The Culture of Value

Book 1
Leadership qualities are present in all of us because we have the potential to be strong and influential leaders. If a seed doesn't find the right environment, it will only be left with the potential to be a plant. If our potential is not used then we will remain at this stage for life. I don't know if you are happy with the life you have, personally I wish for more. I want to grow personally, to better myself and to be professional in my field. If we agree that each of us has this potential that is now latent then what makes leaders so different from other people? I think the difference is not so much the major difference as it is the open and proactive attitude that a leader has. The leader is constantly looking for ideas, for new, useful things. This is what makes him different, the ability to embrace a doctrine of the new which he uses for positive purposes as part of the goals of the organization he leads.

The portrait I paint of the authentic leader is no more and no less than the image of an ideal leader, the sum of the qualities that in my view a leader should have. Perhaps this ideal is far from what we see in our political or social leaders, but we will discover in them many of the qualities presented in the book. Leaders are survivors, they know how to stay ahead and have learned to do things immediately, well and with quality. They have learned to see the organization they lead as an important part of their lives. They don't see themselves as bosses or paid managers but as architects, people who are shaping a future for themselves and their team members and organization. 

There is much to be said and I leave it to those who read this book to discover in turn the laws presented and, why not, to discover themselves. I invite you to read these laws and write down in a notebook the valuable things you find here because leadership always starts from core values. If we don't have a set of values to believe in and fight for, then we will never become leaders. 

All of these laws to me are valuable, they are the essence of leadership and I hope they resonate in the minds of those seeking to learn more about leaders and leadership. The more we are willing to learn the more our power to influence will grow. It's simple and easy if we find the motivation to study and apply the laws of leadership as often as we can.

Book 2
Many people start to change something about themselves without doing a deep analysis of their life, without being able to get a big picture, and without this picture, the change can only be superficial and short-lived. To learn what performance is and to reach performance we need to learn from the best, from those who have already walked this path and who have the experience and the power to do it. Not everyone can give advice and not all advice is good and suits us, that's why we need to know how to choose from the amount of information in a given field the ones that suit us, the ones that will help us at first to start and make tasks easier, ending up doing the hard part of the tasks. Just like building a jigsaw puzzle, we start with the corner pieces, continue with the side pieces and then fit the middle pieces. If we do things right then the supposedly hard part becomes easy. It's one thing to place the puzzle pieces without any logic, trying to fit what you think the picture would look like but without taking your bearings, and another to have a plan that you apply gradually until the last piece is placed and you form the complete picture.

With the help of setting and achieving goals, you will be successful and in this way, you will be able to gain the respect of those around you. You will succeed in becoming an example and your actions will motivate and inspire them. Those who succeed enjoy the appreciation or, why not, the envy of those around them. But no one, no matter how they choose to look at you, can take away the credit you have earned. Often success is a transitory state; you can transition from failure to success and back to failure, or you can evolve from a moment of success to other moments of success. Success is nothing more than consistently setting goals and achieving them.

Book 2
I chose to write leadership books trying to gather the best information. Initially I wanted to build a leadership handbook, but after a long study I realised that the purpose of the information in this book should not be that. I want to bring out important principles that I have discovered that can be applied by each of us.

So I have chosen to propose a set of 111 laws about leaders and leadership. This book represents my expectations of a truly great leader. It represents the sum of qualities and how a leader should think and act so that their team or organization thrives. I first wanted to lay them out in a clear order but I understand that you can return to these laws whenever you want, on the proposed aspects.

I have chosen this way of presentation because I want each of you to start experiencing the 111 laws of leadership power. To start writing down all those thoughts that you are proud of and that can make you better in your relationship with others. This is just a first step but influence is gained in small, steady steps. Leadership is a challenge and so a clear question needs to be asked: What are the challenges we face every day?

I am confident that this book, along with all the other books in the Culture of Value will help you fill an information gap and you will be able to use these laws and principles to build your own path to success. Time will tell whether the investment in personal development and leadership was a waste or an opportunity for a better life.

