Dreams and Reality

Latest release: November 22, 2021
Flawless Dreams
Book 13·May 2017
 Four months ago, the branch of the federal government that enforces the Serial Killer & Mass Murder laws was attacked.  It was organized and used every ruthless killer that could be scrounged up to carry it out.  Aislinn Cain and the SCTU lead the charge to take back their neighborhood and the Fortress.  

They succeeded, but at high costs to law enforcements and civilians.  It left Kansas City and the government reeling.  Backlash was immediate and harsh.  The Violent Crimes Unit of the FBI was disbanded, leaving Malachi Blake and Caleb Green without jobs.  Aislinn Cain was suspended for three months.  However, the worst part was that most of the killers involved escaped.

When piles of bones begin turning up in public parks around Kansas City, nobody wants to deal with such a blatant statement that a serial killer is stalking their backyards.  He’s organized and arranges to the bones to shock anyone that might find them.  He wants everyone to read the stories that the bones tell about his victims.

With all the turmoil, Aislinn Cain’s suspension is lifted so that she can lead her own unit to track this home town serial killer.  Most of her team are in training.  They are the beginnings of a second SCT unit.  They must move quickly though because this killer has been at it for years and has suddenly accelerated his killing pace.

Just as Aislinn thinks things can’t get any worse, a mystery man shows up.  He brings violence and death with him.  Her unwanted stalker is willing to kill for her, but she doesn’t know who he is or why.  Until she gets a single clue and realizes the past of one SCTU member could force them to stop investigating the bone cleaner and start a frantic search for a far darker serial killer.  

Buried Dreams
Book 18·Dec 2020
Some American cities thrive on the gilded dreams of young hopefuls. An endless stream of beautiful naïve woman, barely out-of-school ebb and flow through their streets, providing a smorgasbord for predators. Few of these women will see their names in lights, the grim realities of city life forcing them to find alternative income sources; improving their chances of being victimized.

Rarely do these missing women get noticed. But when over a dozen of these women disappear in a short time to never reappear, even law enforcement notices. The FBI arrives first on the scene, but no bodies leaves the agents impotent. They pass the case along to the Serial Crimes Tracking Unit.

Aislinn Cain instantly realizes there are two major difficulties for her and her team: The victims are prostitutes, and most people don’t care if someone is murdering prostitutes, and without bodies it is impossible to make a case that they have become prey for a serial killer. However, after looking through the case files assembled on the missing women, she knows in her bones that Nashville, Tennessee, has a serial killer stalking the streets at night.

This case will test Aislinn Cain as she struggles against people who consider themselves morally superior to the victims and work with academics to invent new search techniques to discover their victims’ remains. This will be the first time she’s using the new investigative skills she’s learned, along with trusting her intuition and knowledge of the killers that hunt in the dark.

Competitive Dreams
Book 19·Nov 2021

With the murder of the serial killer known as The Ghost Maker, the serial killer club he ran became dormant. Now, someone calling themselves Mictlan the Collector has taken control of the defunct club. He’s arranged a competition for a select group of members. The serial killer with the most points at the end will win a million dollars in cryptocurrency, and he’s chosen Kansas City as the hunting grounds. Fearing this could happen after The Ghost Maker’s death, the NSA had an operative infiltrate the nefarious club. The operative gives the SCTU advanced warning of the competition.

To stop it, Aislinn Cain and the SCTU must identify and capture Mictlan the Collector before the first day. Identifying and capturing a serial killer is never easy and Mictlan complicates the issue by requiring competitors to take a victim to gain admittance. The competitors have less than one week to complete the entrance task, which divides the resources of the SCTU between trying to identify Mictlan the Collector and identifying the serial killers participating in the competition.

For a chance at a million dollars in cryptocurrency, serial killers will travel far and wide to participate. With visiting serial killers comes new signature methods requiring the SCTU to reach out to their law enforcement contacts all over the world to at least attempt to find their place of origin and gain any files on them that might exist. The situation is dire enough that the CIA activates their own special black books operation referred to as The Home Defense Program, forcing the SCTU to coordinate with the CIA as well as local law enforcement.

Finally, as the start date of the competition gets nearer, panicked politicians want to enact martial law for the Kansas City Metro area. Convinced that martial law will result in more deaths than the competition, the SCTU is racing against the ticking clock, fighting their limited manpower, and extreme panic to save their home city from becoming a grisly battlefield.