The Succubus

Latest release: October 14, 2016
Idle Hands: Book 1 of "The Succubus"
Book 1·Mar 2016
ÿAlthea was an immortal succubus, dedicated to a life of sexual pleasure. She lived her life on her own terms, caring little for others. However, one fateful day she was torn out of her own body by a deranged mortal. Forced to take shelter in the nearest woman, how will she regain her power and her body?

Rachel Wainwright was a successful attorney, but one with a troubled home life. Separated from her husband, fighting with her children, her life was cold and sterile. When her long-forgotten sexuality returns to her, how will it affect her, and those around her?

Althea now shares Rachel's body and her mind. To return to her own form, she must take power from Rachel's pleasure. And to do that, she must find work for her Idle Hands.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

~You want him.~ a quiet voice whispered. ~Why not give him a suitable parting gift?~

Deliberately, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, drawing his gaze to her. Catching Jeremy's eyes with her own, she slowly unfastened the top button on her blouse. She fingered the fabric, her fingers running up and down the exposed skin. They stopped when they encountered the next button, and she held her hand there, fingering the small disc of plastic. She wet her lips with her tongue.

?You know,? she said conversationally, ?that I'm divorced.?

Jeremy nodded. She stood and walked around the desk. Her hips swayed lazily, falling into an ancient rhythm of seduction. Jeremy started to rise, but she laid a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back into his chair.

?And I'm so horny these days,? she sighed as she circled behind him, one hand trailing along the muscles of his back. Nice and strong, good. ?I had to get myself off in the bathtub last night with my hands.? Part of her mind was aghast, unable to believe what she was saying. Another part reveled in it, giving in to passion. She raised her eyebrows. ?It's customary,? she said, ?to give a parting intern a gift. A sign of appreciation for all the hard work he or she has done.

?I had Madeline buy you a good bottle of scotch. After all, what does one get a colleague as a gift when they don't really know the person who they're buying the gift for? Quality alcohol is a nice, safe purchase.

?But I don't feel like being safe right now.? She stopped in front of him and perched on the edge of her desk. She crossed her legs, allowing her skirt to hike up. She smiled as she saw his eyes focus on the white skin of her thighs. She undid another button, allowing her blouse to fall further open, showing a slice of her lace-covered breasts. She glanced at his lap, smiling as she saw the tented cloth of his slacks, proof of his aroused state.

?Would you mind if I gave you a different sort of farewell gift, Jeremy??

Her intern looked around the room, as if he was trying to find a hidden film crew. He wet his lips and swallowed nervously. ?This is a joke, right? Or is it some sort of test? Or a trap? I tell you that I want to make love to you, and you pull the recommendation? Or is it that asshole Chad? I told him once I thought you were attractive, and he's been making remarks for weeks about how I have a thing for you. Did he tell you??

She smiled and nodded. ?It's a test, yes.? She undid another button. The blouse now gaped wide. She swallowed through a throat gone dry with lust. ?The test is whether you last long enough to make love to me.?

The Devil's Playthings: Book 2 of "The Succubus"
Book 2
ÿDark currents are flowing through the home of Rachel Wainwright. A successful attorney, she has become the unwitting vessel for a succubus. Now, in order to increase her power and to escape the prison of Rachel's body, Althea is slowly turning the conservative lawyer towards a more sexual lifestyle. While she waits impatiently for her husband to return for the weekend, her eyes roam, wondering what pleasures might be found among the other members of her household. Will it be her sexy maid? Or someone else? No matter who catches her eye, Rachel and her family have become?The Devil's Playthings.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

?So I am wondering,? Rachel said to Maria, ?if you might want to work for my family full-time. You would do what you already do, but we would be the only household you work for. You would have to quit your existing job, of course, but I can certainly improve on your salary. Heck, I would probably save money, considering how badly your boss is shafting the both of us. In addition to taking care of the house, you would also be responsible for my husband's workshop, if he chooses to move back here. And sooner or later Sarah is going to move out. She does a lot of the cooking for us now, so we are going to need someone to prepare meals.?

?I can cook!? Maria said eagerly. Her head spun. This was a dream come true! ?I love making good food! Although,? she said, her voice faltering slightly, ?my meals may be different than what americanos are used to.?

Rachel laughed. ?What else?? she continued. ?Oh. Right. If you like, you can move in, as well. Rent-free. There is a small apartment over the garage which we've never used. It has its own kitchen and bathroom, and is hooked up to all our utilities, so you can avoid that expense. It's unfurnished, but we'll help you move your things up there if you like. It has its own entrance as well, so you would have complete privacy. You wouldn't have to worry about us barging in when you wanted to be alone.

?However,? she said, ?there are a few conditions we must set.?

?Anything!? Maria said eagerly.

?First of all,? she said, ?We simply must do something about this uniform. It is very unflattering for a woman with a body as lovely as yours.? She casually reached up and started to unbutton Maria's thick, heavy blouse. Her eyes were wide and avid, the pupils dilated.

In moments her uniform was unbuttoned to the waist. Rachel pushed it off her shoulders, letting the garment fall loose to drape around her middle. Her cheeks burning, she tried to cover her body with her arms, but failed utterly.

?Oh, stop it,? Rachel said gently. ?Why do you try to hide your beautiful body? I know women in my office who would kill for one like yours.? She walked around Maria slowly, her hand trailing along the skin of her belly, her back. Her skin was strangely hot as she caressed the length of her spine.

?Lovely,? she said, satisfied, as she came around to her front again. ?But this,? she continued, letting her hand graze the plain white cotton of Maria's bra. ?It won't do. When you come to work for me, I want something more.? As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she reached behind Maria and unclasped her bra. Her breasts sprang loose, wantonly exposed to her view.

?Oh,? Rachel sighed. ?Yes, that is so much better. Can you do this for me, Maria? Can you choose to not hide your beauty, but flaunt it? Show me and my family the blessings which have been bestowed upon you?

?Not that you should walk around topless every day,? she said, with a glint of humor. ?I don't want to expose my family to that much temptation. I am trying to reconcile with Josh, after all. I can't have him looking at you when he should be looking at me. Just wear something attractive. Something which will remind us of the beauty to be found in the world.? Her voice deepened. ?Something which will make us desire you, as a woman should be desired.?

Desire opened like a pit in Maria's belly. She trembled softly, wondering whether her deepest, most hidden fantasies were about to come true.

?You're beautiful, too,? she said softly. She stood bravely, meeting Rachel's eyes. ?I would never try to take your novio away from you. He should be in your bed. But I would like to be there, too.?

Dark Reflections: Book 3 of "The Succubus"
Book 3·Apr 2016
After days of a strange sexual reawakening, Rachel Wainwright finally meets the reason for the wonderful change in her life. Althea Carpenter is a succubus who has been forced to take up residence in her mind. As she explains her history, and that of the succubi, Rachel is filled with sympathy for her plight, and agrees to help her regain her previous form.

Meanwhile, the spell of the succubus is having an effect on other members of Rachel's household. Goaded by urges he finds shameful and perverse, Alex finds love and acceptance in Maria's arms. And Sarah is being drawn to a new man in her life. Will they find happiness together? Or will their forbidden love doom them all? One thing is certain. When you look into the eyes of a succubus, you may see some Dark Reflections.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

Rachel frowned. The fact that Maria and Jeremy and the kids weren't going to turn into her slaves was a relief. As was the fact that even a being as obviously sex-focused as Althea had a moral center, even if that center seemed to be no more than Thou shalt not hurt anyone you don't have to and Thou shalt not bang an unwilling partner.

?That's pretty much all it is,? Althea said cheerfully. ?But I don't take stuff that isn't mine, either. Most people are happy to give it to me anyway.? She smiled at Rachel's expression. ?Hello? I'm in your head, remember? I know what you're thinking.? Her smile grew dark, deep, and wicked. ?And such naughty thoughts you're having, Rachel. Jealous of Maria when I suggest setting her up with Alex? Who are you thinking should be in his bed, if not her??

She patted her cheek. ?Don't worry, I'm not judging you.? Her look drew inward and she rose from her seat on the grass, her body inhumanly graceful. ?But we're running out of time. It's almost morning. And holding together this illusion for you is a drain on my power. I need you to do something for me, my handmaiden.?

Rachel sighed and stood. ?What is it??

?My body is missing. I need you to find it.

?Now, Rachel, go with my blessing.? Stooping, she laid a gentle kiss on her brow. Rachel's skin burned at her touch. ?And wake up.?


With a start, Rachel opened her eyes. She was lying on her back. The covers had been pulled down to lie in a crumpled heap at the foot of the bed. Morning sunlight poured through the open windows, and the cotton curtains swayed in a soft spring breeze. More importantly, her husband was kissing her. From the warm feeling in her chest and groin, he had been arousing her for some time.

?Well, this is a wonderful way to wake up,? she murmured softly. She smiled down at her long-time lover and best friend. ?Looking for someplace to hide your morning wood?? she teased.

Josh raised himself on his arms, moving forward so he could give her another good-morning kiss. ?Amazing thing, the male body,? he said, when their lips parted. ?No matter how many times you make love to a beautiful woman, it can't wait to do it again.?

She smiled at the compliment, looping her arms around his neck and drawing him down to her. How long had it been since they had spent a lazy morning in bed? Years, perhaps. For the first time in far too long, there were no urgent needs driving her. No cases to prepare for, no witnesses to depose, no briefs to write and file. If she and Josh wished, they could spend all day in bed.

~Ooh, that sounds nice. Yes, let's do that.~ Althea said.

Be quiet, you, Rachel said. Can't you leave me alone for a while?

~Actually, no. I can't. That's kind of the point of this whole exercise, isn't it? And just remember, the more you make love to Joshua, the quicker you will have the mental privacy you desire. Until then, get used to having company.~

She dragged her nails up his back, tickling her husband, watching through hooded lids as his back arched under her touch. God, I've missed this. The feeling of power, even when he's on top of me, seemingly in control.

~Being a woman is wonderful, is it not? At least, when you control your own destiny. This is why my mother spurned Adam and God. She would not allow herself to become subordinate. A tool to be used.~

Tell me, she asked, is this thing with our secretions...catching? If Jeremy makes love to another woman, would she be affected?

~What, are you worried about mankind catching a case of universal horniness, as if it were some sort of awesome venereal disease?~ Althea's voice was teasing. ~Fortunately, no. It would have happened way before now. We are a lusty bunch, although there aren't many of us. You don't have to be worried about being Patient Zero in the great Sex Plague of 2016.~