Global Growth Factors

2 books

Various factors contribute to the mediocracy, division, or demise of a ministry. The greatest

factor is the lack of godly, effective leadership. Unlike worldly standards, God holds Christian

leaders to a higher standard. These opposing standards explain why sinful corporate leaders often

find success, whereas ungodly Christian leaders often don’t. Anyone who believes they have a gift

for ministry can establish one. However, it takes wisdom, integrity, character, and divine direction

for a ministry to grow and thrive.

The Nehemiah Factors contains various principles designed to empower current or aspiring leaders

by providing timeless principles that Nehemiah employed while rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. Each

character-enhancing principle will promote spiritual growth while simultaneously developing

leadership skills. The practical applications included will equip you to become the Godly, effective

leader that God intended.

From Nehemiah’s example, you will learn:

→ God’s hiring methods

→ The Importance of Discernment

→ Godly conflict resolution

→ “Communicative Etiquette”

→ Servant leadership, and much more

This book is for you whether you are a minister, leader, teacher, manager, or mom. Applying these

principles to your life will ensure that you lead successfully and in a manner that is pleasing

to God.