The Hazard Chronicles

Latest release: January 21, 2016
With Hubby's Approval: Book 3 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 3
Sunny and her husband wanted lots of children?but there was one little problem. Clay couldn?t have kids. So every time Sunny was ready to get pregnant again, she had to go searching for a lusty man who would be an excellent father for her babies.ÿ

Sexy Murphy Rawlings, who taught history classes at the local college, had no idea what she had planned when she invited him over to appraise her great-great-grandfather?s antique farm equipment?

~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~

She studied him for a moment, then lithely jumped to her feet. ?You know what I think, Murphy? I think you need to relax more often.? Cheerfully she bounced into the tool-filled stall and caught his big hand in hers. ?Come on. Mama Sunny?s going to make sure you take a little R&R. Trust me, you?ll feel better for it!?

He followed her like a mindless robot...until she settled cross-legged on the blanket again, and tugged at his hand to pull him down beside her. Then his foggy brain snapped back alive in a panicked rush.

?No, I shouldn?t do that. You, ah, you asked me here to study your antiques.?

Sunny smiled up at him, and tugged a little harder. ?We have all day. Didn?t you tell me that no one?s expecting you back at the school until tomorrow??

?Well, yeah, but...?

?Then where?s the harm in playing a little hooky, professor??

Her teasing grin destroyed him. Or maybe it was the way she called him ?professor,? as if she was a naughty student trying to entice him into something wicked.

His knees folded, and he sank down onto the blanket beside her. Later he?d swear that he hadn?t reached for her?but suddenly his hands were...

Sara's Sexy Priest: Book 4 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 4·Jul 2015
Father Andrew had lusted after Sara from the shadows for years.ÿ But he?d taken a sacred vow, and he didn?t intend to break it.ÿ No matter how much he might want her?and no matter how many times he might stroke himself to a hot, sweaty orgasm in the privacy of his rectory bedroom?he was never going to cross that forbidden line by touching her?


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


?So if you see a sexy girl and you want to bang her, you can?t even touch yourself?? Sara demanded, staring at him in horror.ÿ ?How do you keep from going absolutely nuts??

His sexual dream returned, so abruptly and so vividly, that all the blood drained from his head.

?Father??ÿ She was at his side in an instant, and gripping his arm with worried fingers.ÿ ?Are you okay??

The fierce throbbing in his other head nearly made him groan.ÿ ?I?m fine.?ÿ His voice sounded strangled even in his own ears.

?You sure don?t look it!? she exclaimed, and pushed him toward his chair.

Then her gaze shifted down, and her eyes widened in surprise.ÿ ?Oh!ÿ Wow!?

He knew what she?d see?his loose black pants were jutting out at an obscenely erotic angle.ÿ This time he did groan, and buried his face in his hands.ÿ ?Sara??

?Is that for me??ÿ She sounded amazed?and intrigued.

?Sara!?ÿ He tried to sound stern, but his head was still spinning with reaction.

?Well, is it??ÿ Boldly she laid a hand against him.

He jolted so violently that he nearly stumbled and fell.ÿ ?Sara, no!?

Her smile widened.ÿ ?Sara, yes!? she teased, and brazenly touched him again.

The chair blocked his escape, and he tumbled into it with a muffled gasp.ÿ And then he gasped again as she bent in front of him, and deftly tweaked his zipper open.

?Wow!? she exclaimed, as his rigid length tumbled out into her eager hand.ÿ ?You?re even bigger than Henry!?

?Sara!?ÿ He moaned it this time, helplessly, as the wet warmth of her eager mouth suddenly enveloped him.ÿ Then her long golden curls were silky-soft beneath his trembling hands.ÿ ?Ohhhhh??

Illicit Lusts: Book 9 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 9·Aug 2015
Father Andrew hadn?t meant to break his sacred vow of celibacy with pretty Sara Gardner?and he was trying really hard to keep from straying into temptation again. But Sara?s father believed that he?d be a good influence on her, and had thoughtlessly thrown them together for the afternoon.