Book 4
The time you invest is the guarantee of your future. Personal development and the desire to know and learn constantly raise you to a higher level of performance. The good news is that you don't have to invest 8 hours or 10 hours; it only takes 3% of your time, or 45 minutes a day, to develop personally. What do you do if you don't have those 45 minutes every day? Surely you can find 45 minutes a day. You can gain time from anywhere, when you go straight home after work, or when you turn off the TV and computer early. The wealth that will be spread over your life is the accumulation of all the investments you've made every day. A year has 365 days; if you invest 45 minutes every day then in two or three years you will have the performance you could normally achieve in 10 or 15 years of hard work.

Time is relative. You decide if it is the most important resource you have or if you choose to waste it unnecessarily.

Time is money. The more time you invest in your education and self-education, the more money you will have until you can be financially independent. Every person's dream should be financial independence, a way of living independent of pressing material worries and problems. Lack of money is the biggest stress factor, the reason for arguments and divorces, suffering and illness. This is why time management is vital. Because without it your life is outlined in dull, grey colours. You will live a life of constant discontent, frustration and unhappiness. In the end all this unhappiness will make you a sad and lonely man because people want positive and dynamic people around them.

It's time to invest in time management, no time could be better for you than now! You will find in this book information that will help you to create your own image of time management, and this image will be the basis of a strategy that will help you to save your life, to get out of the grey area, the place where food has no taste and water does not saturate you no matter how much you drink of it. The information will take you to where the world is pulsating and moving fast, where you too are forced to move fast and evolve into the champion that life rewards. What could be more enjoyable than to lay your head on your pillow in the evening satisfied that you have built something for yourself and your future in the day that has just ended? What can be more beneficial to you than to fall asleep thinking excitedly about what new opportunities tomorrow will bring?

Book 5
Negotiation skills are about two things: influence, and this is the leadership qualities you have, and the power of persuasion and reaching agreement. These two qualities can be practiced daily because the negotiation process never stops. You will always want something you don't have and to get the service or product you want you will have to turn to the person or people who do. Bargaining, as I said, is the way to satisfy an interest. It is, without doubt, a form of communication and persuasion, which is why we have introduced both persuasion and communication into the Culture of Value. It is information that if you go through it you will be able to succeed better in your quest to get what you want.

Negotiation is a skill that can be learned easily. It helps you cope in certain circumstances. You can use negotiation techniques in sales, purchases, contracts. The most important thing is that a negotiator learns to prepare. It depends on how much you want to get what you want in the end. The more you want, the better you will prepare for the negotiation and show during the negotiation process that you are not so interested in the final result. A good negotiator knows how to plan everything efficiently and well.

All you need to do is to value your ideas and believe that you are valuable. Negotiating is not a battle, not for today or tomorrow but for your whole life. I can only challenge you to read this book as well as the others in Value Culture and wish you success!

Book 6
Charisma is your image reflected in the consciousness of others. If you are surrounded by people who appreciate you then it means that your control point is internal. It means you take ownership of your actions and interact with as many people as possible. If your control is external, if everything you do is dictated by other people or factors outside of yourself and your conscience, then you will not take responsibility for your actions, you will become a burden to others and you will be uncharismatic.

Charisma is intimately linked to setting goals and having a clear purpose. The process of setting goals makes you materialize your desires which are just thoughts that, through this process, become real.

You need to know what you want from yourself and from life, who you are and where you want to go. And this depends on your personality, on your inner strength. Leaders have this inner power, that's why they are so charismatic. People see them as a role model. They remain in the individual and collective mind even after a long period of time. People without charisma are quickly forgotten by others.

To get where you want to go you will have to interact with others and for that you need the influence to move people and things in the direction you want. This is the only way others will follow you, showing them the clear direction you want to go but also tangible results; if you don't do this they won't follow you or they will leave you when the first difficulties appear.

Start by becoming aware of yourself. What are you? What effect do you have on others? What effect do others have on you? Inner analysis, if honest, will bring out all those qualities and flaws you have now. Every flaw you have must be corrected, just as every quality you possess must be exploited and enriched.