment is maintained. The author demonstrates that major Japanese firms reconstruct their organization as hybrid structures based on a combination of long-term employment and performance-related pay. Chapter 4 investigates how performance-related pay actually operates. It is analyzed by distinguishing the three main objectives to be attained by performance pay: succeeding in individual performance, contributing to overall organization performance, and meeting the challenge of new tasks. Finally, Chapter 5 investigates how employees react to changes in corporate governance. Using survey data, the book shows that Japanese employees approve of increasing shareholder value, regarding it as corporate value. They not only approve the monitoring of management by shareholders, but also demand a part in the monitoring. Employees seek to be engaged in corporate governance—a true challenge for a Japanese corporation.
Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics: Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics
Book 17·Nov 2018
Recent applications of evolutionary game theory in the merging fields of the mathematical and social sciences are brilliantly portrayed in this book, which highlights social physics and shows how the approach can help to quantitatively model complex human–environmental–social systems.

First, readers are introduced to the fundamentals of evolutionary game theory. The two-player, two-strategy game, or the 2 × 2 game, is presented as an archetype to help understand the difficulty of cooperating for survival against defection in common social contexts. Subsequently, the book explains the theoretical background of the multi-player, two-strategy game, which may be more widely applicable than the 2 × 2 game for social dilemmas. The latest applications of 2 × 2 games are also discussed to explore how integrated reciprocity mechanisms can solve social dilemmas.

In turn, the book describes two practical areas in which evolutionary game theory has been applied. The first concerns traffic flow analysis. In conventional interpretations, traffic flow can be understood by means of fluid dynamics, in which the flow of vehicles is evaluated as a continuum body. Such a simple idea, however, does not work well in reality, particularly if a driver’s decision-making process is considered. Various dilemmas involve complex structures that depend primarily on traffic density, a revelation that should help establish a practical solution for reducing traffic congestion.

Second, the book provides keen insights into how powerful evolutionary game theory can be in the context of epidemiology. Both approaches, quasi-analytical and multi-agent simulation, can clarify how an infectious disease such as seasonal influenza spreads across a complex social network, which is significantly affected by the public attitude toward vaccination. A methodology is proposed for the optimum design of a public vaccination policy incorporating subsidies to efficiently increase vaccination coverage while minimizing the social cost.

Complexity, Heterogeneity, and the Methods of Statistical Physics in Economics: Essays in Memory of Masanao Aoki
Book 22·Aug 2020
This book systematically provides a prospective integrated approach for complexity social science in its view of statistical physics and mathematics, with an impressive collection of the knowledge and expertise of leading researchers from all over the world. The book mainly covers both finitary methods of statistical equilibrium and data-driven analysis by econophysics.

The late Professor Masanao Aoki of UCLA, who passed away at the end of July 2018, in his later years dedicated himself to the reconstruction of macroeconomics mainly in terms of statistical physics. Professor Aoki, who was already an IEEE fellow, was also named an Econometric Society Fellow in 1979. Until the early 1990s, however, his contributions were focused on the new developments of a novel algorithm for the time series model and their applications to economic data. Those contributions were undoubtedly equivalent to the Nobel Prize-winning work of Granger's "co-integration method". After the publications of his New Approaches to Macroeconomic Modeling and Modeling Aggregate Behavior and Fluctuations in Economics, both published by Cambridge University Press, in 1996 and 2002, respectively, his contributions rapidly became known and spread throughout the field. In short, these new works challenged econophysicists to develop evolutionary stochastic dynamics, multiple equilibria, and externalities as field effects and revolutionized the stochastic views of interacting agents. In particular, the publication of Reconstructing Macroeconomics, also by Cambridge University Press (2007), in cooperation with Hiroshi Yoshikawa, further sharpened the process of embodying “a perspective from statistical physics and combinatorial stochastic processes” in economic modeling. Interestingly, almost concurrently with Prof. Aoki’s newest development, similar approaches were appearing. Thus, those who were working in the same context around the world at that time came together, exchanging their results during the past decade. In memory of Prof. Aoki, this book has been planned by authors who followed him to present the most advanced outcomes of his heritage.