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Latest release: December 23, 2021

About this ebook series

 The silent scourge of undernutrition and major nutritional deficiencies of public health importance persists across India despite decades of planned programmes and interventions. The maternal and child undernutrition scenario in India represents a complex set of determinants, including poverty, lack of knowledge, and access. Other factors that confound this dangerous interplay of barriers are erosion of conventional food consumption patterns exacerbated by poor hygienic practices, diseases such as malaria and diarrhoea, and lack of access to safe water and sanitation.

A landscape analysis of nutrition initiatives in Madhya Pradesh: Policies, actors, and networks
Book 4 · Jul 2014 ·
 The silent scourge of undernutrition and major nutritional deficiencies of public health importance persists across India despite decades of planned programmes and interventions. The maternal and child undernutrition scenario in India represents a complex set of determinants, including poverty, lack of knowledge, and access. Other factors that confound this dangerous interplay of barriers are erosion of conventional food consumption patterns exacerbated by poor hygienic practices, diseases such as malaria and diarrhoea, and lack of access to safe water and sanitation.
Trends in Nutrition Outcomes, Determinants, and Interventions in India (2006–2016)
Book 10 · Jun 2017 ·
This report aims to provide a general overview of national trends and of state-level variability in nutrition outcomes, determinants, and intervention coverage, thus helping to identify areas of progress and areas where more investment is critical to accelerate progress. Using data available at the time of analysis and writing, the goal of this report is to bring together data to support policy decisions for nutrition at the national level and across multiple states.
Tackling nutrition in Odisha: Looking back, looking forward
Book 11 · Dec 2020 ·
This report explores the state of nutrition in Odisha, assesses how nutrition outcomes changed in the state, and more importantly, and examines the road that lies ahead of Odisha on the journey to support better nutrition for the state. Nutrition progress in Odisha: Odisha has made more rapid progress in reducing child undernutrition than many other richer states. Particularly between 2006 and 2016, nutrition and health outcomes improved significantly in the state. The prevalence of stunting declined from 45 percent to 34.1 percent, although there was a marginal increase in wasting from 19.6 to 20.4 percent and in severe wasting from 5.2 to 6.4 percent. In 2018, a further decline was noted in the prevalence of stunting (28.9 percent) and wasting (12.9 percent). Although anemia among women of reproductive age declined by 10 percentage points between 2006 and 2016, it is still high, with over half the women in the state suffering from anemia. Exclusive breastfeeding for children under 6 months of age is an area of progress, improving from 50.8 percent in 2006 to 65.6 percent in 2016; the prevalence of low birth weight, however, remained nearly unchanged during this period (Kohli et al. 2017). Emerging nutritional challenges, such as noncommunicable diseases, are likely to create new challenges in coming years.
Tracking India’s progress on addressing malnutrition and enhancing the use of data to improve programs
Book 12 · Jan 2021 ·
Data systems and their usage are of great significance in the process of tracking malnutrition and improving programs. The key elements of a data system for nutrition include (1) data sources such as survey and administrative data and implementation research, (2) systems and processes for data use, and (3) data stewardship across a data value chain. The nutrition data value chain includes the prioritization of indicators, data collection, curation, analysis, and translation to policy and program recommendations and evidence based decisions. Finding the right fit for nutrition information systems is important and must include neither too little nor too much data; finding the data system that is the right fit for multiple decision makers is a big challenge.

Developed together with NITI Aayog, this document covers issues that need to be considered in the strengthening of efforts to improve the availability and use of data generated through the work of POSHAN Abhiyaan, India’s National Nutrition Mission. The paper provides guidance for national-, state-, and district-level government officials and stakeholders regarding the use of data to track progress on nutrition interventions, immediate and underlying determinants, and outcomes. It examines the availability of data across a range of interventions in the POSHAN Abhiyaan framework, including population-based surveys and administrative data systems; it then makes recommendations for the improvement of data availability and use.

To improve monitoring and data use, this document focuses on three questions: what types of indicators should be used; what types of data sources can be used; and with what frequency should progress on different indicator domains be assessed.

Improving maternal nutrition in India through integrated hot-cooked meal programs: A review of implementation evidence
Book 14 · May 2021 ·
A notable approach to addressing maternal undernutrition during pregnancy in India in recent years has been the integration of hot-cooked meals (HCM) for pregnant and lactating women together with the provision of other health/nutrition services. Called the One Full Meal (OFM) program, these efforts aim to improve maternal nutrition and health across India by bundling center-based HCM with other nutrition services and behavior change communication implemented through the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme. The program is offered at anganwadi centers (AWCs) and has been implemented in eight states in India, including Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. Although the OFM program has been implemented since 2013, there is limited consolidated insight on its effectiveness or on broader lessons for implementation. The objectives of this evidence review of the OFM program are, therefore, to (1) compare the different state OFM program models on their objectives, implementation elements, cost norms and monitoring mechanisms; (2) develop program impact pathways on the potential ways in which the program could influence intended outcomes; and (3) examine the availability of evidence underpinning the program’s intended pathways to impact.
How childhood stunting reduced in Tamil Nadu: An analysis of change between 1992 and 2016
Book 15 · Dec 2021 ·
India comprises one-sixth of the world’s population and one-third of the global burden of undernutrition. Between 2006 and 2016, India made progress in reducing stunting among children below five years; the progress, however, has not been uniform across all its states (Menon et al. 2018). There are interstate differences in stunting reduction despite a common national policy framework for nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programs. Given the paucity of insights on what factors drive successful change in nutritional outcomes such as stunting at the state level in India, we conducted studies in the four states of Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Odisha, and Tamil Nadu. In this report, we document the story of change in Tamil Nadu, which is one of the exemplary states in India. With a long history of nutrition and health reforms, it stands out as a leader in social development. We aimed to update prior work on Tamil Nadu to assess more recent changes in nutritional outcomes, determinants, and coverage of interventions. Our key goals were to: 1) examine changes in child stunting, known determinants of stunting and key health and nutrition interventions between 1992 and 2016; 2) assess the contribution of diverse determinants and intervention coverage changes to the changes in stunting between 2006 and 2016; and (3) interpret the changes in the context of policies, programs, and other changes in the state.