ODROID Magazine

44 books

Table of Contents 

4 Getting Started with the ODROID-U3 

7 Using ODROIDs in High Performance Computing (HPC): ARM Head and Shoulders Above the Competition

8 Installing an OS on an ODROID: Chronicles of a Mad Scientist

10 Linux Gaming: The Next Evolution in Gaming

12 Using ODROIDs in Commercial Applications of High Performance Computing (HPC)

14 Real-Time Mobile Eye Tracking on the ODROID Development Platform

16 Running Linux Programs Under Android: A Guide to Linux Chroot

18 I/O Ports on ODROID-U3: Get Started with Tinkering

20 On the Performance of SD Cards: Know More About Your Storage Options 

21 Playing Youtube Content on Linux

22 ODROID-U3 vs. ODROID-U2: The Next-Generation U3 Improves Upon the Popular U2

23 ODROID-U3 vs. Raspberry Pi: Need More Bang for Your Buck? U3 Will Get You There! 

26 Meet an ODROIDian: A Personal One-On-One With Justin Lee, CEO of Hardkernel