
Latest release: March 30, 2021
Special issues
Cydonia Rising: A Science Fiction Adventure
Book 1·Sep 2019
The Emperor of the galaxy has fallen, slain at the hands of his own son.

Forced into exile, Katrijn was tasked with a mission sent to her by her father from beyond the grave: free the people of the Andlios Republic. Her biggest hurdle? First it's the assassins sent after her by the emperor. After years alone on the fringes of the galaxy, who will be there to help her dethrone the mad emperor and reclaim the throne. Then, it's dealing with her brother...

The Mad Emperor himself.

Katrijn must carve her own path forward, forging new alliances and swallowing her pride to take whatever help she can find along the way, no matter how... unconventional that help seems, even from sworn enemies.

If dethroning her deranged brother isn't hard enough, she's not the only one gunning for the throne, making it a deadly race to save the people of Andlios in this action-packed space epic.


Cydonia Rising is the first book in the Andlios science fiction space opera series.

This free ebook harkens back to the classic, epic space opera series like Dune, Star Wars and Hyperion, while perfect for fans of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Imperial Radch, New Crobuzon and more. With complex characters and themes, readers follow Katrijn as she deals with the ghosts of her family’s past and the pressures of a galaxy’s future on her shoulders. She’s not alone, though, as Jace, Trella and more cope with their own place in human history, dealing with LGBTQ, collectivist and anti-imperialist themes.

The series delves into the metaphysical, asking tough questions about capitalism, colonialism and racism that have plagued history and if we can still build a better future.

Veteran Star Trek and Dr. Who author Robert Jeschonek describes Cydonia Rising as such: “Once this book unlocks the vast, rich, and challenging universe that Dave has conjured in his ongoing literary Big Bang, you will never look back.”

Author Matt Saccaro touches on the different themes: “It’s a classical space opera mixed with some ancient Rome + medieval Scandinavia. A fascinating juxtaposition and difficult to pull off, but Walsh makes it work.”

Monolith's End: A Science Fiction Adventure
Book 3·Jul 2020
The Empress took the galaxy for herself at the cost of her humanity.

Alva's ascent to the throne was not without its challenges, but Trella always stood by Alva's side. Until now. Cast aside for tradition and power, Trella is adrift without a tether in the galaxy. The woman she sacrificed so much for has no use for her anymore.

With a renewed sense of urgency, Trella sets out to win her lover back, but can she hold on to the humanity she worked so hard for?

Her path is intertwined with that of Jace Krios and the princess in exile, Katrijn. A vision of a fatal clash between Alva and Katrijn sends Jace to the edges of time and space to save Katrijn from herself, only to find himself more lost than ever. He must confront his greatest fear to keep humanity from unraveling.

Friendships are tested, hearts are broken and change waits for no one in the third installment of the Andlios space opera series.


KEYWORDS: science fiction, scifi book, scifi books, space opera book, space opera scifi, space opera adventure battles, science fiction female lead, strong female characters in books, anarchist scifi, cyborg fiction, space opera exploration, space viking book, anticapitalist scifi, existential scifi, scifi box set, epic space opera, scifi fantasy, space viking battles, lgbtq scifi, progressive scifi, hema battles scifi, space opera, science fiction cthulhu, lovecraftian, lovecraftian scifi

For fans of: Frank Herbert, Dan Simmons, China Mieville, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. LeGuin, John Wilker, Martha Wells, Ann Leckie, Iain M. Banks, Iain Banks, Kim Stanley Robinson, John Scalzi, Chuck Wendig, Kevin J. Anderson

Anarchy's Edge: A Science Fiction Adventure
Book 4·Mar 2021
Deep in the heart of the galaxy, an ancient, banished force lays in wait.

Life has transformed for Trella. No longer bound to the old ways of her people, she seeks her place in the galaxy, only to find as her father seizes power in Andlios he may be a puppet for figures from his own past. With the help of her old friends, she must venture out further into the galaxy than she ever has before, hoping to stop the Banished before it’s too late.

There’s just one problem: the Khonsu revolution finds itself besieged by the Earth Ministry. 

After Khonsu Station and the gate went dark, Katrijn and Jace ventured through once more, in search of Loren and their friends. What they weren’t expecting was their fragile intra-galaxy alliance hanging on by a thread as the Earth Ministry cut off Khonsu Station, looking to reclaim the station and quash the uprising before it could spread through the rest of the galaxy.

Every revolution faces its past, but is that past too powerful to stop?


KEYWORDS: science fiction, scifi book, scifi books, space opera book, space opera scifi, space opera adventure battles, science fiction female lead, strong female characters in books, anarchist scifi, cyborg fiction, space opera exploration, space viking book, anticapitalist scifi, existential scifi, scifi box set, epic space opera, scifi fantasy, space viking battles, lgbtq scifi, progressive scifi, hema battles scifi, space opera, science fiction cthulhu, lovecraftian, lovecraftian scifi

For fans of: Frank Herbert, Dan Simmons, China Mieville, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. LeGuin, John Wilker, Martha Wells, Ann Leckie, Iain M. Banks, Iain Banks, Kim Stanley Robinson, John Scalzi, Chuck Wendig, Kevin J. Anderson

The Cymage (Andlios Origins Book #0): An Andlios Science Fiction Adventure
Book 0
With each cough, death looms closer. 

A cure out of reach for a humble monk living in the desert.

New meaning enters his life when the most powerful leader on Andlios discovers Am’ranth’s inventions and tasks him with the project of a lifetime. That project? A symbol of power during a time of peace, a weapon called the pulseaxe. 

An unlikely friendship between rivals is born, only to find itself tested by Am’ranth’s sickness and newfound desire to live. He’ll stop at nothing to accomplish, even if it means defying his new friend’s wishes by experimenting on himself. The rivalry born from this disagreement gives birth to a new future for humanity, one of legends. It also leads to the creation of a new race of hybrid people, with powers beyond the imagination at their fingertips where death is only an option.

Enter the Cymages.


KEYWORDS: science fiction free, scifi free book, scifi free books, space opera book, space opera scifi, space opera adventure battles, science fiction female lead, strong female characters in books, anarchist scifi, cyborg fiction, space opera exploration, space viking book, anticapitalist scifi, existential scifi, scifi free, epic space opera, scifi fantasy, space viking battles, lgbtq scifi, progressive scifi, hema battles scifi

For fans of: Frank Herbert, Dan Simmons, China Mieville, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. LeGuin, John Wilker, Martha Wells, Ann Leckie, Iain M. Banks, Iain Banks, Kim Stanley Robinson, John Scalzi, Chuck Wendig, Kevin J. Anderson