How could they keep from getting burned when the passionate sparks started to fly?


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


Sooner than he would have preferred, Father Andrew was tugging on his sturdy leather jacket, and climbing up behind Sara on the big motorcycle. He was careful to curl his hands around her waist, safely halfway between her lush breasts and her curving hips. The powerful motor rumbled, then began to vibrate between his legs. Instantly he felt heat sweep through his body, and his slacks tightened painfully.

Sara waved a cheerful goodbye, then rocketed up the bumpy gravel drive. It was a testament to her skill that she missed every single rut without tipping them over.

?Hang on tighter!? she urged over her shoulder.

Her silky golden hair was streaming back, tickling and caressing his face. The rising heat became an uncontrollable pulsing thud. ?Sara...? His answering shout was urgent with rising panic. ?This isn?t a smart idea!?

?Hey, it wasn?t mine!? she retorted, and slid back a little until they were tightly nestled together. The bike wobbled as she felt his rigid flesh jutting up against her sensitive skin. ?Ohmigod!?

Her strangled moan nearly drove him over the edge. ?Sara, stop the bike!?

She didn?t have to be told twice! Panting, she spun it into a dusky skid, and then rocketed off along a practically invisible path through the thick trees.

How they tumbled off the bike without tipping it over would remain a mystery forever. But one moment they were sliding to a dizzy stop in a grassy clearing, and then next moment they were frantically rolling with each other on the ground...

Hot Time In The Hot Tub: Book 13 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 13·Dec 2015
Rory was in for a surprise when he came home early from a business trip?the sexy girl he?d asked to mind his house was splashing around in his hot tub, and watching a really hot porn movie on his big ceiling TV. She was so embarrassed when he caught her at it?but she was so horny that he was sure he could entice her into spreading her pretty legs, and letting him be her first lover!


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


Very slowly, Rory let his hand drift from Devon?s silky hair to her glistening shoulder. Tiny bubbles popped under his fingers. ?Would you like to have fun with me, Devon??

Again her rapt gaze was drawn up to the TV screen, just in time to see Trixie snuggling up against Butch with a delighted smile on her face. ?They really are having fun??

?Oh, yeah!? And his long shaft was rigid and hot just from thinking about it!

?No.? Suddenly she backpedaled, and drew away from him. ?I?d get in lots of trouble with my folks.?

?Only if you tell them.? He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. ?I won?t tell them if you won?t.?


?I?m your friend,? he repeated, and wondered if he?d ever been this innocent and shy. Probably not...he?d discovered the miraculous wonder of pretty naked girls a long time ago.

?You know what,? he added as inspiration suddenly struck, ?you missed most of the movie since I came in and startled you. Why don?t you watch it again, and I?ll scrub your back. And if that feels good, then maybe we can play together a little more.?

?Well...? The bubbles sure felt good against her bare skin! And even though it was totally wicked, she really did want to watch the whole that she was sure he wasn?t mad at her. ?I guess that would be okay.?

Rory?s shaft hardened even more. If he played his cards right, would he be able to seduce her here, tonight? First in his huge bathtub, and later in his big luxurious bed?

Forbidden Lover: Book 14 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 14·Dec 2015
Randi had thought that Lex might be her first lover?but now they?d broken up, and she was so frustrated and horny! She wanted to get laid more than anything else in the world?but she?d never dreamed that Ben yearned to seduce her!

~~~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~~~

Ben shifted behind her, and his big hands covered hers, soothing them. His deep voice echoed, low and hypnotic, in her ear as he bent close enough to whisper, ?Tell me what Lex was doing to you.?

?Why? So you can go beat him up?? Not that he didn?t deserve it, but?

Ben softly chuckled. ?No. So I can finish what he started. If you want me to.?

Randi sucked in a startled breath. ?You?d? You would? But why??

For answer, he moved a little closer. Heat was pumping from his muscular body. But it was the big bulge jutting out from his tight jeans that made her gasp in surprise.

He arched his hips, just a little, and let his swollen shaft graze back and forth against her sensitive thigh. ?Because you?re young, and beautiful, and sexy, and I get rock-hard every time I look at you.?

Randi gulped. ?You do??

Suddenly she couldn?t breathe. The air seemed to have turned to thick soup.

?And tonight, you?re ready to take your first lover?and you?re very wet, aren?t you? And very aching and empty inside.?

Very, very slowly, he splayed his fingers so that they slid past her clenched hands?and began to caress her quivering skin. ?You need to be filled, don?t you? Long and slow and hard, until the aching emptiness is filled, and the entire universe explodes into brilliant colors around you.?

She gasped again, because it felt so good! Why hadn?t it felt that good when Lex had fondled her?

?I?ll stop if you want me to, and we?ll never mention it again. But if you want to finish what you started this afternoon, I?m yours. I?ll fill that empty ache inside you. And I won?t stop until I give you what you want?and need.?

He really wanted her? It was like a dream come true!

?Please?? She could barely even gasp out the word.



Light My Fire: Book 15 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 15·Dec 2015
Rusty was in for a shock when he rounded the barn corner, and found his boss?s pretty daughter trying to smoke a cigarette! Why hadn?t he realized how much she?d grown up? And she looked outrageously sexy in that skimpy vest and shorts!

Suddenly he ached to cool the fire in his blood by plunging deep into her hot little body. And he?d figured out the perfect way to get away with it!


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


He was treating her like a little kid again! Damn, she hated that!

?Fine!? she retorted, throwing her shoulders back in a rebellious gesture. ?Name something, anything at all! I?ll do it for you without complaining, just you wait and see!?

Rusty took a step in her direction, then stopped. ?Anything?? he echoed, clenching his big fists. ?Anything at all, if I don?t tell your father I caught you smoking behind the barn??

Holly defiantly lifted her chin. ?Anything!? she insisted. ?I don?t care how dirty or disgusting it is, I?m going to prove to you once and for all that I?m not a baby anymore!?

Rusty?s eyes narrowed. ?Oh, you?ve already managed that, darlin?,? he assured her in a low, intense voice. ?God only knows why I didn?t see it before now!?

Something was going on that she didn?t understand...but Holly had issued the challenge, so she had to live up to it, no matter what the consequences might be. She boldly walked across the room and planted herself right in front of him, so that they were practically nose to nose.

?Well, what?s it going to be, Rusty?? she demanded, jamming her small fists on her hips. ?Mucking out the stables for a month? Fixing the old harvester again? What??

An odd smile curved Rusty?s lips as he stared down at her. Holly suddenly had the unnerving sensation that he was secretly laughing at her...and his next words confirmed her suspicions. ?Is that the very worst that you can think of, little one?? he mocked, brushing back a wayward curl from her face. ?I can think of much worse punishments!?

Holly?s pulse began to hammer in triple-time. What could possibly be worse than getting all grimy and greasy inside the big harvester engine?

?Anything, you said,? Rusty slowly repeated, tilting his head to one side. ?Holly darlin,? I?m gonna teach you to never disobey again!?

The girl?s face paled, and she had to fight another urge to spin on her heel and run away. ?What?what do you want me to do?? she whispered, and hated the way her voice shook.

Rusty hesitated for several long seconds, and the silence seemed to stretch out into eternity. Then he smiled, and shivers began to chase up and down her spine again. ?I want you to kiss me,? he ordered.

Cool relief washed over her, and she released a thankful laugh. ?Is that all?? she exclaimed. ?That?s easy!?

She quickly leaned up and pressed her lips to his tanned cheek...then jumped back again in surprise. Her lips felt like they were on fire!

?Oh, no, Holly!? Rusty warned, catching her wrist. ?You want to be a grown up, you?re going to start acting like one! Kiss me the right way?the way a woman kisses a man!?

Icy terror surged through Holly?s small frame. Kiss him...really kiss him?

She?d wanted to forever, but...

?But I don?t know how!? she stammered, flushing in the dim light. ?Rusty, I?ve never kissed anyone before! Not like that!?

?Then it?s about time you learned, isn?t it?? he countered, pulling her closer. ?I?ll show you what to do...and you?re going to do exactly what I say, aren?t you? Or I?m going to tell your father everything!?

Insatiable Lust: Book 16 of "The Hazard Chronicles")
Book 16·Dec 2015
Peter was going so crazy from listening to his horny neighbors having sex that he was just about ready to explode! But he never expected pretty Joyce to catch him beating off in the hallway?or to be so horny herself that she?d let him have sex with her!

