Liquid Cool

6 books

The Sci-Fi Detective Thriller Gets Cool...Liquid Cool!

Liquid Cool Book #1 is the FIRST-IN-SERIES action-packed (and funny) sci-fi detective series.

Meet a private eye with a cool hat, laser gun, and attitude. But don’t touch his red hovercar -- or you could get shot!

Watch him face off neon gangsters, sinister cyborgs, corporate samurai soldiers, and laser-gun shootouts while solving his cases in the rainy supercity of Metropolis. More gritty action and dark humor than you can handle.

In the debut novel author Austin Dragon shows why you never want to meet a cyborg in a dark alley.

Liquid Cool is a mix of Blade Runner and the Maltese Falcon. It’s cyberpunk reimagined—an ever-rainy world of mega-skyscrapers, speeding hovercars, dangerous neon streets, and futuristic mechanization. Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Governments and megacorporations fight for control of the fifty-million-plus super-city, but so does crime.

It's here we meet Cruz, our private eye (and unlikely hero), in this supercity with a million victims and perpetrators.

Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool.