Misfit Heroes

Latest release: April 3, 2012

About this ebook series

Shadows prowl the night. A dark warlock musters power. Evil lurks in every corner. The world needs heroes. What they get... is a few misfits.

A couple failed squires. A jinxed wizard. A banished spirit of the forest. A childlike demon and her teddy bear. They are outcasts, failures, oddballs. They might just save the world.

Eye of the Wizard
Book 1 · Jan 2011 ·
Shadows prowl the night. A dark warlock musters power. Evil lurks in every corner. The world needs heroes. What they get... is a few misfits.

A couple failed squires. A jinxed wizard. A banished spirit of the forest. A childlike demon and her teddy bear. They are outcasts, failures, oddballs. They might just save the world.

Wand of the Witch
Book 2 · Apr 2012 ·
They say an evil witch lives in the forest. They say she turns children into toads and pigs. They say her army of monsters will soon march to war.

Only the bravest, strongest heroes can stop her. Unfortunately... only a few misfits are around.

A couple failed squires. A jinxed wizard. A banished spirit of the forest. A childlike demon and her teddy bear. They are outcasts, failures, oddballs. Can they actually defeat the witch, or will the kingdom fall to her dark magic?