~~~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~~~

Joyce?s long hair was satin-soft under his fingers. And then her mouth slanted across his in a sweet, hesitant kiss that drove him absolutely mad with sheer raging lust.

He had to have her!

?We can?t stay here. If we can hear Danni and Damian having sex, they?ll be able to hear us, too.?

But where could they go that they wouldn?t be discovered?

?There?s that broken-down old cabin behind the Catholic church.? Joyce was panting so rapidly that he could barely even understand her. ?We could bring a blanket??

?Come on.? He grabbed her arm, and dragged her to her feet. ?Can?t go like this?? He was almost naked, and she wasn?t wearing much more than he was. ?Shirt. Pants.? He shoved open her closet door, and grabbed two garments at random. ?Hurry!?

She pulled them on over her nightie, and shoved the hem of it into her jeans. ?Now you.?

Danni?s ecstatic scream echoed faintly through the long hallway. Peter moaned, and staggered into his own room. There was no way he could get a zipper closed over his raging hard-on. Breathlessly he yanked a long t-shirt from its hanger, and trusted it to hide the wide gap in his jeans.

At the last second, he remembered to grab his plush navy blanket, and a handful of the lubed condoms he kept hidden in his bedside table?just in case.

He?d never had the chance to use them, but he?d tested one in the secrecy of his closet, so he could do it right if the opportunity ever arose.

Would he get to use some tonight with Joyce? Oh man, what a thought that was!
Labor of Lust: Book 18 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 18·Jan 2016
ÿAdam needs sex so bad that he?s going absolutely crazy. But Brenna is about to have her first baby, so they had to stop having sex weeks ago. And after the baby is born, it will be another two whole months before they can start up again.

But Brenna has other ideas. She wants sex one last time before she goes into labor. She wants it now. And she isn?t going to take ?no? for an answer!


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


?If I climax inside you, the hormones in my sperm could make you start labor early.? He?d told her that before, but he didn?t think she?d really believed it. ?And I?d hurt you.? That was something he wasn?t willing to risk. ?The baby?s dropped so much in the last few days that you don?t have room down there anymore.?

?I don?t care.? Her eyes began to glitter with frustration. ?I?ve been going crazy these last six weeks, and you have, too! You know it?s true!? Her gaze dropped to his worn slacks, which were jutting up in a huge hard-on tent just below his belt. ?You?re horny right now! Why won?t you have sex with me??

He was tempted...oh, how he was tempted! But he?d been so horny for so long that he wasn?t sure whether he could be gentle. And right now, when she was so close to delivering, he didn?t dare be anything but gentle!

?At least touch me,? she sighed, and helplessly closed her eyes. ?And I?ll give you a blowjob. That way we can both feel good. Please, Adam??

Why hadn?t he ever thought of that before? Impending fatherhood was definitely messing up his thinking.

?Okay. That I can do. But if anything hurts you, I want you to tell me right away.?

Excitement began to ripple through Brenna?s swollen body. ?You won?t. You never do, even when we do it hard and fast.?

He wanted to do it hard and fast right now! But he wasn?t going to risk anything that could harm Brenna and his unborn daughter.

Swiftly he stripped his clothes off, and tossed them aside. Brenna was naked under the single sheet. He slid it away, then simply stared at her in awed wonder...
Sexy Little Runaway: Book 20 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 20·Jan 2016
Hawke had been living alone for so many years that he?d almost forgotten how incredible sex could be. Now he wasn?t alone anymore?not since he?d found a ragged little runaway hiding in his barn, and realized that she was an outrageously sexy teenage girl!

Having sex really was like riding a bike. No matter how long it had been, your body remembered. And his was coming alive again with a vengeance! How long could he manage to keep his hands off her, before hot lust tore him apart?


~~~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~~~


Hawke waited until she was gone, then turned the water to icy cold and splashed it across his sweating face. Touching her had been a big mistake. A huge mistake. Now he was going to be hard all night, and he hadn?t suffered that particular malady in too many years to count.

He?d have to take care of the problem himself, in the privacy of his own bedroom, because for sure he couldn?t turn to her for comfort. Someone had abused that poor little kid, and he wasn?t about to compound it by forcing himself on her. No matter how desperately he ached to do just that.

The pots and pans could wait. If he didn?t take care of this little...check that, big...problem right away, he was likely to do something he shouldn?t.

His legs were a little unsteady as he hurried back to his bedroom, and that was something he hadn?t experienced in a long, long time, either. Who could have guessed that, at his age, he could feel as horny as a teenage boy lusting after his first soft girl again?

Never should have turned yourself into a hermit, he thought once his door was securely closed, and he could unzip his worn jeans with a soft moan of relief. You?re too old for seduction, and too young for a second childhood. So where does that leave you?

Panting in his room like an eager virgin...

Ranger's Lookout: Book 27 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 27·Jan 2012
ÿIt was Brad?s idea to hike around the lake until they found some cute girls to bang...but they got more than they?d bargained for when the sexy local ranger took them up to her cozy lookout...then offered to bang both of them!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Koko wasn?t upset by Brad?s and Matt?s bold compliments. She worked hard every day to stay in top form, and it was flattering to overhear two teenage boys lusting over a woman ten years their senior. Amusing, too. What would they do if she suddenly whipped off her shirt and offered herself to them?

She had to admit that it was a tempting idea. She wasn?t ordinarily a cradle-robber; normally she took a short vacation every few months, and visited a good friend of hers who lived over in Hazard Valley. But he?d gotten married recently, and while she wished him the very best, it had left her feeling...itchy, she supposed.

Okay, horny as hell.

As a matter of fact, before she?d realized that her two refugees were only in their late teens, she?d entertained an extremely erotic fantasy about bringing them up here and seducing the pair of them. She?d never tried it with two men at once, and the notion was incredibly arousing.

Thoughtfully she pursed her lips. Why not? She was horny, they were horny. They wanted to get laid, and so did she. They might be part of the religious retreat, and polite enough to be model Boy Scouts, but their religious beliefs obviously didn?t forbid illicit sex.

Yeah, the more she considered it, the more delightful the idea became!

?When are they expecting you back?? she asked.

The teens gulped hard, and cast another swift glance at each other. She pretended to ignore it, and the way their breathing quickened slightly, as she leaned back in her chair so that her tits jutted out just a little more.

Maybe she was feeling wicked...okay, she was definitely feeling wicked! But she didn?t think they?d turn her down. Matter of fact, with the slightest encouragement, they might just make her afternoon worthwhile!
Midnight Lover: Book 30 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 30
Kiley didn?t mean to spy on her best friend?s father while he was masturbating in the living room one night. But Mr. McPherson was so sexy, and watching him made her so horny! She just couldn?t resist watching him again and again!

Then he caught her at it, and she discovered that doing was even more fun than watching!ÿ (Book 30 of ?The Hazard Chronicles?)


~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~


Bailey yawned, then ruefully laughed. ?I?m wiped out. Think I?ll head to bed early tonight,? she apologized, and pushed herself up off the couch where she?d been relaxing. ?You coming, Kiley, or are you going to stay up a while longer??

The longer she stayed in the living room, the longer it would take for her to creep back downstairs and watch Mr. McPherson?

No, she wasn?t going to do that again tonight, she firmly reminded herself. It was just too dangerous, because sooner or later he was going to catch her at it.

Had he really gasped her name last night just as he?d climaxed?

Oh, she was going to drive herself crazy thinking this way!

?Coming,? she agreed, and lifted a hand in?she hoped?casual farewell as she followed Bailey from the room.

?Mac really liked watching you dance,? the older girl commented as she stripped out of her clothes, and tugged on a loose nightshirt.

Kiley quickly slid into her adjoining bed. ?Does the first time really hurt?? she asked. ?My mother said it always does. But some of the girls in school said it didn?t.?

?It?ll feel really strange when you have sex the first time,? Bailey confided. ?If the guy?s big, it?ll hurt really good.?

Kiley wasn?t sure how anything could hurt good?but she wanted to find out. ?Night,? she murmured, and settled down to wait until Bailey was soundly asleep.

It didn?t take long. Fifteen minutes later, she was creeping downstairs, and padding barefoot through the kitchen.

