The Bible Treasury

Latest release: March 10, 2015
The Bible Treasury: Christian Magazine Volume 12, 1878-9 Edition
Book 12·Feb 2015
 Fragments & ReviewsThe Closing History of the Lord and Paul
Thoughts on Isaiah 7 - 9
"I" and "we" in 1 and 2 Corinthians
Testimony of Peter and John compared with Paul's
The Day of Atonement
Epistles of Paul
The Gospel of God
The Truth
Absent from the body, present with the Lord
Thoughts on the Atonement
Righteousness and Peace
The Sea and the Song (Ex. 14, 15.)
Pauline Greeting
The Bible and its Critics
Difference of Romans 12 and Ephesians 5
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ. (Eph. 3: 8.)
The Beginning of the Creation of God. (Rev. 3: 14.)
In Christ, and the Flesh in Us
The Rest of God. (Lev. 23: 1-8.)
God's Purposes
"Two Sticks," (1 Kings 16: 11, 12.)
"Watchman, what of the night?"
Judas, not Iscariot
Oikos and Oikia
Conversion and Salvation
To Correspondents - The Invercargill Circular
Scripture Queries and Answers 1 - On the breaking of bread and 1 Corinthians 5
Scripture Queries and Answers 2
Scripture Queries and Answers 3
Daniel 9: 24
On "offences." (Matt. 18.)
The Heavenly and His heavenly ones. (1 Cor. 15: 46.)
On War
Notice of the story of John Wesley
The Holy Ghost in Person
The Book of Joshua and Epistle to the Hebrews
A Letter on Separation
"Wherefore comfort one another."
The Lord's Table and its Place in the Church
The Church of God
The Difference between Teknon and Huios in the New Testament
A Letter on Separation
Notes on Genesis
Saul and David
Notice of "Short Papers on Church History"
The Penalty Paid
Notice of the "City of Progress."
A Few Thoughts on Hebrews 11
Fellowship, not Independency
Letter on the Lord's Death
The Christ of the Gospels as Seen in the Epistles
Legality and Spiritual Elation
The Ground of the Church of God
"I," Sins, Sin
The Due Spirit of Discipline
Thoughts on 1 John
Thoughts on John 14
Notes on the Epistle of James
The Hebrew Servant. (Ex. 21: 1-6)
Christ Dwelling in our Hearts by Faith
The Lord in Matthew 28
Thoughts on Deuteronomy 16
Psalms 105, 106.
A word on 2 Peter 3: 17, 18
The Epistle of Christ
The Bible Treasury: Christian Magazine Volume 15, 1884-5 Edition
Book 15·Feb 2015
 State of soul and the mind of God

The Lord's Supper. 1 Cor. 11: 20
The Passover and the Lord's Supper
The Christian, and how he becomes one
Wilderness Lessons (R. B.)
Faith of Old
Unbroken Peace
Provision for the Levites
Delivering Grace
"Life more abundantly."
"Not ashamed of the gospel."
Use, of "Eternity" etc. in early Fathers
The Cambridge Critical Greek Testament
Peace of Conscience
Occupation with Evil
"There shall be no more curse." Rev. 22: 3
Letters on Drummond's Natural Law
The Judgment of the Nations

Scripture Imagery.

