The McBains of Grace Harbor

Latest release: July 1, 2010

About this ebook series

Ian and Amanda McBain didn't raise a fool

Their daughter Cady could spot a player a mile away…and Damon Hurst was a textbook player. What the hell was a celebrity chef doing in Grace Harbor, anyway? True, he was trying to save the family business, but helping her family didn't give him carte blanche to Cady. She'd heard the rumors: the parade of pop tarts, the raunchy parties. She wouldn't be another notch on his cutting board.

Damon was no stranger to women, but this fiery, caramel-eyed tomboy was unlike anyone he'd ever met. The chef might be accustomed to having his own way, but, this time, could he have bitten off more than he could chew?

The Chef's Choice
Book 1 · Aug 2008 ·
Ian and Amanda McBain didn't raise a fool

Their daughter Cady could spot a player a mile away…and Damon Hurst was a textbook player. What the hell was a celebrity chef doing in Grace Harbor, anyway? True, he was trying to save the family business, but helping her family didn't give him carte blanche to Cady. She'd heard the rumors: the parade of pop tarts, the raunchy parties. She wouldn't be another notch on his cutting board.

Damon was no stranger to women, but this fiery, caramel-eyed tomboy was unlike anyone he'd ever met. The chef might be accustomed to having his own way, but, this time, could he have bitten off more than he could chew?

The Boss's Proposal
Book 2 · Jul 2010 ·
He's good-looking, relentlessly charming—and he's trouble architect Maxine McBain sure doesn't need. Even though her new boss Dylan Reynolds has a playboy reputation, he's working hard to turn a crucial joint company project into his alone. Though she knows the price of mixing business with pleasure, Max has no problem using charm to put Dylan off his game—while keeping herself safely out of passion's way….

Dylan wanted to wrap up the Portland project quickly to help out his ailing father. But Maxine's brilliant ideas—and Dylan's instant attraction to her—are intriguing enough to keep him around for a while. And now he'll do anything to show her that their sizzling partnership is perfect not only in bed…but for a lifetime.