Mr. McPherson was already stretched out in his recliner, naked as a newborn babe. But no baby had ever looked like that, and the sight of him stole Kiley?s breath. Eagerly she inched closer to the door, and stared raptly at his reflection in the wall mirror.

Hunger churned inside her, and she nervously pressed her bare thighs together. She wanted to have sex with him?and if he wanted to do it kinky like Bailey?s lover, she might just let him! Anything, if it would just ease this aching need inside her belly!

But how could she entice him into sharing sex with her? It wasn?t like she could boldly walk into the room and climb onto his lap!

April Fool's: Book 31 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 31·Jan 1901
Cara loved pulling pranks on Kean?and this April Fool?s Day prank was going to be the best one yet! But her wicked plot backfired when she crept into his room to tease him awake, and discovered that he was already horny and desperate for sex.

Suddenly the tables were turned, and she found herself helplessly enthralled by the stunning pleasure in his clever hands and muscular body. Could she stop him from going too far and taking her innocence? Did she even want to?


She?d taken care with her plans, griping incessantly about her bedroom door?s faint squeaking until Kean?s father had finally gone through the entire house with a can of WD-40. That faint creak had always protected her from Kean?s mischievous retaliation?but this would be worth losing her early-warning system.

His door didn?t squeak anymore, either.

And since it was a weekday, his folks would be gone for hours. It just couldn?t get any better!

He was probably dreaming about Wendy right now, and she wondered, a little jealously, how far they?d gone. Had the sultry blonde spread her legs yet and let Kean have sex with her? Or was she still just teasing him?the way Cara was about to do?

Excitement began to tingle through her limber body when she tiptoed into the hall, and carefully twisted his bedroom knob. His door glided open without a sound.

Kean was sprawled across the mattress, bare-naked except for the thin sheet tangled around his lean waist. Cara eyed him with devilish delight. He?d grown strong and muscular over the years, and had matured into a really handsome young man!

Then her jaw dropped when she realized that the sheet was jutting straight up, and rising and falling in an incredibly erotic rhythm.

He must be having a really amazing dream if he was that horny!

Well, better and better! Instead of having to do all kinds of kinky things to arouse him, then shimmy away again with a wicked laugh, it would only take a few seconds to drive him half-crazy!

Cautiously she padded over to his wide bed, and rested a bare knee on the mattress. He didn?t stir. Gaining courage, she eased over his long body and straddled him, then settled down just a little.

She?d positioned herself better than she realized?

Dream Lover: Book 32 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 32·Jan 1901
Grace had been dreaming of a mysterious lover for years, but she?d always thought it was just a dream?until she rented a cabin at the national state park, and discovered that Axel, the sexy blond ranger, wasn?t a stranger after all! (Book 32 of ?The Hazard Chronicles?)


~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~


?Do you remember??

His quiet question stopped her dead in her tracks, and she spun back to gape at him in baffled confusion. ?Remember??

Something intense lit his narrowed eyes; she felt the force of it like a lightning bolt. Dizzily she braced a hand on the sturdy porch railing. ?The hayloft.? It emerged as a strangled whisper, and her eyes widened in sudden awareness. ?It was you!?

Then she shook her head in baffled confusion. ?No. No, that can?t be right. His name was Nathan! But?it was you! I know it was!?

Axel rose, and slowly crossed the wide porch. ?Axel is my middle name,? he murmured. ?I always liked it better, so I started using it when I became a ranger.

?I never thought I?d get the chance to see you again.? His deep voice seemed to vibrate in the cool night air like a plucked harp string. ?You haven?t changed at all.?

She wasn?t sure if she should be flattered or insulted. ?I hope I have!? she muttered resentfully.

That made him laugh. ?Well, you?ve gotten taller, certainly. But you?re just as beautiful. I recognized you right away.?

She didn?t believe his compliment for an instant, but still it warmed her deep inside. ?I thought, when I first saw you? But I never get to go anywhere, not even the town dances. So how could I possibly have known you??

But she did now, and hot excitement was thrumming inside her like a hive of bees. ?You used to work on the ranch. And you left the farm right after??

Quickly he laid a finger across her lips, silencing her. ?I had to leave. I couldn?t stay after what happened. It was an accident, you know that, right? It was wrong, and I couldn?t let it happen again. But I wanted it so much?so it wasn?t safe for me to stay!?

Hot tingles began to shimmer in her stomach again. Of course it could never lead anywhere?Axel had to be nearly thirty; he must have his pick of willing women. He?d never want a shy teenager who was so innocent and na‹ve.

But it felt so good to be held in a man?s strong arms!

If only?

When he finally eased back, that intense flicker lit his eyes again. ?You?re not a little girl now, though, are you?? he murmured, and traced her bottom lip with one long finger.

His light touch made icy-hot shivers ripple up and down her spine. ?No, I?m not.? Breathlessly she shook her head, and wondered if he had any idea what he was doing to her!

For several long moments he seemed to hover on the razor?s edge of some weighty dilemma. Then a slow smile curved his lips. ?Will you sit on my lap again, Grace? And I?ll show you why I couldn?t stay.?

M I L F Magic: Book 34 of "The Hazard Chronicles"
Book 34
Quinn had heard the rumors, but he?d never believed them. Witches were old and ugly, with warts on their noses. Weren?t they? Amelia was young, beautiful, and the sexiest woman he?d ever known. He?d do anything at all to become her lover?even when he learned that the rumors didn?t even come close to the shocking, arousing truth!