 1 Introduction
 2 Kinds of Figures
 3 Variety of Figures
 4 The Serpent. The Sacrifice. The Cherub.
 5 Cain. The Sacrifice. Abel. Seth. Enoch.
 6 The Flood
 7 Noah: The Food: The Invitation.
 8 Probational Numbers. Birds, Raven, Dove. Olive Leaf and Tree.
 9 The Altar; Burnt-Offering; Miracles; Rainbow. Noah's Prophecy.
10 Line of Ham: Canaanites: Nimrod: Babel: Babylon.
11 Abram and Zion 5 Nimrod and Babylon: Faith.
12 Abram; Faith; Hope; Love; The Journey: The River.
13 Abram: Terah: Lot. Bushel: Bed: Candlestick.
14 Melchisedek: Bread: Wine: Cup etc. Stars: Sand.
15 Covenant-Victims: Amen. Lamp: Furnace.
16 Hagar and Ishmael.
17 Hagar and Ishmael. The Wells.
18 Well-Strifes: Well-Stopping: Sign of the Covenant: Sojourning: Lot's Wife.
19 Isaac: Character, Death and Resurrection.
20 Isaac: The Question. The Sacred Names.
21 Vicarious Suffering and the Result. Machpelah.
22 Sarah's Death. Eliezer's Mission. The Camels.
23 Eliezer: Rebekah: Laban.
24 Rebecca. Gold: Wrought Gold: Needlework.
25 Rebekah: Practical Reflections.
26 Keturah's Family. Abraham's Death.
27 Election of Jacob. Competition: Esau: Jacob.
28 Jacob Banished: The Ladder.
29 Jacob's Adversities.
30 The Pillow: The Pillar: Sympathy.
31 The Stone of Bethel.
32 The Three Flocks. Rachel. Leah. The Servant.
33 Jacob's Return.
34 Course of Discipline and Attainment.
35 Bethel. Oil. The Drink Offering.
36 Joseph: Typical Character.
37 Joseph: Separate from his Brethren.
38 Seclusion and Fellowship.
39 The Chief Butler and the Chief Baker.
40 A Gospel Episode.
41 Judah's Speech. Wagon v Staff.
42 Jacob Crosses His Hands. Manasseh. Reuben.
43 Reuben (Continued). Judah.
44 Judah. Issachar. Simeon and Levi.
45 Zebulun: "Ancient Lights." Dan.
46 Gad and Asher.
47 The Hind Let Loose.
48 The Fruitful Bough. The Shepherd. The Stone.
49 Benjamin's Portion.
50 Exodus. Jochebed. Miriam.
51 The Three Plenipotentiaries.
52 Zipporah. The Burning Bush.
53 The Rod-Serpent. The Leprous Hand.
54 Moses Losing Caste.
55 Pharaoh Negotiates.
56 Diplomacy Exhausted.
57 The Destroying Angel. The Blood. The Hyssop.
58 The Red Sea: Salvation: Miriam's Choir.
59 Mountain: Palace: Sanctuary: Tree.
60 Palms and Well-Springs. The Flesh-Pots.
61 The Quails. The Manna. The Sabbath.
62 The Omer of Manna: The Water: The Amalekites.
63 The General Assembly at the Mount of God.
64 The Law and the Testimony.
65 The Slave's Ear Bored: The Thirty Shekels.
66 Israel as Illustrating the Principles of Divine Service.
67 The Sanctuary. The Ark: The Mercy Seat.
68 The Table: The Candlestick: The Tongs.
69 Tabernacle Boards: Bars: Sockets: Curtain.
70 Three Coverings
71 The "Brazen" Altar.
72 The Court. The Priests: Aaron.
73 The Priests' Robes: The Breastplate.
74 The Altar Staves: The Laver.
75 Consecration of Aaron. The Golden Altar.
76 The Ointment. The Incense. Counterfeits.
77 The Golden Calf.
78 The Intercession of Moses.
79 Results of Moses' Intercession.
80 Outside The Camp. Illumined Faces.
81 The True Atlantes and Caryatides.
82 The Pillar of Cloud
83 Knops, Loops, And Taches.
84 Historical Abridgment of Two Thousand Years.
85 Death in the Sanctuary.
86 Forbidden Diet. The Swine: The Hare.
87 Lepers and Leprosy.
88 Provision For The Leper.
89 The Leper (continued.)
90 The Two Goats.
91 The Feast and Holy Convocations.
92 The First Fruits and Pentecost.
93 The Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles.
94 Painting the Lily.
95 The Lamp and Showbread.

The Bible Treasury: Christian Magazine Volume 20, 1894-5 Edition
Book 20·Mar 2015
 The Trial of faith? (Gen 22)Letter on John 16
The Returned Remnant, Ezra
The Remnant in Jerusalem, Nehemiah
The Seal of God's Foundation (2 Tim. 2: 19)
The Comfort of the Scriptures
Revelation 22
Letter on Christ's Person
Book Reviews
Morsels from Family Records
The Coming of the Lord in Rev. 2, 3
On the Assembly and Ministry
Andrews' Faith and Scepticism
The hidden Treasure and the costly Pearl
The changeless Christ (Heb. 1: 13.)
The True Vine
"Glorify God in your body" (1 Cor. 6: 20)
"This do in remembrance of Me "
On Hymns - W. Kelly
Burbidge's Love of Christ
Power, Religion, and Commerce
The Stone laid before Joshua
Breaking Bread at Troas (Acts 20)
Upon one Stone are seven eyes
Thoughts on Simon Peter
Recollections of J. G. Bellett
The Sorrowing sisters of Bethany
Letters on Singing
The Cup in Gethsemane
Farrar's Book of Daniel
Proofs of the Resurrection
The Lord's coming, not the saint's departing

Scripture Sketches

13. Andrews' Brother
14. John Mark
15. "Religio Medici"
16. "The Cloke That I Left At Troas."
17. Caleb
18. Othniel
19. Ehud
20. Joseph of Nazareth
21. Shamgar
22 & 23. Deborah
24. Joash of Abiezer
25. Gideon
26. Simeon of the Temple
Gospel Words

Woman (Gen. 2) W. Kelly
The Tempter (Gen. 3: 1)
Eve Tempted (Gen. 3: 1-5)
The Fall of Man (Gen. 3: 6)
Naked (Gen. 3: 7)
Where art thou? (Gen. 3: 8, 9)
Convicted (Gen. 3: 12, 13)
The Serpent and the Woman's Seed (Gen. 3: 14, 15)
The Jewish Leper (Matt. 8, etc.)
The Gentile Centurion (Matt. 8 etc.)
Peter's Mother-in-law (Matt. 8 etc.)
The Paralytic healed (Matt. 9 etc.)
The Tempest and Unbelief rebuked (Matt. 8 etc.)
The Demoniac delivered (Matt. 8 etc.)
The Woman healed (Matt. 9 etc.)
The daughter of Jairus raised (Matt. 9 etc.)
The Early haul of fishes (Luke 5)
Healing of the blind in the house (Matt. 9)
The Water that was made wine (John 2)
The Healing of the Nobleman's son (John 4.)
The Sower (Matt. 13.)
The Darnel of the Field (Matt. 13.)
The Mustard seed (Matt. 13.)
The Leaven (Matt. 13: 33)