Life Is Strange

Latest release: May 25, 2022
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Life Is Strange: Partners in Time
Issue #15·Dec 2020
With Max’s help, Tristan was able to use his powers to phase through the Transect and find Chloe in the original timeline. However, he was exhausted and struggled to use his powers again. Chloe, full of renewed hope, told him not to be so hard on himself.

In a rare moment of privacy, Rachel confronted Max about her relationship with her Chloe, which Max had kept secret. Rachel apologized to Max for feeling like she had to hide it, and that Max made her and Chloe better people.

In the new timeline, Chloe, Max, and Rachel arrived at Tombstone – a Western re-enactment town in El Paso – dressed as Captain Bluebeard and her crew. The trio were unaware that – in the other timeline – Chloe, Tristan and the High Seas had also arrived in Tombstone. However, rather than dress up in their own pirate outfits, they rented cowboy costumes instead. As Chloe admired herself in the costume-shop mirror, she was taken by surprise when her reflection became a window into the alternate timeline!

Chloe ran into Victoria, who was playing the role of Ophelia in her timeline’s production of Hamlet. The two caught up over a coffee and Victoria seemed to have left her Queen Bee and Blackwell Academy days behind her. Meanwhile, across the timelines, a water gun fight broke out in the streets of Tombstone and it was everyone for themselves! As Max lived a brand-new pirate adventure, she felt closer to Chloe, and to her home, than ever.

Life Is Strange: Partners in Time
Issue #16·Jan 2021
Since jumping over to Max’s original timeline, Tristan has been travelling with Chloe and the High Seas. The band welcomed Tristan as an “honorary crew member”, but Pixie was curious about where Chloe’s mysterious friend had come from and how he had appeared so suddenly.

Across the realities, Max is also concerned about Tristan. After seeing a glimpse of her Chloe back in Tombstone, Max was more confident than ever – but without hearing from Tristan, she couldn’t be sure if she was on the right path.

Tristan, Chloe and the High Seas arrived in El Paso for their latest show. Away from his new friends, Tristan continued to struggle with his powers, unable to phase in and out of reality as he had done before – much to his, and Chloe’s, growing frustration.

But Tristan realized that Max must also be on the same route, and that she was also in El Paso! He theorized that, if he and Max were able to be in the same place, at the same time, he would be able to jump back to her.

After a successful gig in El Paso, everyone headed out onto the next leg of their tour. But Max, Chloe and Rachel watched in horror as a tree trunk fell directly into the path of the Hight Seas van, which overturned to avoid a collision. Without waiting to see how bad the damage was, Max rushed forward to use her powers and save her friends. But as time began to rewind, Tristan appeared in the wreckage of the van. He shouted for Max to wait, but it was too late…