~~~~~ÿ Excerptÿ ~~~~~

?You want me so much.? Wonder infused Amelia?s lyrical voice as she moved a little closer. ?I never would have thought it possible.?

?Why not?? Quinn managed to croak the breathless question, then groaned with helpless excitement when her slender arms rose to circle around his neck. ?You?re so beautiful!?

?Am I?? That seemed to surprise her, and she blinked a few times. ?I?ve lived so many different lives, and closed myself off for so long, that I?d stopped worrying about my appearance.?

He never had a chance to question her enigmatic murmur; every rational thought fled his brain when she leaned enticingly against him. ?Is this what you want, Quinn? To become my lover??

He could only manage a desperate moan that combined lusty hunger with frantic hope.

?I haven?t taken a lover in so long.? He heard her voice echo from a million miles away, as if he was hearing her very thoughts. ?I?d nearly forgotten the excitement of it. But you feel so good, so big and hard, so full of energy! Will you share that energy with me, Quinn? Will you fill me with light and heat, and make me feel alive again??

He?d pull the moon from its orbit if it pleased her!

Her soft chuckle vibrated right down to his bones, and he felt his wild excitement kindle a notch higher. ?I?ll do anything you want!? His fervent vow emerged as a breathless gasp?and then he gasped again when she curled her clever fingers around him. ?Oh God, Amelia, I?m so close!?